Chapter 102

Bastian walked, with Hydrangea in tow, to the balding man. The man turned his attention to them with suspicious eyes.

The rain berated them with pellets as they observed the area. The entrance to the gate was surrounded by two fenced in pens, one had pigs the other had sheep. Both pens were filled to the brim with mud.

Bastian flashed the man a smile as he approached him, "Hello there."

The man regarded both of them warily. Taking a lead he led a swine into the cart, "Hello."

"I was wondering if you recognized us, this is my wife, Queen Hydrangea, and I am the Sovereign." He could feel Hydrangea's palms become sweaty and her hand tighten around his. The bitter rain made her hand seem all the more warmer.

The man's eyes shifted between them and widened in surprise, "What are you doing here?" He asked with genuine fear. Although Bastian couldn't confirm wether it was for them or himself.

"We need to get through that gate. Care to smuggle us out?" He asked charmingly.

The man looked between the gate and them, then to his swine, "Aye, I could help my Sovereign and his beautiful wife."

Bastian frowned at that but only for a moment, "You would be doing your country a very great service." He said with a smile.

The man nodded proudly, "Well then, hop in." He waved to the cart that was half-filled with swine; the mud was was washing off of their multicoloured skins in murky streams.

Bastian grimaced and looked to see that Hydrangea had the same expression on her face. With hands still in the other's they climbed onto the slippery cart.

"Now just sit down, and they won't see ya." The swine farmer said. Bastian and Hydrangea lowered themselves to sit on their rears and after a few more minutes of waiting the cart lurched forward.

The pair did well to keep their heads down, both of them not even chancing to look up as they passed under the great gates. The wall was five meters thick and Bastian couldn't guess how tall it was. He'd probably learnt it at some point. As they exited the shadow of the wall and reentered the painful rain they both snuck a look at the driver.

Just as they began to believe they were in the safe zone a shout came from the wall and Bastian heard the sound of an arrow flying. He pulled Hydrangea to the floor of the wet cart and the slimy pigs began squealing.

"We need to get out!" He yelled over the rain and Hydrangea shook her head.

"Won't they be able to kill us more easily that way?" She said in a near shrieking voice.

He grabbed her shoulders, "We need to get out." He said sternly looking her into her tumultuous eyes. The rain had dampened her lashes and forehead and made her eyes look even more fearful.

She nodded and he grabbed hold of her hand. After letting out a breath he rushed out of the cart, letting the pigs free at the same time. He looked over his shoulder and saw a mass of soldiers coming after them.

He tightened his grip on Hydrangea's hand as a fear of losing her grew in him. But determination replaced that fear.

They ran through the rain and into a field of grass, at the edge of which was a forest. Upon entering the remote safety of the trees Bastian let go of her hand a drew his sword, "Hide behind that tree."

Her eyes went wide, "You cannot be serious, you can't fight them all by yourself!" She shouted.

He grabbed her shoulder and said in a sterner tone, "Hide behind that tree."

Her chest heaved with an untold emotion. With worry and fear in her eyes she sprinted behind the tree.

His eyes levelled on the soldiers coming towards him. He estimated forty to fifty, all armed. A sliver of doubt snuck into his facade, but he quickly pushed it away. He could do this.

He closed his eyes and did something he had never done before. He prayed. Bringing his sword up to his centre he felt the rain pour down on his physique and with it somehow strength surged into his bones. A malicious grin broke out on his face.

'Samadur was good for something after all.' He thought arrogantly as he strolled out into the damp waist high grass.

The first line of soldiers drew their weapons and Bastian effortlessly sliced the first twos' throats. His sword then moved through the ranks, his figure a blur.

Soon he stood in the midst of the flattened field, surrounded by carnage. The rain only added to the previous screams that had filled the area, now it simply battered on the once polished armour. The armour that was now bloodied.

He rested himself on one knee as he caught his breath. He could hardly remember what had just happened, it had all been so fast. He'd not even been in full control of his body.

He looked up to the trees upon hearing a scream, "Hydrangea!" He yelled.

"Bastian! Help!" He heard a cry tear from her. He sprinted as fast as he could to the woods, rain dancing into his eyes.

He found three soldiers with their blades drawn, one had Hydrangea in his grasp, his sword at her throat. Rage burned in Bastian and he drew his blood stained blade.

"Let. Her. Go." He said pointing the tip of his sword at the one holding Hydrangea. The raindrops had been muffled by the trees' leaves and bows but a few escaped and landed on his drawn blade.

The man chuckled, his blue eyes mocking, "You're right," He tossed Hydrangea to another of his kind and she squirmed in his grasp. Bastian's anger only increased, "It would be better if I defeated the Sovereign and then took his Queen."

Instead of allowing the anger to overtake him and make him reckless, he waited for the brute of a soldier to make the first move.

After regarding the other for a few moments the man charged and struck his sword to Bastian's right, he blocked and kicked the man's knee inwards. The man gritted his teeth and threw a punch at his face.

Bastian jumped back and one of the man's comrades called, "Get 'im, Saul!"

The man, Saul, smirked and Bastian internally rolled his eyes.

With some quick footwork while he was caught off guard the soldier sliced his right side. Bastian winced but didn't miss the opportunity to strike Saul on the head. Blood flowed from the man's nose and he growled in anger.

Bastian threw a quick glance to Hydrangea and saw her eyes engulfed in worry, her dress was damp and covered by an even damper cloak, her hood had been pulled back revealing the soaked strands of her delicate hair.

While Saul was still grimacing from his broken nose Bastian drew his sword across his stomach and then slammed the blade into his chest. The man's blue eyes widened before he crumpled to the ground. Dead.

The other soldier wasn't much of a challenge and he defeated him easily in just a few blows. He stood his ground warily when the last one dug his knife into Hydrangea's neck. Bastian narrowed his eyes as he thought of what to do.

In a blur he feinted left and distracted the soldier enough for him to release his hold on Hydrangea.

"Hydrangea, run!" He yelled as he struggled with the man. He'd knocked his sword out of his hand and it had turned into a fist fight. Bastian kneed the man in the groin and he fell to the ground. Bastian turned to grab his sword so he could end the soldier's life but he felt a blow to his head.

After a few seconds of darkness and disorientation, screams began to filter into his disoriented senses. He looked to his right and saw the soldier grabbing Hydrangea harshly by the waist. He grabbed his sword and with one quick stab through the man's stomach, he killed him.