Chapter 25

As the two of us strolled through the grand hallways, I walked in step with Hadok—who was walking slower than usual—with my hands clasped behind my back.

"What must I do to maintain the Sovereign's harem?" I asked as we neared the red and purple of his chambers, crossing that bridge that we'd spoken on.

"You must delegate between the Sovereign and the favoured concubine and the first and second and so on, you will receive help from multiple sources, you must choose which you will accept."

I nodded. Daksha and Adhira had gone over this with the us but I had not really paid attention to it. The Harem disturbed me.

We walked in silence as he led through the Sovereign's chambers and into a new part of the palace; everything was new to me.

Once I felt we'd cleared the Sovereign's domain I asked a question I knew was bold but I hoped he would answer it.

"What do you think of the Sovereign?"

"It is not my place to say." He answered tactfully.

I nodded. "I dislike him." I said.

He stopped and grabbed my shoulders, "Your highness, no matter what you must never voice things such as that. It is asking for trouble."

I swallowed as I looked at Hadok's dark, intense eyes and slowly nodded.

He observed my face carefully before he let me go.

"Everyone here serves the Sovereign. Everyone has a master." He spoke in a clear voice.

I sensed an unsaid warning in his voice.


After visiting the Harem, which was surprisingly uneventful, Hadok brought me to a garden.

"Oh, Hadok, it's beautiful. Thank you." I breathed as I took in the sight of the lush garden. It wasn't the one below my room but it was, I'm sure, just as lovely.

"My pleasure, your highness." He bowed his head, this time I could see a faint smile on his dark face.

I giggled as I walked to the short wall that separated the garden from the outside, looking over the ocean.

The wind gently blew the hair from my face as I smiled and closed my eyes, I took a deep breath of the warm salty air. It wasn't like my home, but it would do.

"I see the Hydrangea enjoys being with her own kind." A voice that was beginning to grate on my ears spoke from behind me.

'He always manages to sneak up on me.' I thought annoyed.

I just turned not revealing my emotions as I bowed politely, "Greetings, my Sovereign."

"Hmm, yes." He smiled as though pleased by me calling him by his title.

The afternoon sun shone brilliantly on his golden brown features. If only he didn't have that smirk on his face he would be considered handsome.

I held my ground and just stood, attempting to hide my disgusted expression. The man was a pig. I'd just seen his harem and I was only now more certain of the fact that he was a pig.

"What are you doing in this garden?" He asked walking to pluck a small yellow rose from a bush.

"Looking." I said in a bored voice.

He laughed falsely and turned to face me with a dead look, "I mean to say, who brought you here?"

I suddenly felt scared for Hadok. Was he in trouble now? It was all my fault.

My mouth opened and closed as I tried to think of an excuse.

"My Sovereign." Hadok's deep voice said as he emerged from behind a flowering lilac.

"Hadok." The Sovereign said, his lips twisting in annoyance, "You brought her here. My orders were to never have her leave that wing unless ordered by me. You've disobeyed me."

My heart clenched in fear as I watched the two men. The Sovereign looked small compared to Hadok, who towered over him.

Hadok bowed his head, "Apologies, my Sovereign. As Head Eunuch I only thought it proper to instruct her highness on the workings of the Harem."

The Sovereign chuckled, "You thought? You thought?! Hadok, you serve me, not her." He jutted his finger out to point at me.

My blood was boiling in hatred for this man. How could he get mad at Hadok?!

I stepped in front of him, "How dare you. Hadok is not the one to blame…" I struggled to find the words to say, "I-I asked him to take me to a garden and he took me to this one."

"Huh, I see," The Sovereign said, I could a see a fire in his brown eyes that I didn't like, "So, Hadok, tell me why would you listen to her highness when she isn't even your queen yet?"

Hadok simply closed his eyes and bowed his neck in humility.

I gasped at the Sovereign, I grabbed his arm and spun him toward me, "You! How could you say something like that? And as far as I'm concerned the eunuchs serve the queen-"

"You are not the queen yet!" He snapped at me slapping my hand off his arm.

I clenched my fists, "Maybe, but shouldn't I know how to be a queen? Should I not learn about your harem, the palace?"

"You were taught that previously." He scoffed.

"Yes I was, but it's still important to learn it in physically." I said the anger diffusing from my argument as my confidence wavered.

He leaned forward and I held my breath, "There are so many things one could learn physically." He whispered his face only an inch from mine.

It took me a minute to understand his meaning but when I did my anger flared up once again and before I could think my clenched fist flew and connected with his face.

I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands stepping back hurriedly as he winced and grabbed his cheek.

I stared at him with wide eyes.

'He's gonna kill me.' I thought as he raised his eyes to look at me. Oh, he looked furious.

My blood turned to ice in my veins as he lowered his hand and revealed his cut lip. I swallowed.

"You bitch." He muttered licking the blood.

I stared in horror as he took a step toward me I stumbled back and tripped on my shoes. I was trembling, 'I'm gonna die.' I thought watching as his figure stalked towards me.

Just as neared me I heard Hadok's voice, "My Sovereign! The Union is tomorrow."

My shoulders slumped in relief as the Sovereign moved away, his eyes still smouldering.

After I saw him leave I relaxed.

"Are you alright, your highness?" Hadok said standing next to me.

I looked up, "Yes." My words came out as a whisper.

He helped me up and led me back to my chambers, after all I had a whole evening to prepare for the Union.

"I am sorry for causing her highness trouble today." He said as he stood at the door.

I shook my head, "Nonsense, it was not your fault. But thank you for bringing me to that garden, even if the peace lasted for only a second." I said with a grateful smile. He was the kindest man I'd met here.

He smiled and nodded. My smile grew. I got to see Hadok smile.

After an afternoon of bathing and creams and oils I was finally able to eat and sleep, but it would not come.

The one thing that continued to loop through my tired mind was what felt impossible:

'He didn't kill me. I'm not dead.'