Chapter 81

Bastian didn't know what expression he should have on his face as he watched the flower furiously attack a piece of wood.

Her hair was falling from a bun at the back of her head, her pale face drawn in concentration as her small hands gripped the axe and with deadly force she brought it down once more.

She lowered the axe, her chest heaving from the work, her face flushed as she looked around her.

His eyes didn't move from her profile. The sun peeked through the grey morning clouds and shone down on her for a moment, bringing life to her features.

She smiled and his heart stopped. She was the one. She was the one he had seen before he drowned. She was the smiling happy face. That happinesses he wished to have.

Her eyes drifted to the meadow surrounding the house then flashed to him. Her grey eyes shocked.

He swallowed and began to search for something to say, "Good morning." He said simply.

She narrowed her eyes and tilted her head to the right a little but then shook her head sending more strands of hair out of her 'bun'.

She crouched to the ground and began to pick up the wood that she had decimated. Rising to her feet she looked down perplexedly at a piece of green and grey fabric.

"I can get that… for you." He said, his voice dwindling when he saw how accusatory her gaze was at his words.

"It's fine. I'll get it later." She snipped and he backed off.

Her raven hair continued to drift into her line of vision and he watched as she blew them out of the way, pointlessly as they continued to fall back in place. She looked annoyed and her hands were full of wood, so he did what felt natural and tucked the hair behind her ear.

Both of them froze at the sudden act of intimacy.

He opened his mouth again to come up with an excuse but was luckily interrupted by one of her brothers.

"Hydie!" The brother that Bastian had met the previous night yelled and ran for her, the flower set the wood down and beamed a wide smile. Bastian couldn't help but watch her face. A face he'd seen in his dreams for so long.

"Linden." She said happily as her brother still approached her from across the yard.

Bastian took a step back when he saw the brother reach his arms around the flower and raise her in the air as though he hadn't just seen her last night. A happy trill of laughter escaped her lips and Bastian didn't fight the smile that appeared on his lips.

"Okay, Linden." She said patting her brother's shoulders, "You can set me down. I missed you too."

The brother set her down and they began to chatter away. Bastian's mood soured slightly but he didn't move from his spot.

"My goodness, you've gotten at least a foot taller!" She exclaimed raising her eyes to look at her brother who was at least half a foot taller than her. Bastian stood a little straighter, he was known as tall and stood a head taller than the flower.

The brother scratched his head and looked at his sister, "I've only grown a few inches, so has Row."

She nodded, still smiling. 'Oh!' Bastian exclaimed in his mind, 'This was the identical twin I met last night, although there is something strange about this one's eyes.'

"What are you doing chopping wood?" Her brother asked not sounding too upset, "You should resting. You were nearly killed."

The flower stuck her chin up, "Maybe I was, but that does not mean I am incapable of chopping wood. We need the house to be warm for the kids."

The brother shook his head apparently familiar with the flower's attitude, "Fine, but I'll bring them in the house."

She nodded and gave him a peck on his cheek then she picked up the axe and the piece of fabric from the ground that she then wrapped around her shoulders. She then trudged off to return the axe to its home.

The brother meanwhile was crouched to the ground, drawing the wood logs into his arms. When he stood he regarded Bastian for a second then smiled revealing a single dimple on his right cheek and asked, "So you're Hydie's husband? The Sovereign?"

His words were not hostile but Bastian felt the need to defend himself, "I am." He nodded, his hand reaching for his sword hilt.

The brother nodded and stuck out his hand, "I'm Linden, pleasure to meet you."

Bastian hesitantly shook the brother's hand letting go of his sword hilt as he did, and then he withdrew his hand. He was confused, that was certain.

The flower exited the barn and hurried for the house, her hair now flowing freely down her back. Bastian's eyes never left her sprinting form until she disappeared into the house.

He looked back at the brother who had a smirk on his face.

Bastian didn't know how to react so he merely followed the flower into the house.

The kitchen that he'd seen the previous night was now alight with life. A fire could be heard and the sister, Rose he believed, sat by it stirring a large pot every so often.

Another sister, he assumed, stood at the long table in the middle of the kitchen, her brown hair was kept in a bun as her hands cut carrots into rounds.

The kitchen smelled heavenly but he hadn't spotted the flower anywhere.

He heard footsteps behind him and moved so the brother, Linden, could get through.

Both sisters looked up from their work and smiled at their brother, they also smiled at him which had him confused.

"Good morning, Linden! Good morning, Sovereign." Rose greeted as she wiped her hands on a rag, "Linden, you can put those in the sitting area and stoke the fire but I would like some wood in here too." She directed her gaze to Bastian and he raised his eyebrows, "I trust you slept well?" She asked as she retrieved a pot that was dangling from the ceiling and placed it in the hot coals.

"I did. Thank you." He twitched his nose at his words. This place was very strange.

"Alright, Rose." The flower's voice sounded from the doorway, "What can I help with?"

"Nothing." Rose responded, "You go and sit on the couch and don't move till I call you."

"Rose." She answered in a dangerous tone. Bastian felt as though Rose should listen to her sister.

Rose didn't look up from her work as she said, "Wait for the kids to wake up, they'll be happy to see you and you do need to rest."

The flower walked to stand on the side of the table opposite her sister, "Rose, I am fine. Gladiola, tell Rose that I'm fine." She said to the sister who was chopping carrots.

"Rose, Hydie says she's fine." The sister said with a grin on her face as she continued with her work.

The flower laughed sarcastically, "Ha, ha, fine. You don't want me working I'll sit on the couch like an invalid."

"Excellent!" Rose proclaimed, "You do that. Breakfast will be ready soon!" She called as the flower retreated from the room.

Bastian glanced at the two sisters and Gladiola glanced up from her work and gestured for him to follow the flower.

He did as she said.