Chapter 87

Bastian had watched the flower with pain and sorrow in his heart. He'd caused those tears, he'd made her shoulders shake from sobs. When she'd picked up that cat and clung to the filthy, grey thing with such desperation it had only made his heart hurt more.

He waited patiently for her tears to calm but they never did. When they'd increased to the point that he thought he should maybe try to comfort her once more, she ran inside. He followed quickly after and saw her figure retreat up the stairs.

He was tempted to follow but he felt that he would only get pushed away again. He looked down and saw Ariston waiting, his brows were raised in question as he sat on the faded orange couch.

Bastian waved his hand and sat down on the green chair with a sigh of exhaustion.

"Well…" Ariston started slowly, "What I wanted to say before was, that I think we need to better prepare our weapons for the journey."

Bastian moved his eyes from the stairwell and looked at the young lord, "Why?"

"I was reading from a book they have here on the history of Cadarama."

Bastian raised his eyebrows and Ariston shook his head, "Not important. But I think you'll be familiar with the Great Beast Wars."

Bastian nodded, his face going solemn, "Indeed I am." He paused, "We'll be fine."


Bastian cut him off, "It's because of those wars that we will be fine. The beasts are nonexistent in our country and extremely rare in others." He paused and waited for Ariston to agree, the young man eventually nodded his head, "And if we do come across one, we hide."


The next day began the same as the previous had. Everyone awoke and began to work. After breakfast it appeared as though Rose had plans for them.

She tied a red handkerchief secure to her head and turned to face the sitting area; where everyone was eating and working silently.

"Today, we're going to market." She announced, her hands on her hips and her face lit with a radiant smile.

The occupants of the room looked at her in confusion and a sliver of shock, the youngers jumped up and ran to get their shoes and capes.

"Rose," Hydrangea started, her stomach was still queasy from her tears the previous night and she had been hoping to spend the day at the house. Alone. In her room, "We shouldn't."

Rose waved her hand, "It's fine, you don't need to come, but I do think it would be healthy for you. Brigitte and Dimitri, I can count on you, right?" She asked, her hands clasped together in expectation.

The pair nodded and both Hydrangea and Bastian took note of their friends' shared glance.

"You can count on me as well. I will be joining you." Ariston said from his position standing by the door.

Rose smiled wider, "Excellent. Linden has already headed in for work so Row will help us hitch the horses to the cart."

"I will?" Rowan asked from his seat on the floor.

Rose sent him a look and her brother sighed as he stood and walked for the door, muttering as he did, "Apparently I will."

Bastian had been silent as he thought about going to the small town of Crescent Port. But his eyes moved to look at the flower, her eyes were downcast as she ate her food with an ill pallor to her look. He shook his head and decided he wouldn't go.

After everyone was ready and dressed for the occasion they all stood outside. Bastian was standing at the back door of the house, leaning against the post. He was watching as Rowan and Rose were struggling to get the three youngest children into the cart, they wanted to ride the horses.

Bastian smiled when he saw Ariston pick up one of the youngest boys, Palmer, and sit him on the saddle. Rose shot him a confused glare but she seemed to let it go.

He turned around when he heard the door open and he saw the flower standing there, her eyes were hollow but determined. With one look she seemed to figure out the situation and with her voice raised she said, "Periwinkle. Hickory. Listen to your sister."

Both children stopped their pleading and silently climbed into the cart.

The group then waved goodbye and made their way to the main road. Both he and Hydrangea watched as they disappeared from sight.

Hydrangea then turned on her heel and entered the house.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he watched her leave swiftly through the kitchen.

Without turning her head she said tiredly, "Upstairs."

He shook his head, "No, you're not." He was attempting to hide his smile at how pleased he was by their being left alone.

"I'm sorry?" She asked and turned to face him.

He raised his chin, "We… are going on a picnic."

"No. We're not." She replied firmly.

"Yes, we are." He said with a triumphant smile, "Now go get dressed while I prepare our meal."

She just stared at him dumbfounded. After a few seconds she walked up the stairs and he turned to face the kitchen. 'What to bring?' He wondered as his hands landed on a loaf of bread. He shrugged and placed it at the edge of the counter, along with it he placed some preserves and a few apples.

He frowned, it seemed like a very small amount of food. What would go great with a picnic is wine. His frown deepened when he saw that they had no wine.

He turned when he heard footsteps and saw her. She was dressed simply in her dark blue skirt and white blouse, her shoulders were wrapped with her shawl and her hair was drawn back in a bun.

He couldn't help but pause for a moment to observe her flawless, silver coloured eyes. She was the only one of her siblings to have such a shade of eyes.

"Is that all?" She asked and he snapped out of his daze.

"Yes. I could not find any wine." He said wistfully.

She scoffed, "We don't need wine. This'll do."

He nodded and stopped her from picking up the napkin that held the food, "I'll do that, you need to show us where the picnic will be."

She tilted her head at him confused. He smiled, grateful she wasn't angry, and explained, "You've lived in Crescent your entire life, I thought that you might perhaps know of a place for a picnic."

She nodded and her eyes became distant. After a few seconds a small hesitant smile appeared on her lips and she said, "I do."