Chapter 33

It had been over a week since that conversation and the thought still lingered in a few of the Lords' minds.

Lord Gaul stood, determined to bring this never ending matter to a close.

"Lord Gaul." Bastian said, waving his hand for the man to speak.

"My Sovereign, as I'm sure you are aware, this matter is important. Yes we had discussed it previously but as you can clearly see, nothing came of it. You may have decreed that the untouched girls be returned to their homes but since that issue was never followed further, no more work has been done."

Bastian thought for a few seconds then spoke, "How many of the girls are left in the old palace?"

The Lord bent his head down to listen to one of his clerk's words then raised himself to his proper height, "Less than one hundred." He stated.

Bastian nodded, "Fit out three ships and have the girls from Waxingville be sent to their state by one ship, the girls from Wanington by another and for the girls of Crescent do the same."

Lord Gaul smiled and looked across to Lord Stone, "Thank you my Sovereign, it shall be done."

Bastian stood, "Since these matters are resolved, I wish you a good day."

He turned to face his queen who had followed the rules and been quiet. He held his hand out to her and she took it. He walked along the long pathway exiting the room and then turned to a smaller corridor that led along the inner part of the palace, the windows lining along it having a view of the main courtyard where the Union had taken place just yesterday. He glanced out and could see servants hard at work tearing down the stage that had been used for the ceremony.

"Where are you taking me?" He heard the flower ask next to him.

He'd almost forgotten of her existence he let go of her hand, "You may go."

He watched as her grey eyes turned perplexed.

"So, you're done with me?" She asked.

He nodded, "Yes."


I looked at this arrogant pig of a man as he waited for me to leave. I wanted to say one last thing to him but I was positive that it wouldn't end well.

"Fine." I said and he narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously, "But I have one more thing I'd like to say."

He rolled his eyes and I took a step forward and slapped him, "First you forget about the untainted girls and now you finally send them off after two weeks that they could've been with their families, next you haven't even spoken about the girls you have t-tainted," I spat, "What do you plan to do for them? Have you forgotten our deal?"

He rubbed his cheek that was a little red, 'Wimp.' I thought.

"Why would I do anything for the girls that I've 'tainted' when they seem to be enjoying the lives that they are leading?"

I gaped at him and raised my hand to slap his other cheek but he grabbed it and squeezed, I forced myself not to whimper though it hurt quite a bit, I glared at him while biting my tongue and forcing my tears back.

"You'd do better not trying that again." He said and then he shoved his hand off my wrist harshly.

He thundered down the hallway and I clutched my wrist, it was red with indentations of his painful grip. I knew that it would bruise.

I sighed and chastised myself for slapping him, 'But the pig deserved it.' I reasoned.

I made my way to the end of the narrow hallway and back into the larger ones, somewhere must be the way back to my room.

I peeked my head out and saw that the large corridor directly outside the Throne Room where the court meeting had just taken place was filled with all of the Lords and other men dressed in black.

I scanned and waited for an opening where I could escape and navigate my way back to my room. I was positive that I could do it.

I took a tentative step out and nearly jumped out of my skin from the voice that spoke right next to me.

"I hope her majesty found the court well?" Spoke Lord Stone only a few feet away from me.

I moved my hand to my chest in shock. Then quickly realized that it was the same wrist that the Sovereign had hurt, I moved it back down and hid it in the folds of my gown.

"Yes, it was certainly interesting." I replied with a smile.

The Lord smiled and said, "Pardon my asking, your majesty, but would you be seeking some company back to your quarters?"

I blinked a few times then smiled in a an attempt to keep the relief from my face, "Yes, that would be lovely." I said.

We walked side by side along the magnificent hallways and I figured out where I recognized his name from. Lord Stone was Daphne's father. They do look similar in a few ways, he has a hooked nose same as Daphne, and though his hair is silvering they both share mahogany brown hair.

We finally reached the intersection between the Sovereign's quarters and mine.

I stopped and turned to face him, "Thank you Lord Stone, I can find my way from here."

He nodded, "Of course your majesty, but if you'll pardon me…"

I turned to face him again, "Yes?"

"I have one last question to ask…" He paused and waited to see my reaction, which was passive, I would hear his question.

"How do you find the Sovereign in terms of leading?" He asked a strange glint in his eye.

I watched him warily for a few seconds, recalling Hadok's words telling me not to voice my opinion of the Sovereign. Everyone has a master.

I cleared my throat, "I do believe that I know nearly nothing of ruling a country, I have been studying but I have less experience than the Sovereign or any of the Lords. I'm afraid that I do not have a reliable say in the matter."

Lord Stone nodded but the glint in his eye remained, "I thank you, your majesty." He bowed and then left down the hallway.