Chapter 62

My plan was genius and the Sovereign also got to learn a lesson.

I smiled proudly to myself as I recalled his face when he realized my plan. Turning round I spotted him walking close behind, Dahlia's reigns in his hand. I smiled and he smiled mockingly back.

Giggling I turned to face the boat that was leaving the dock next.

In front of it was sitting an old man with a scraggly cat with beady, yellow eyes and a filthy, grey coat with patches of hair missing.

Clearing my throat I moved my eyes from the ugly cat and focused on the weathered old man with sagging, speckled skin and suspicious dark eyes.

"Hello sir. Me and my sisters were wondering if you could possibly grant us passage aboard the boat." I asked doing my best to keep smiling and keep the cloak covering my face.

The old man's eyes moved to look behind me at the Sovereign and my smile froze.

"She your sister?" He asked doubtfully.

Regaining my confidence I said, "Sister-in-law."

"I pity your brother." The man muttered and I pursed my lips to hide a smile.

"Two coins per passenger." He said gruffly and snapped me to my senses.

"Of course. Would you be willing to trade for something worth more than six coins?" I asked gauging his reaction, my eyes glanced at the soldiers who still stood at the far end of the dock, preoccupied with a gambling game of sorts.

The old man seemed to ponder this for awhile, "I'm listening." He said after a few minutes had elapsed.

I nodded and went to Dahlia's pack, she held all of the valuables. I glanced at the Sovereign and smirked when I remembered the man's comment.

Finding the jewel encrusted dagger I hid it in the cloak then handed it to him, attempting to keep the glinting metal from prying eyes.

The old man's eyes widened at the sight.

"Now this, this will grant ye passage."

"And what of our horses?" I asked.

"Eh? Oh, no horses allowed." He stated admiring the dagger.

Restraining an annoyed growl I went to Dahlia's pack again and pulled out the silk cloak with golden thread woven into it.

Plopping it down on the table the man took the precious fabric in his hands and after a few minutes of deliberation he nodded and let us aboard.

After safely walking onto the wooden planks of the boat my tense nerves relaxed. Looking back at the soldiers they didn't suspect a thing.

A few more passengers were let on then the boat began to move.

We'd tied the horses to one of the railings and were now standing by the railings, our faces met by the warm, salty wind.

The Sovereign was hiding amongst the horses and I smiled. I think, I might just apologize to him, maybe. But I knew that he felt humiliated, but was it the same level of humiliation I felt when I first came to the island, that embarrassment of being naked in front of that many people.

No, but maybe it was for him.

Chuckling to myself at the flower in his hair I turned my face to the sea and let my eyes close.

Steeping off the ferry we walked across the dock and saw more soldiers stationed there. Walking passed them, hiding ourselves behind the horses we made it through. After riding for a distance we entered the jungle and jumped off our horses.

The Sovereign was the most excited. He nearly bolted into the woods to rid himself of the woman's dress.

Me and Brigitte cooked up some eggs and picked some fruit.

The Sovereign returned, his chiseled body free of the restricting corset and back to wearing his loose, white shirt that was tucked into his belt.

'He is an attractive man…' An image of his tormented face holding my dead body flashed in my mind and I refocused on the eggs.

He sat down and neither me nor Brigitte mentioned the flower still placed in his lengthening hair.

"I thought we were taking a boat." He said sounding angry.

I looked up and his eyes confirmed my theory.

"I decided not to steal, and instead gave that nice man a bit of money." I replied.

"Those we're all of our valuables!" He exclaimed.

"No they were not. If we're truly desperate we can use one of your daggers, or an article of clothing." I explained calmly.

He slumped on the ground, propping his body up with his elbow. His black hair flowed now to his temples and was lengthening in the back as well, giving him a more shaggy look. His brown skin almost had hints of gold in it as it caught glimpses of the sun's rays.

'Truly an attractive man… too bad he's an arrogant fool.'

After watering and feeding the horses and finishing our own meager meal—which we were all getting accustomed to—we headed out.

Since we all agreed that it was most likely there would be fewer soldiers on the other side of the estuary, we planned to stay in sight of the main road but still in the protection of the jungle.

Night hastily rolled in as we marched along. I had returned the cloak to Brigitte and was now cold.

The Sovereign sat behind me and provided a little warmth but I wanted to lay in front of a fire.

Telling myself it wouldn't happen we continue on to Wanington.