Chapter 38

A week passed and the royal physician finally cleared me. I had been annoyed at the fact that I'd had to stay in my room like an invalid. I'd survived worse things than a scratch.

But having finally been set free of the imprisonment I was finally able to announce my First Act.

I smiled happily as I was led to the Throne Room where it would take place.

"Why, aren't you looking chipper today." The Sovereign's voice sounded as he began to walk in step with me.

My smile grew, I was determined that he would not destroy my happy mood.

"I suppose you had plenty of time to come up with something decent for your First Act." He said clasping his hands behind his back. Today he was wearing a deep red tunic covered in golden beads, atop his head was his crown.

I shifted my gaze back ahead of me and was reminded of the crown atop my head.

"More than decent, excellent." I said happily. I had not felt this happy in a long time. I just hoped that the Lords would allow my decision.

Finally arriving in front of the doors the Sovereign grabbed my hand and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Care to tell me what your excellent idea is?" Mimicking my happy tone.

I turned and looked into his brown eyes dead on, "I do. Besides you'll find out soon enough." With a smile I turned back to face the doors as they opened.

My red dress was beautiful as it moved with my every movement. The gold was embroidered in leaf patterns along my skirt and bodice, over my shoulder was draped an elegant red scarf with golden tassels.

Apparently it was law that me and the Sovereign match in our apparel.

We reached the end of the room and sat on the thrones there.

The crier stood and announced why we were here, "Today, the Queen, our Queen, Hydrangea of Cadarama will announce what her First Act will be."

I felt my eye twitch and quietly moved my hand to rub it.

"The Queen may rise and tell the court what is to be her First Act."

The smile on my face wavered as I stood, the rest of the court followed with a loud noise.

I licked my lips and swallowed making sure not to wring my hands but instead clasped them together at my waist.

Clearing my throat I said as loud as I could manage, "For my First Act, I wish to have schools built in each state and the biggest towns, where children can learn to read and write."

I watched the room and saw some faces that didn't encourage me, only one that made me feel better about my decision.

"A wonderful idea!" Proclaimed the man with a kind face. He had silver hair on his head beneath the black cap and a reassuring smile on his face.

I smiled, grateful for his words.

After a few more minutes of silence my hands began to feel clammy and my eye twitched annoyingly.

The crier then said, "Do any of the Lords object to this action by the Queen?"

One man shook his head but the rest were all in favour.

I did my best not to squeal from excitement at my request being accepted.

I cleared my throat, my face still beaming, "When can preparations begin?" I asked, eagerly awaiting their answer.

I watched as the Lords bent down to hear their men give them answers.

Lord Stone spoke first, saying, "We can have the supplies ready for such a project in two months."

I nodded feeling a little discouraged that it would take that long but in the end, my siblings and other children like them would have an education.

Another Lord spoke, "To finance such a project will take time, three to four months to build the proper amount of funds."

I blinked a few times but I continued to smile, not wanting to prove the Sovereign right. I have a feeling that he knew this would happen and had hoped that my mood would waver.

I licked my lips and nodded, "Excellent."

A third Lord stood and I braced myself for more bad news.

"To arrange transport for the supplies will take no time at all." The man said with a smile he looked younger than most of the Lords, his black hair only had a few speckles of silver and his tanned skin looked healthier than the others, "Whenever the ships are needed I will arrange for them immediately."

I beamed at this, "That is is excellent news, thank you Lord…"

The man bowed and smiled, "Lord Gaul."

"Thank you Lord Gaul." I said with a smile.

I'd finished and it seemed as though there was no other things that needed to be said.

I sat back down hoping that it wouldn't cause any problems and luckily it didn't.

The rest of the court session lasted for another couple hours, only a few of the items discussed caught my interest.

I was very happy to hear that the girls had all been sent home, I only needed to figure out how to get the ones in the Harem out. Today, I felt powerful.

Hopefully this burst of energy would last until tomorrow.

Another item that struck my interest was that Viskogorny had withdrawn trade with Cadarama. It wasn't a major issue, Viskogorny only provided some foods that we could live without and a few precious stones and dyes, but other than that it was strange.

Once the court was dismissed the Sovereign led me out of the room and standing in front of the doors he leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek then he left, saying, "I'm sorry dear, but I have business elsewhere. I'll see you tonight."

I was shocked at first by the sudden intimacy but looking up at his face I soon saw the mocking glint in it. I attempted to hide a smirk at his words but failed, so instead I turned it into a smile, "Alright, I love you!" I called after him and he threw me a dashing smile.

It was a strange interaction but I guessed that I would have to get used to acting like this. We were after all, husband and wife. I bit my lip as I remembered his words, "See you tonight."

A chilled feeling crept into my bones.

The Lords began to filter out of the room and I turned to leave vaguely remembering the path.

A few turns into the path I felt lost.

"Your majesty." I heard someone say and turned to see the kind Lord that had supported my idea walking towards where I stood.

I smiled, "Hello."

He bowed, "Lord Darkson."

I smiled and nodded, "Lord Darkson, my thanks for the support of my First Act."

He smiled shaking his head, "It was no trouble, your majesty. I have been hoping for schools in our states for quite some time now, I am glad that her majesty has done so."

I nodded, "It won't happen anytime soon, but the important thing is it will happen."

His eyes became distant at my words, "Yes, yes. Well…" Shaking himself from his thoughts he asked kindly, "Is her majesty lost?"

I gave an exasperated smile, "It would appear that I am, my Lord."

He smiled and led me back to my room, all the while conversing easily with me.

Other than Hadok, I could say that this man was the nicest I'd met in the palace.