Chapter 73

As though in a trance Bastian walked further into the forest; following the figure shrouded in darkness. His feet moving seamlessly over logs and a few puddles. Soon he arrived in a clearing.

Blinking, he spun in a circle, confused by his surroundings, 'How did I get here?' He asked.

"Bastian." A chilling voice spoke.

Bastian turned and saw the speaker.

His dark skin was draped with blue robes, his bare feet standing in a small pond. Bastian met Samadur's eyes that reflected the cool depths of the ocean.

"What do you want?" He asked, his voice tense.

The Primal made no response.

"What do you want? You want to tell me what a horrible person I am? How reckless?" He asked in a fury. He couldn't contain the pent up emotions anymore.

"Do you remember a Mary Cresson?" Samadur asked.

Bastian's voice caught in his throat as he searched his memories. 'No, I don't remember, there were too many.' His blood froze.

"You defiled her and after you were finished with her you sent her to the harem where she served as pleasure for your army." Samadur spoke, his voice sounding as though it came from the harsh cold depths of the ocean.

Bastian swallowed hard as he felt the atmosphere drop several degrees.

"Would you like to see where she is now?" The Primal asked, his blue eyes lowering to Bastian forebodingly.

'Please, no.' Bastian pleaded in his mind.

But it was to no avail; in the next instant against his will he found his mind going dark and his feet gave way beneath him.


A small woman with dirty blonde hair and yellowed skin, dotted with freckles was led down a pathway. Her thin wrists were bound by chains and her feet stumbled as her bonds were pulled on harshly.

She looked up to observe her surroundings and revealed her terror filled, forest green eyes. Those eyes darted around fervently at the shadowed brick walls.

Bastian's shoulders sank from recognizing the walls. He wanted to close his eyes it they remained open despite his desperate want. His chest felt heavy from dread and another emotion that he did not want to name.

The girl was thrown to the floor at the foot of a throne.

A harsh voice, and one that Bastian recognized, spoke, "Do you know your name?"

"M-mary C-c-cresson, m-my Lord." She answered in a faltering voice.

"And do you know why you are here?" The evil voice asked.

"I don't-"

"Because you have lain with the previous Sovereign!" He roared, "It is law that all those who could bear his offspring are to be put to death."

Bastian gaped at Lord Stone's words and watched in frozen horror as the yellow girl was dragged away, her screams and begging unheard by the Lord.

He himself yelled and screamed at the Lord to stop but he simply waved his hand and called for another girl to be brought.

"No!" Bastian yelled as he jumped awake.

His hands dug into the damp ground beneath him as his mind was wrought with anger.

He stood and began pacing. His thoughts fraught with anxiety and worry.

"Samadur!" He called when he'd had enough of his mental torment.

The Primal appeared and stood in the same body of water. His blue eyes unrelenting as they watched the young, dethroned leader pace.

Bastian's hand reached to clench his sword hilt but found none.

He sighed aggravatedly, "How could they do that? How could they k-" His voice failed him, "How could they kill them when they were clearly innocent! They did not deserve to die!" His voice cracked.

Bastian stood, his feet fixed in place as a thought dawned on him.

Samadur watched all. The forest around the pair had silenced in reverence of what was occurring.

Bastian's eyes raised to the sky; the sun had only just begun to pierce the dark purple sky with its beams causing a beautiful sunrise.

"It had been the Lords. They were the ones to suggest…" His voice dwindled as he saw no point in his argument.

He looked at the ground, "They did not deserve to die."

"Then who did?" Samadur asked.

'I did.' He said as he stumbled to sit at the base of a tree, 'I deserve to die.'

A squeezing pain clenched his chest as his shoulders bore the heavy weight of the wretched emotion. Guilt.

Samadur watched the human that was showing signs of change, his voice remained firm, but his eyes softened ever so slightly.

"What must I do?" The Sovereign asked his eyes looking up with determination but also fear.

Bastian did not notice the softened eyes of Samadur as he answered, "You are already on the right path. All you must do is seek forgiveness from those whom you have wronged." Samadur then melted into the water beneath his feet and disappeared.

The forest sounds filtered into the atmosphere and it felt as though the Great Primal had never entered into the confines of the forest.

Bastian inhaled sharply. He knew who he had to forgive; that flower. Her fiery grey eyes appeared in his mind and he flinched when the tormented green ones of Mary Cresson did as well.

Pinching the bridge of his nose he suddenly stood when he remembered his reason for entering this forest in the first place.

He rolled his head along his shoulders and nodded to himself, he felt such a hesitancy towards the idea of apologizing. But he also felt a longing to be free of this terrible burden.

His feet them tramped off in search of the flower and in search of forgiveness.