Chapter 35

Bastian tilted his head in confusion. The man began to walk away and he held out his hand, "Wait!"

But as he stepped forward his feet gave way and he fell into the dark pool. He couldn't breathe or see. He began to panic, he could swim very well but it felt as though his limbs had forgotten the ability.

He began to sink and he soon felt his back hit the sea floor. He'd lost all his oxygen and could feel his lungs straining and his consciousness fading. As his eyes closed he saw the image of a face but his eyes closed before he could fully make it out.


I watched the strange, glowing man. He had pure, white hair and pale skin like mine, but his was glowing as if he himself was casting the moonlight. Overtop of his luminescent skin was a clean, white robe revealing only his toes. His eyes instead of being white or silver were black.

I blinked at what he'd just said, 'We're very real and, here I am.'

I closed my eyes, "This is my dream. I'm dreaming."

The glowing man laughed and I opened my eyes, "You may be asleep but this is not a dream."

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"Why it's a simple conversation."


"Let me put your unbelief to an end." He interrupted, "You pledged your service to me, no?"

"Yes I did but-"

"I know that it was in jest but I do not take these… pledges lightly."

I suddenly got very worried that this might actually be Ratri-kar.

"You see, when a Sovereign or Queen pledges their service to a Primal, it is that person's duty to serve the Primal, and it is also that Primal's duty to protect them."

He stopped and silence ensued, "So… you're supposed to protect me?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yes. You see, it works both ways. You follow me I gain power, but I must ensure your protection."

"Then why are you here? Am I in danger?"

His face hardened and I swallowed, "Your… husband is not a very wise man."

I nodded my assent, 'I know this.'

"But, the Union has been sanctioned by the Primals. Though there were a few disagreements-"

'What does that mean?'

"-We did all decide in the end that it was better that you two were together than apart. Now, since you have such a… fool for a husband, he will soon face the consequences for his actions."

He stopped again and I tried to understand his words, "You mean death?"

"Hmm." He hummed, "Not sure, it's certainly in the cards but, if he dies you die. Samadur does-"

"Wait, why would I die if he dies?" I interrupted.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "Why would a queen with no Sovereign be kept alive?"

I looked down understanding his words, it was the sad truth of being chained through Union.

Ratri-kar cleared his throat, "Now, as I was saying, Samadur does not want him to die and I do not want you to, so…"

"So?" I was getting annoyed with his long pauses.

"We're going to try and keep you alive, but to do that…" He paused again, "You must listen to me."

I regarded him. He was unreadable but I decided that it was okay.

"Excellent!" He said before I could speak, clasping his hands together, "You better wake up now."


Bastian snapped awake gasping for air. As he slowly regained a sense of calm in place of the recent fear of drowning, he placed his head in his hands.

Squinting his eyes he attempted to get his mind to function but it was still stuck in the cold dark. He'd never been afraid of drowning before, he'd practically lived on the sea his entire life before he became Sovereign, why would a dream cause such fear to form in him? He asked.

Looking out the windows of his room he saw that the sun was just beginning to rise.

He rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palm and groaned as he got out of his bed.

He looked down at his bare feet and remembered the strange dream.

He squinted his eyes as he thought of the face he'd seen moments before the dark of the water had overcome him. It had been a bright, happy face with bright eyes. He shook his head and instead decided to focus on more important things than a queer dream.

Though the day was early this was his favourite time of it. The crisp morning air, the atmosphere still damp from dew. All of the flowers still in their cocoons.

'A certain flower was surely still in hers.' He thought wryly as he walked to his private chambers.

As he was dressed, his person; Hugh Lockwood, read him the order of the day.

First he had to bid farewell to the visiting leaders of the neighbouring countries, once that was completed he would say goodbye to the visiting Premiers and their families.

His friend Dimitri would be gone too soon.

Next a meeting with the Queen and Lords about her First Act.

Bastian sighed tiredly at this one. The day would've gone smoothly if it weren't for that one meeting.

'Oh, well. Might as well get it over with.' He thought as his hair was combed.

Meanwhile his queen was being prepared in a similar fashion. Her hair was being brushed back with fragrant oils and then put in a high bun to sit atop her head.

"We must think of how her majesty looks with her crown now." Said Clara politely as she placed small pins throughout the bun with small jewels on the tips.

Hydrangea smiled in reply but her mind was still deep in thought with what Ratri-kar had said. She shook her head internally. 'Was that even Ratri-kar or just some bizarre dream?' She asked as she yawned once more.

When she'd lived in Crescent she had been used to waking at the break of dawn. But after nearly four months of being pampered, she was finding it difficult to wake herself from sleep.

Hydrangea found herself staring at her reflection in the mirror. The henna was still detailed into her skin, the lifelike vines and flowers curling around her eyes and shoulders and the ornate floral patterns trailing down her forearms to her fingertips.

It was strange to see such things on her skin. It made her feel like she was changing outwardly instead of inwardly.

Relaxing her clenched fists she stood seeing that her hair was finished and said that she was ready to begin the day.