Chapter 104

'Reading?' She fought the temptation to pull a face at what he'd said in answer to her question. Mostly because she also enjoyed reading, but partly because of how he'd said it. He had a way of saying things that made her take a second look.

His lips formed a strange quirk and his hooded eyes would smile sadly. His dark, golden brown skin looked even darker at night, especially with all of the dirt and grime on it. But other than that she found his features quite striking.

She looked away and decided that she would admit that he was an attractive man, just not one that she found attractive.

"Is that why you have a library?" She asked after she realized that she had not yet replied. Not that it mattered, she could hardly care, but she was curious.

"Yes." He answered with excitement, "My mother had the palace architect build it for me when I was of but seven years of age." He paused with a smile, "It was the best gift in my opinion, when I was a few years older I was gifted the Venerable, it's a beautiful ship and one that I enjoyed sailing in. But I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my days sailing."

"You seemed very proud of your ability to sail before."

"And I am, but…"

"But what?"

He shook his head, "It's nothing. We should make camp soon."

She nodded and they walked a few more metres before finding a suitable place to settle down.

Hydrangea made a fire and stood up to hear the Sovereign say, "You sleep, I'll keep watch. We can't risk anything."

She tensed. She didn't feel right leaving him to watch over her all night. He could hurt her or leave her alone.

He seemed to sense her fear because he said, "I will sit, right here," He said as he sat on a log, "And I won't leave. You have my word."

She scoffed although her features were still troubled, "And what good is your word?"

He gave her a quizzical look, "We have been running for nearly three months, and you don't trust me?"

She faltered, had it really been that long? Doing some quick calculations in her head she realized that they had indeed been travelling for that long. Her eyes raised to meet his and she saw concern but also a hardness in them. Her own eyes bristled and she crossed her arms.

"And why should I trust you? You're still the same person you were when we left that palace."

Hurt and pain flashed in his eyes and he looked away. Her heart panged but she ignored it.

"I hoped that you did not see me that way, I've changed Hydrangea, I have. And I'm sorry that you can't see that. But I do know this," He drew his sword, still stained with blood from the day's battle, "If I were to leave you as guard while I slept, you would not kill any enemy that stepped near me, nor yourself. That is why I will guard, and you will sleep."

He set his sword on log he was sitting on, the blade was illuminated freakishly in the flame and the blood glowed red. He pulled out a piece of fabric from his belt and began to clean his sword.

She fixed the cloak atop her shoulders and sat down in front of the fire. The Sovereign was not watching her but she knew that he was simply giving her some room so she could be more comfortable. She took a deep breath and laid down and tried to get into a sleeping position.

Eventually she drifted off into a pleasant sleep.

Her dreams took her to a forest, the Sovereign was walking alongside her as they made their way around a lake. It felt like a normal day but when he said they should stop to eat things suddenly shifted.

She found herself and the Sovereign kissing, her cheeks heated and she suddenly felt his hands on her waist, moving her to mold against his body. He was suddenly shirtless and she found her hands exploring his delightfully chiseled torso.

A chest that she'd only caught glimpses of before. Her hands fell on his arms and she felt his lips against hers, the warmth and heat made her toes curl.

She was in a haze of feeling kisses and touches, his brown eyes staring at her with desire and she felt heat burn throughout all her body.

"Hydrangea…? Hydrangea...?"

She stirred at hearing a teasing voice call her name. She groaned and opened her eyes to see the Sovereign's eyes. She simply stared at them for awhile then she became aware of how cold it was. Her brows furrowed when she saw the laughter in his eyes.

She sat up and saw her surroundings, trees and bushes. All was lit by a bright grey, cloudy sky.

Her gaze shifted back down and she saw the Sovereign crouching casually next to her. He wore a smug smirk, "So… what'd you dream about?"

Her eyes darted to the left and her cheeks burned in mortifying embarrassment. Had she been…? Had she…?

Her mouth gaped open and then closed, then it opened again. All throughout this the Sovereign looked to be enjoying himself thoroughly.

She stood and he followed leisurely, the smug expression never leaving his face. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear that she knew was burning. Her eye was twitching as she stuttered, "I-I… I w-was… I was…"

She clenched the damp material of her dress as she bit her lower lip.

"Yes?" He asked, amusement prominent in his manner.

She glared through her flusteredness, "I…" she bowed her head and watched the mossy ground, she mumbled, "Had a dream…"

"I'm sorry?" He asked putting a hand up to his ear.

She threw a deadly glare at him and stomped into the woods, "Oh, leave me alone!" She complained.

His laughter followed and soon she could sense that he was walking behind her, "I'm sorry but, I couldn't help myself."

She buried her bright red face in her hands at his words, 'How much had he heard? How much noise had I been making? Why, why did I dream about him?'

She hugged herself as she stomped away from him, he followed after her only a few steps behind.

After walking like that for most of the morning he'd finally had enough and he reached out to signal this.

"Come on, Hydrangea-" He said as he touched her shoulder.

She jumped and turned to face him even more red, "Don't touch me!" She yelled shrilly.

He chuckled and gave her a look, "And why not? Because of a certain dream you had?" Her face—if possible—deepened in colour and he chuckled once more, "I don't care," He did, "Now, can we please walk like civilized people and find our way to the border?"

She looked away and nodded. Her face was still affected by the fight yesterday; her pale skin was flecked with mud and blood. He was probably worse, his beard had been bothering him since he'd awoken yesterday evening.

He smiled and they began to walk in step with each other. In silence but he didn't mind.