Chapter 40

Bastian waited, sitting on his chair, facing the door, for her to appear.

He took another sip from the sweet liquid in his cup.

He couldn't say that he hadn't been surprised at what her First Act had been.


It made sense, very few people in his country knew how to read much less write. He'd expected to see some sort of wavering in her manner once she'd been told of the preparation time for her project but no such wavering occurred.

The door to her private room finally opened and she stepped through wearing only a nightgown.

He was… disappointed to say the least. He had hoped that she would wear the special outfit that she'd worn the first night he'd ever seen her.

She jumped slightly at seeing him sitting in front of the door.

He swirled the cup in his hands, "I don't suppose your 'request' went as planned?" He asked.

Her grey eyes narrowed in confusion, "It did, as a matter of fact, I expected a few bumps along the way." She said calmly, sticking her chin in the air.

He rolled his eyes and stood from the seat, drinking the rest of his beverage as he did so.

It was late at night and the moon had already sunk below the horizon, the stars were high in the sky and the air was chilled.

He removed his robe and sat on his bed.

Hydrangea was yet to join him, he smirked thinking that she was most likely embarrassed of sleeping with him, the first time she'd insisted on sleeping on the floor or couch.

Well, actually the first time he'd had to chase her then had given up on her annoying antics, his smirk widened as he remembered that night.

But as he turned to look at her he saw a different expression than what he thought he would see. Her eyes were looking in a far corner, her slender brows drawn together in confusion.

He turned and saw that the statue of Samadur was placed there.

'Ah, whatever.' He said to himself as he drew the covers over himself.

He soon felt her slide into the bed and his lids closed.


A loud gong sounded and he opened his eyes to find that he was on his ship; the Venerable.

The sea was eerily calm, with no land in sight. The sky was bright with not one cloud or seabird.

He looked and saw that he was wearing his usual outfit while sailing, a loose cotton shirt tucked in at the waist of his dark breeches, his feet were bare like in the strange dream he'd had just over a week ago.

He walked along his ship and continued till he reached his cabin. The boat creaked slightly with the slow moving ocean.

Placing his boot inside the cabin the door slammed shut behind him and he jumped back to look at it.

"Do you know what you've done boy?" He heard that strange voice asked again.

He turned in a circle in the small compartment. No one there.

He left the cabin and wandered the deck, searching for the owner of that voice.

"Where are you?" He asked as he walked up the stairs to the helm.

"Here." The voice answered and Bastian jumped back after seeing a man standing at the helm that was not there before.

Taking a few steps forward Bastian cautiously asked, "Who are you?"

"You already know who I am." The man stated continuing to steer the ship in the endless sea.

Bastian shook his head, "But that's impossible," Closing his eyes he pressed his fingers to his temples, "I'm dreaming."

"You are sleeping, but this is no dream."

The man's voice sounded like water, it was smooth but dangerous.

"Then what is it?" Asked Bastian.

"I have a message for you." The man said and disappeared from the helm.

'Why am I dreaming about Samadur?' Bastian questioned himself as he rubbed his eyes.

He opened them and found himself in water. Below him he could see the dark abyss and above him he could see the surface.

He reached his hand for it, knowing that he could reach it when he felt an invisible force pull him down, deeper into the cold water.

He couldn't breathe and his surroundings were getting darker. He began to panic as his lungs were burning for want of oxygen.

He scrambled his arms in an attempt to reach the surface but nothing came of it and his attempts were futile.

Eventually he felt the force ease from his body and he floated near the bottom of the water, his eyes closing.

But before he could drown he saw a vision. He was fighting with someone, the clanging of swords clear in the air. He had defeated his nameless foe and he heard a voice calling his name. He turned and ran through the palace, searching for who was calling his name. The voice stopped and he saw himself panic and begin yelling a name.

Bastian couldn't hear what he was saying in the vision and could only watch as he descended a flight of stairs in haste only to find a body sprawled on the golden steps before his throne. Blood was pooling from the body and Bastian couldn't make out who the person was but he could see that in the vision he was distraught.

"No." He heard himself say as he knelt and drew the dead person's body into his arms, removing the hair from the person's face to reveal the face of Hydrangea.

Bastian shot up from the water and began gasping for air, seeing the man standing on the water before him he spluttered, asking, "What was that?" He asked upset and confused at what he'd seen.

"Something that has not yet come to pass." The man answered.

"You mean something in the future?" Bastian asked as he treaded the water to keep afloat.

The man nodded then crouched so he was closer to the struggling Bastian.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked, his blue eyes boring into Bastian's brown ones.

"Are you Samadur, or at least a dream form of him?" He asked.

The man stood, "I am Samadur. The creator. You have pledged your service to me, and in turn I will give you my protection."

"Why?" Bastian asked, his limbs were beginning to feel tired from the exhaustive work.

Samadur narrowed his eyes at Bastian, "That is each Primal's duty. Your mother is protected by Janyi, the Primal of motherhood and children. The Primal your mother chose to serve. Your father, Esteban was protected by Dzingazu, the Primal of war and strength. And so, I will protect you, but you must obey my commands."

"Why would I obey something that doesn't exist?" Bastian asked in all seriousness.

Samadur sighed tiredly at the man's insistent disbelief.

Without saying a word Samadur raised his hand and pushed Bastian beneath the water with an unseen force. And Bastian disappeared beneath the sea.