Chapter 23

"Your highness." A voice woke me from my thoughts. I looked to my left and saw a man wearing the linen garb of servants with a blue sash. His hands were held out and in them was a silver platter with three small, glass bowls filled with a creamy looking sauce.

"Ras malai." He stated, bowing his head.

I observed the dish a second more then with tentative hands lifted it from the platter. I nodded my thanks but he didn't bother to return any sign of recognition.

I took the spoon and scooped a small bit of the thick cream, just the way Mistress Daksha had taught, and tasted it.

The richness of it overpowered my senses and I closed my eyes in savouring the delicious flavour.

I opened them and saw that the three men's eyes were trained on me. The Sovereign's held a smirk, as always. The man across from me looked amused, as did his brother.

I felt my ears burn again and looked down into the bowl in my hands and took another spoonful, careful to enjoy it secretly.

"Where do you hail from? If I may ask your highness." The man from Wanington asked.

I noticed he talked with his hands a lot.

I looked up, he had that strange smile on his face again.

"Cadarama." I said simply but politely.

"Ah, I see." He said then continued eating his own dessert.

A few seconds later he continued, "But where in Cadarama? If I may ask."

I smiled nervously and glanced at the Sovereign who seemed to be completely absorbed in his ras malai.

I cleared my throat, "Crescent." I said.

"Hm." The man exclaimed, "Yes, I've seen Crescent,"

'Of course you have, Wanington and Crescent share a border.' I thought but nodded with a smile on my face.

"If I may ask, your highness. What area of Crescent are you from?"

"The shore and port area." I said as I took another spoonful, knowing it was one of the poorest districts in Crescent.

"I see. How are you finding your stay here?"

I wanted to laugh. 'Oh, it's been just wonderful!' I thought sarcastically.

"It's…" I was at a loss for words. I licked my lips trying to think of something complimentary to say about my time here but all I could think about was how kind the servants had been, "I've been taken care of." I decided on.

The man looked amused again, "Ha, I'm glad to hear it."

It was quiet again and I peacefully enjoyed my dessert.

"My Sovereign, how do you find your chosen bride?" The man asked.

My eyes widened. This man was bold. You can't just speak to the Sovereign that way! I did, but that was because I always lost my head when he was around. I looked at the Sovereign out of the side of my eye.

"Hmm…" I heard him hum next to me, "She's proved to be… quite the debater." He said emphasizing each word.

My left eye twitched and I quickly moved my hand to rub it.

All three men looked at me again and I slowly lowered my hand.

"And what of you, Dimitri. How is your search for a wife going? Slowly, I hope." The Sovereign said, taking a sip from a goblet.

The man from Wanington, apparently called Dimitri, laughed and replied, "Actually, I hope to find a bride in the girls that are being sent back."

My hand froze. I licked my lips and looked at the Sovereign.

"May I ask, my Sovereign, what he means by girls that are being sent back?" I asked in a very honeyed voice, my eyes razor sharp.

He paused and began swirling the liquid in his cup.

"You may ask, but will I answer?"

I clenched the hand holding my spoon into a fist and pursed my lips.

"And why not, my Sovereign?" I asked cocking my head to the left and gritting my teeth in a smile.

He looked at me with his brown eyes and raised an eyebrow, "It is not relevant to you."

I gasped at him, "Not relevant? How is it not relevant?" I hissed at him, "If you do not recall, let me remind you. One of my requests, was that you arrange good marriages for the girls you tainted," His eyes hardened but I continued on, stubbornly, "And to free the girls that were not, to send them back to their families."

He looked away from me and drank from the goblet.

"It has been over two weeks and you have not even begun this?!" My voice was hushed but rising in pitch.

"I suggest you silence yourself or you will suffer the consequences." He said calmly not looking at me.

'Coward.' I said.

All three sets of eyes were on me again. My eyes widened in horror and my mouth gaped open.

'Did I say that out loud?!'

"Hydrangea, are you tired?" He asked biting each word out.

He was mad.

"Exhausted, my Sovereign." I said in an affected accent.

He glowered at me and I smiled ditzily.

He rose and the other three of us followed.

"Good evening." He bid them.

They nodded, "Good evening, my Sovereign." The two brothers replied in unison.

"Good evening." I muttered, but loud enough to be heard.

"Good evening, your highness." The two said with kind smiles on their faces.

I decided that they weren't bad. Didn't know them, but they weren't bad.

I turned and took the Sovereign's elbow.

There was an announcement about our departure and then the doors shut with a slam.

I turned my head and came face-to-face with a very angry Sovereign.

I twisted my lips and tilted my head downward, "Can I help you?"

He scoffed and stalked down the hallway.

"Don't try that again, Flower." He threw back over his shoulder.

I smirked. It sounded as though he had only just figured out that a hydrangea was a flower.


After finally finding a servant that was willing to help me I finally found my way back to my room.

I collapsed face first on the bed, still wearing my green gown. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world to lay down while wearing a corset, but I was done. I never, ever wanted to attend anything related to the Sovereign, ever again. Ever.

"Your highness?" Clara's voice brought me out of the pillows.


"Your nightgown is ready." Her head was bent at that painful looking angle.

"Thank you. You don't have to stand like that if it's uncomfortable."

She blinked, looking unsure.

I just rose from the bed and walked to where I was usually dressed, behind the screen.

Clara moved and once I was in my nightgown I moved to sit on my bed.

"Do you not want your hair done, your highness?" She asked carefully.

I nodded my head remembering that step and rose back to my feet.

"Did the dinner go well, your highness?" She asked while brushing my coal black hair.

I thought about it then sighed and shook my head slightly, "No."

"Hmm. I'm sorry to hear that, your highness." She said. I was touched by her words.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened that made it so dreadful?"

I regarded Clara. She looked similar to my sister Rose, with her chestnut brown hair and warm skin tone. Her eyes were blue and intelligent. She looked older than Brigitte, maybe late twenties.

I was about to say that the Sovereign was his usual self but refrained because I knew it would make her nervous.

"It was just… hard and I never want to do it again." I whined.

A light laugh fluttered from Clara's lips, "Everything is hard at first, your highness, but it's usually worth it in the end. When I had my first child the pain was unbearable but when I finally saw her, I knew that it was all worth it in the end." A gentle, kind smile was on the woman's lips.

"Thank you." I smiled gratefully back.

'She's right. Maybe it will get easier with time.' I thought as I drifted off to sleep.