Chapter 52

Hydrangea rode the sweet mare, Helle, for a long while until she couldn't see the town behind her. The jungle was near and she slowed Helle to a trot then to an easy walk.

She stroked her mane as they began to enter the tall jungle, "Sh, shh…." She said softly to her.

The Sovereign's hands were still encircling her waist as they walked slowly through the jungle. Brigitte was next to them, her black mare, Dahlia looked tired.

"We should find a place for the horses to rest." She said and Brigitte met her eyes and nodded. The Sovereign made no reply.

They walked the horses to a small creek but before they let them drink Hydrangea checked to see if they were too warm or not.

Seeing that their temperature was not too hot they let them drink their fill.

Turning to the Sovereign she placed her hands on her hips, her hands were still sore from taking care of the horses.

"What was that?" She asked, her hair falling down over her shoulder. She had to braid it soon.

"What was what?" He asked in a supercilious tone.

Her eyes narrowed and her hands turned to fists on her hips.

"I told you to run." She said impatiently.

He scoffed, "And I was observing the situation. If they had had horses with them, then we would never had made it."

Hydrangea placed a hand on her chest, "We? I'm sorry, I believe that I was the one who managed to get you out of there alive."

He snorted softly, "Really now?"

"Yes, really. Why didn't you run?" She asked.

His eyes darted away for a split second and she watched him seriously. He was a coward, why hadn't he run?

He began to squeeze his sword hilt and then relax his grip. His face remained passive as he stared at her boredly.

Brigitte silently stroked Dahlia's coat as she listened to the exchange, 'They certainly know one thing, the other is in the wrong.' She thought as she patted the gentle mare.

Bastian was trapped. He had no excuse, no reason as to why he hadn't run other than the truth: He couldn't.

But, he was much too proud to admit that, so he simply chose to ignore her.

"Shall we move on from here and continue onto the capital?" He stated as he moved to the horse.

The maid edged away from him as he approached.

"No, not yet." He paused and closed his eyes at her words, annoyed.

"You can't can you?" Hydrangea asked amused. He couldn't ride. The Sovereign of Cadarama could not ride a horse.

A short chuckle left her mouth.

His grip on the sword tightened and he flashed back to when he'd held it to her delicate throat. His head lowered as he remembered Hadok's reaction: "If you dare to threaten your Queen like that again…"

Feeling something heavy weigh down on his shoulders he turned and faced the two women. Swallowing a bitter taste he grimaced.

The maid simply watched the ground with her normal calm expression but the flower on the other hand watched him, her hands still shaping her waist, with a bewildered and amused expression.

"I can't believe it, well… actually I can."

"Alright, enough." He said powerfully and she stopped, "I can ride, but I chose not to study that skill." He explained through gritted teeth.

"So you don't know how?" She asked, a smile on her lips that told of her enjoyment.

He clenched his sword hilt so strongly his knuckles were bright white.

"No. Now if we don't want to be caught I suggest we keep moving."

"Where, I mean how?" She asked, her arms now crossed over her waist, her shoulders held back confidently.

For a moment he couldn't help but admire his choice for his Queen. She was confident like his mother.

Shaking his head mentally of the thoughts that ran rampant in his mind he raised his head to look over the crest of bushes, "What do you mean where? We'll follow the road."

She shook her head, "But Hadok said to not follow the main roads. I don't know this place." She said and he could see uneasiness in her eyes as she surveyed the trees.

He also didn't know Waxingville that well, he knew the main roads. He knew that they were nearing a river that had a large bridge that spanned across it, but they would either have to pay toll which was a grating hindrance, or they would find another way across. After that they would be on their way to the capital city.

"Brigitte, do you know of a way through?" He was roused from his thoughts by the flower asking the maid a question.

'Why would the maid know?'

"I'm afraid not, your majesty. I lived further inland from hear, nearer the border between Mathuba and Cadarama."

'That explains how she recognized the Mathubans.' He thought.

Hydrangea nodded but they still didn't have a plan, 'We need Hadok.' She thought desperately as she felt her eyes burn from the fresh loss of their guide.

"But, I do know that there is an infamous trade route nearby, it borders close to the shore and… well, I'm afraid that's the limit to my knowledge." Brigitte said.

Bastian rolled his eyes, "Very helpful, thank you." He said sarcastically.

"And how is it not helpful?" Hydrangea asked angrily.

"If it's an infamous trade route nearby then wouldn't it be frequented by merchants and traders of the sort?" He asked splaying his hand in the direction of the sea.

"No, it-it's not. It's infamous for thieves and pirates. Many say that it's been cursed by Samadur himself because of all the death that has occurred there." Brigitte explained.

Bastian stiffened at the mention of that name. His eyes darted to the right as he thought, 'If Samadur guards that beach, would he protect me?'

"So it's not in use?" Hydrangea asked seeing a glimmer of hope.

Brigitte shook her head, "Not since I last heard, your majesty."

"Excellent." Exclaimed Hydrangea as she clasped her hands together.

Walking towards Helle she climbed on and nicked her to where the Sovereign stood.

Brigitte soon stood next to her atop Dahlia.

The Sovereign sighed but climbed onto the saddle, he reached for the reigns.

"Ah, no you don't get those." She said in a stern but amused tone.

"And why not?" She heard him ask sharply.

"Because you don't deserve them." She said and she nodded to Brigitte to lead the way. Her blonde hair was kept down and hidden in her dark, grey cloak.

'I need one of those.' She thought as she spurred the horse to follow Brigitte through the jungle.