Chapter 42

I had had a very busy day. after the bump on my forehead had swelled down I finally met with the first concubine and discovering that they had a few sick girls who needed to be treated, I felt very accomplished.

Returning to my room I found a stack of scrolls and maps that I would need to go through for locations of the schools.

I was so happy that I was able to do this so I sat down and finished them near midnight.

Seeing the beautiful starry sky I could hardly believe that I was here. I was the Queen of Cadarama and I was building schools for the children of Cadarama.

Never once did I actually think being Queen would have good points.

Once more I thought back to my dream of Ratri-kar. He'd said that the Sovereign was going to be punished and that if he died, I would die also.

I bit my lip as Clara helped me from my dress and into my nightgown, Daphne carefully removed the crown from my head that I was getting accustomed to wearing.

After having all of the other apparel removed I went to my bed to sleep.

Clara and Alisha had left and Daphne and Brigitte were cleaning up from after the bath. I wished they would let me help, it wasn't very hard work. But I knew that they would not let me


I had just rested my eyes shut when a loud knock sounded on the door. My eyes shot open and I looked at the two ladies to see that they were just as startled as me. Daphne went to the door and I heard her gasp.

I rose from the bed and walked around the screen to see Hadok, with an unconscious Sovereign in his arms.

I gasped and brought my hand to my mouth.

"Is he…?" I asked unable to fathom what was happening. Was this what Ratri-kar had spoken of? Was the Sovereign being punished?

"He is not dead, my Queen, he's merely been given something that has caused him to sleep."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, the Lords seek to kill the Sovereign and rule in his stead."

Daphne gasped in shock, "No, that's not possible. You lie!"

Hadok shook his head, "I'm afraid not my lady. But we do not have time to discuss such matters, they will soon be here to take her majesty as well, we must leave."

I stood in shock, 'The Lords? They are doing this? But Lord Darkson had seemed so kind yesterday, and Lord Gaul had been very happy to endorse my idea.'

"Your Majesty." I heard Daphne say urgently, "We must get you dressed into something more appropriate."

"We do not have time, we must leave, now." Hadok insisted.

I had never heard him sound this way. I nodded to Daphne and Brigitte, "I'll be fine."

"You must at least wear shoes, your majesty." She said holding a pair of shoes out to me.

I swallowed and nodded, "Thank you."

"I will go with you." Said Brigitte, stepping forward with a slight tremor in her voice.

I felt touched by her words, "You do not have to, you can stay."

"No, I will follow her majesty." Her brown eyes were set in determination.

I nodded and looked at Daphne, "I will stay here. I must find my father, I know that he had nothing to do with this."

I nodded and shifted to face the door only to hear Hadok saying, "I fear that Lord Stone was instrumental in this."

Daphne shook her head, her face pale, "No, no he can't have, he would never do this!"

I touched her shoulder, not knowing what to say, "I'm sorry. Goodbye, Daphne." She gave me a hug and responded in a choked voice, "Goodbye, your majesty."

We left, walking down the dark passageways stopping at corners when Hadok would say that he'd heard something. My heart all the while was pounding so loudly I feared that we'd be found out.

Would Ratri-kar really protect me? Was the Sovereign being protected as well, by Samadur? My head was beginning to hurt from all of the issues and thoughts that arose from the current predicament.

Luckily we were not found out as we slowly descended the flights of stairs.

I looked at the Sovereign who was limp and thrown over Hadok's shoulder, his lashes were resting on his cheeks and his lips were parted slightly. Same way they had been this morning.

Licking my lips nervously I looked down and watched my feet as I carefully stepped along the stairs.

Hadok signalled for us to halt and I drew up short, me and Brigitte grasping each other's hand.

"Wait here, I will be back shortly my Queen." He said as he led us out a door and into the jungle. He laid the Sovereign's body down on the ground behind a bush and me and Brigitte huddled and waited for Hadok to return.

I looked up above at the canopy. There was no moon shining tonight and the only light was starlight. I could hear the chittering of animals and the rustle of leaves from the wind.

Wait, that wasn't wind.

My eyes widened as I saw a group of men walking on the other side of the bush. I froze and dared not move. They could be searching for us.

I looked down when I saw the Sovereign move. 'No, no, no!' I thought. The men were moving on but very slowly.

The Sovereign smacked his lips and I saw his eyes slit open. Without thinking I covered his mouth with my hand and he turned to look at me, his eyes were still half closed but they were angry.

I stared at him pleadingly and he continued to glare at me luckily he had not made a sound.

I looked up and saw that the men had moved on, I slowly removed my hand from his mouth signalling him to be quiet.

"What did you do?" Were the first words out of his mouth.

I gaped at him in anger, "I've done nothing!" I whispered shrilly at him.

"Really? When I was last awake I was in my chambers, now I am here in the jungle, with you."

"Shh, you have to be quiet."

"Why would I need to be quiet?"

"Because they're trying to kill you." I said staring him down.

I watched as his eyes flickered across my face, "Emon…" He said as he looked away.

"My Queen." I heard Hadok say in a hushed voice somewhere nearby.

The Sovereign who was still laying on his back looked over his shoulder to where the sound originated.

"Hadok." I called back softly.

I rubbed my arms which were getting cold in the night air. I looked over at Brigitte who seemed to be in the same predicament.

I heard rustling and soon saw Hadok's form appear from the bushes.

"My Sovereign, you're awake." He stated on seeing the man lying on the jungle floor supporting himself on his elbows.

"Yes, I am. Now could someone please explain what the hell is going on?" He asked, anger clear in his face.

I looked at Hadok and he at me.

"There's been a coup d'état, my Sovereign."