Chapter 49

"Wake up." I said as I splashed a few drops of water on the Sovereign's sleeping face.

He'd had another nightmare last night, the same as before with the gasping for breath. But as soon as he'd woken up he laid back down and soon fell back to sleep.

I myself was exhausted but I did not want to sleep. So, I checked on the two horses that were hitched to the coach.

Lifting their hooves I could see that they had not been properly cared for in a while. Their manes were also in knots and their coats were flecked with dirt and grime.

There was no tools in the coach so I did my best with what I had. Sticks and a few sharp rocks.

By the time the sun started to rise they were almost brand new. I gave them some water then led them to the grassy area nearby.

Now it was past dawn and the Sovereign was still sleeping.

After waking him and he yelled, we climbed into the coach. Brigitte requested that she drive again. I nodded, it seemed like she would like some privacy.

I climbed inside and sat across from the Sovereign, practically hugging the wall.

We did not speak and it was a quiet ride. I had told Brigitte to try and drive the horses a little gentler, their shoes were not in the best condition.

As I could see a town approaching I turned and looked at him, despite all the sleep he'd gotten he looked haggard.

"What are your dreams about?" I asked, knowing he would get angry with me.

He looked away from the window and at me with darting, hesitant eyes that quickly turned mocking.

"Why do care?" He asked with a chuckle.

I cast him a short glare but shook my head looking back out the window, "I was just curious."

He laughed but said nothing further on the subject.

The coach stopped once it reached the town. Mist coated the cobblestone road and clung to the grass. It gave it a spooky feel.

Climbing out, I saw Brigitte unhitching the horses, looking at her she gave her explanation.

"I'll be going to find a livery of sorts, your majesty."

I nodded my head but soon shook it saying, "We have no money to pay for their services."

Pursing her lips in thought she stood with the two reigns in hand.

Turning I looked in the coach, the Sovereign was just sitting looking outside the window.

"Sovereign, do you-"

"Apologies, your majesty." Brigitte interrupted me. I looked at her and smiled softly to let her know it was alright, "What is it?"

"I think it would be best, and safest… if you two stopped using your titles."

"What did she just say?" The Sovereign asked angrily, moving to get out of the coach.

"She said, to use our names. Like humans." I replied in a chipper manner.

He glared at me but made no reply.

"Do you think that it's a good idea?" I asked, looking at him with a smile.

He continued to glare then sighed frustratedly, "Fine. You may call me…" He muttered something unintelligible.

"We may call you what?" I asked politely.

Heaving a sigh through his nose he spoke, "By my name."

I beamed, "Excellent, you may both call me Hydie."

Brigitte nodded, "You may both still call me by my name."

"Hmm, thanks, but I think I'll stick to Maid." The Sovereign said smirking.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Alright Brigitte, thank you for bringing it up."

"Another thing… your m- H-hydie, they will know that we have a coach, they saw it on the beach." She said.

My brows drew together in thought, "Then… we keep the horses and leave the coach." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm sorry, since when are you two making the decisions?" He asked crossing his arms over his billowy, white muslin shirt.

Putting my hands on my hips I gave him a look of disbelief, "And since when are you?"

He opened his mouth but Brigitte spoke, "I believe we should move on, if it's not an inconvenience to you." Her last words had a bit bite to them.

I looked at her then looked at where her gaze was directed.

Across the hills me and the Sovereign realized that a large group of horses coming this way.

"The maid's right." He said as he began to grab things from the coach, "Take this and this."

He handed me two bundles and my knees nearly gave out. Brigitte helped by taking one of them but we soon put them on the horses backs.

Turning we saw that the Sovereign had put on a coat.

"Nice." I said sarcastically, "Now, let's disperse into the town and find a livery, speaking of, do you have any currency?" I asked the Sovereign and he looked at me with a bit of disgust.

"I don't carry currency on me." He pulled the collar of his coat up.

I rolled my eyes, "Well, alright then. We'll have to trade something. Do you have a nice weapon?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm afraid we'll have to cut this conversation short and hide." He said as he pushed me and Brigitte in the direction of the town.

"Wait!" I yelled, "Take one of the horses."

He gave me a look of utter bafflement, "Why?"

I closed my eyes and clenched my fists, "Fine, you go in front and me and Brigitte will follow."

He nodded as if that was the only and most obvious way and then he set off, walking confidently while me and Brigitte walked behind, pulling the heavyladen horses.