Chapter 21

My legs shook as I followed the two eunuchs.

The carpet soon turned from a now comforting yellow to a seemingly threatening red and purple.

I took a deep breath and raised my head.

My feet were already sore from walking and it didn't help with my wobbly legs.

My breathing was becoming irregular and my eyes continued to dart down each hallway we passed.

We turned a corner with tall lit braziers on each side.

There he stood. The pig. I couldn't look him in the face and call him that though.

So I looked down.

He was wearing an emerald tunic with gold thread written all over it that reached just above his knees. His legs were only covered in billowy, black pants. He wore black leather boots on his feet that hugged close to his legs.

I moved my eyes hesitantly upward. His tunic was undone slightly at the neck so his collar didn't reach all the way to his chin. It revealed a little more of his sculpted chest than necessary.

My mind flashed back to when I'd first seen him when he had only been wearing a simple silk robe with breeches.

I subconsciously licked my lips.

"Hungry are we?" His stupidly smooth voice broke me from my thoughts.

I simply stood straighter and walked forward to his side. Standing so close I caught a whiff of the sweet smell of sandalwood. I remembered smelling that when he'd invaded my personal space in the library.

I tensed when I felt something touch my hand. I looked down and saw his hand reaching out to mine, I immediately glanced up and saw him looking down at me with an annoyed expression, his dark eyebrows raised expectantly.

I moved my hand back and felt him grab mine. It was a strange sensation, the warmth of his hand, it was smooth and much bigger than mine, and it sent a strange warm feeling through me.

It made me uncomfortable and I didn't like it.

I heard a voice announce from the other side of the door, "Our lord Sovereign, and her highness,"

I closed my eyes as I braced myself for the man's next words.

"Hydrangea of Cadarama."

The doors opened as did my eyes and I was stunned by the sight before me.

A dining room with a long table strewn with dishes and foods of all kind, above it were five chandeliers dangling with crystals and gems that caused light to shine all around the room. I saw out of the corner of my eye a large balcony to the right of me which overlooked the ocean. To the left there were low couches and tables.

I swallowed as I realized all eyes were on me. I steeled myself and tried to appear strong but I felt so small under their scrutiny.

The Sovereign led me to a seat at end of the table and he sat to my right at the head. Everyone else sat as well.

I kept my back from touching the chair and rested my forearms on the edge of the table, just like what Mistress Daksha and Alessia had taught me.

I swallowed again and glanced at the glass of water to my right behind my plate but couldn't remember if I was supposed to wait to drink it or not. I knew that I had learned all of these things many times over, but living them and doing them in reality was impossible.

My throat was getting increasingly dry and I felt a sweat break out on my forehead. I noticed my back was slouching and straightened it. The throng of voices was so loud and incoherent, I felt a pounding in my temples.

A plate was placed in front of me by two hands, I glanced up and saw the impassive face of a servant with blue sashes decorating him.

I took a shaky breath and looked at the food. A golden, triangle pastry with a thick, orange sauce ordaining the plate.

My throat was so dry I wasn't sure if I could swallow so instead of picking it up, I studied what the surrounding people were doing. I purposefully avoided looking at the Sovereign and glanced at the person next to me.

He was laughing, talking to someone across the table, I watched as he took the pastry and dipped it in the sauce then raised it to his mouth to eat.

I looked across from me and saw that man doing the same, lastly I looked at the Sovereign to see he had broken the steaming pastry in half and was dipping it in the sauce then.

I looked back down at my plate and saw the golden triangles, 'Here goes nothing.' I picked the warm pastry up and broke the tip off then dipped it in the sauce.

I chewed and swallowed the pastry which had been filled with onions and peas. The onions were a little strong and I glanced around to see if anyone else was drinking their water and saw one lady reach for her glass. After watching the woman successfully drink it and put it back down without consequences I reached and carefully took a sip of mine.

The meal was good after I adjusted to the noise. I was worried because nothing had happened. The Sovereign was just sitting eating and drinking, same as me.

I swallowed my last bite and took a little sip of water.

"Hydrangea, is it?" I heard a masculine voice say, it wasn't the Sovereign's. He sounded very loud so I turned my head to the left, making sure to keep my posture straight.

I stared at him before answering, "Yes." I answered, my voice small but loud enough to be heard.

I noticed that the rest of the table had quieted and my hands began to shake, luckily they were already hid under the table.

"So, tell me. How did you get our Sovereign to choose you?" He gestured with his food in the Sovereign's direction.

I looked in his direction and saw that he was glancing at us but focusing solely on his food.

I swallowed as my throat had become dry again.

I smiled to try and bring levity to the situation although the man had never stopped smiling.
