Chapter 78

I followed Rowan my eyes fixed on the path ahead.

What was wrong with the Sovereign? He said he was sorry for my loss. Why would he do that?

I had cried, if only a little, when Brigitte had come to comfort me. She had been my mother after all. Her smiles could be warm but they had mostly been harsh.

I still couldn't believe that she was dead. I had held on to this anger towards her only to find out that there wasn't a person to hate.

I looked up when my eyes recognized my surroundings and saw the meadow begin to open up to my left.

"How are the youngers?" I asked, referring to our youngest siblings.

Row glanced back and turned round to begin walking backwards, "Peri has recovered from your leaving, she spent most of her time in the garden and with the chicks. Don't know what she's doing now."

"When did you leave?" I asked, many questions springing to my mind from his words.

He scratched his head, spinning round and falling into step with me, "A week or so after mother died. Me and Linden had a fight and I left."

"You've been out here that long?" I asked concerned as I tried to calculate how long it had been, "What did you fight over?"

Row shrugged, "He wanted me to find some work."

"And why didn't you?"

He massaged his neck nervously with his hand then raised his eyes and exclaimed in a much too happy voice, "Ah! Look, we're here already."

My head snapped to see where his gaze was directed and saw our home looming in the distance, it's silhouette clear against the starry sky. The clouds had entirely cleared but my clothes were still freezing and clinging to my cold, clammy skin.

"Row." I chastised because of his change of subject.

"Hm? Oh yes. The younger three boys play in the meadow most days, sometimes they hang out with Linden at the docks, I doubt they would now that it's cold out…"

"Row." I said, my voice increasing in impatience.

"And they help out with the animals, don't you worry. Maggy and Gladi help around the house as usual, sewing and feeding and such."

"Row!" I yelled, my foot stomping on the dampened earth. He halted in his steps and turned to face me, his hazel eyes glanced behind us at the others, who had stopped and were watching us intently.

"Why didn't you help Linden?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest, my eyes staring him down.

He looked at his feet, "I wanted to be… free."

I slapped his arm, "That's selfish. You should've helped."

He held his arm and looked at me ashamed, "I know… I just."

I sighed and walked towards the house I'd raised my siblings in. I stopped by the gate, my hand resting on the wooden post. I sensed Row come up behind me.

Our home stood two levels high, the black gabled roof sloping down, still dripping from the rain. The windows were all covered with their shutters. The dirt path that led to the door was damp and clear of any weeds or grass. I could see that the yard had been well maintained, the garden plot was clear of weeds as well.

Row patted my shoulder and walked around the house and to the back door that led to the kitchen. I followed, my eyes still roaming over my home.

Hearing no footsteps behind me I turned and saw the other four standing at the gate. All of them were watching the house with confused looks.

I sighed, "Come. We will stay here tonight." They looked down and began to shuffle down the path.

As I rounded the corner that led to the back door the barn and chicken coop were revealed, and they were in just as good shape. My eyes flickered to the kitchen window and I saw light coming from behind the shutters.

I was about to ask but Row sensed my question and spoke, "Rose waits up for me."

I gaped at him, "You let her do that? That's so unfair. You shouldn't worry her like that."

"I didn't ask her to, she just does it." He replied huffily.

I rolled my eyes, Row had always been the more immature of the twins, Linden being the responsible one.

He sighed and stomped up the steps.

I sighed as well and swivelled on my heel to look at my fellow companions, "We can leave the horses in the barn. For now you can come in and warm yourselves. I can get a fire going." I gestured to the railing on the stairs, "The horses can be tied here while we are inside."

Ariston, Dimitri and Brigitte tied the three stallions down and we all huddled waiting for Row to open the door.

His hand was hovering over the brass handle. I poked his shoulder and he sighed and turned the handle.

He trudged in and I followed, my chest pounding with a feeling of nervousness and excitedness.

"Row. This is the last time you spend the night out-" Rose's voice sounded but her body was blocked by Row's. He moved aside and her voice came to an abrupt stop.

I met her blue eyes with a hesitant smile.

Her mouth was parted in shock but it soon grew into a smile, "Hydie." She breathed and ran and hugged me.

I chuckled and hugged her back, "Oh, Rose. I missed you."

She let me go and stepped back a bit, her hands clasped together as she looked between Row and me.

"Oh, Hydie. How are you here?" I was about to answer but she continued and my voice stuck in my throat.

"We thought you were dead."