Chapter 108

"State your name." The unseen speaker said.

Bastian blinked profusely to focus his uncooperative eyes. Shaking his head one last time he saw that he was in a large space, wooden walls stretched in arched triangles to the pointed ceiling. The dark wooden beams stood out on the lighter colour of spruce wood that the hall was built from. A deck of sorts with a banister was connected and the deck made it possible to get to certain doors.

He was kneeling on a floor comprised of rough wooden planks. Looking down the room he could see a person situated there, their manner was definitely stately.

Bastian strained his eyes and made out the vaguely familiar form of Premier Baldwin, the Premier of Crescent.

He recalled the man's question, "I am…" He began in a strong voice, then thinking better of it, said, "I prefer not to say in front of such public company."

Some whisperings followed and Bastian then strained his ears to try and pick out any words.

"Bring him to the dungeons." The Premier said and Bastian's eyes darted to the floor. Hydrangea was down there, at least they would be reunited before their deaths. He grimaced at that thought.

They blindfolded him again and then dragged him down flights upon flights of stairs.

Arriving at what he assumed was the depths of the capital city, partly from the stench and partly because of the deathly chill that lingered in the air.

His wrists were lifted and placed against a freezing brick wall. He felt the cold iron wrap around his wrists and his demeanour darkened.

"Remove his blindfold." The voice of the Premier ordered.

The covering was removed once more and his eyes immediately landed on the pompous form of the Premier Baldwin. Hydrangea was nowhere to be found.

"I thought that we were to speak privately, not me chained to a wall in your dungeons." Bastian said darkly.

The Premier chuckled, "Why make that assumption? You have yet to state your person, and if I do not know your name then why would I not have you down here?" He said spreading his right hand.

Bastian nodded and rolled his head along his shoulders, "You make a fair point. I will state my person. Are these guards and advisers trustworthy?" He asked jutting his chin in the direction of the other people in the vicinity.

"They are my personal staff and security. Your name will be safe with them." He answered.

Bastian nodded. He wondered what game this man was playing; he'd met the man on many an occasion, the recent Union to name one. He would surely recognize his face, the beard did not cover up his face to the extent that his identity was completely hidden. One who had met him would know him.

"I am Bastian Hiraeth, the son of the Alessandra the Beloved Queen and Sovereign Esteban, the twentieth sovereign leader of Cadarama and the rightful ruler of this country." He proclaimed in a proud voice.

The Premier raised his chin, "I don't believe you."

Bastian's mouth gaped open. He hurriedly closed it and asked, "Why not?"

"Because you left out a key detail to the true Sovereign's personality." The man said in a snakelike tone, brushing his fingers on the iron bars that enclosed the cell.

Bastian racked his mind, he needed to get out of harm's way, he needed to get Hydrangea out of harm's way. Hydrangea.

Without hesitation he said, "I am husband to Hydrangea of Cr-Cadarama, the Persevering Queen."

The Premier nodded, "Indeed you are." He said regarding Bastian with shrewd eyes, "Release him."

Bastian did his best not to look overly relieved, but he was. Two of the guards raced forward and had his shackles off within seconds.

Bastian stood easily and waited for the Premier to speak. This man had an agenda, he was not freeing him to be kind.

"I'm sure you would like to get washed up, perhaps eat something." He said, spreading his velour sleeved arms in a symbol of generosity.

"Where is my Queen?" Bastian asked ignoring the previous question. He could now act as Sovereign, as these people knew his identity, he would much prefer to act as the Sovereign than to act as Bastian.

He blinked at that thought, this is what Hydrangea would not like, and he knew it. He relaxed himself and looked at the Premier once more.

"Your Queen is safe, my Sovereign." The Premier answered with a bow.

Bastian resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "Is she being offered the same comforts as I?"

"She is safe, and as soon as I can tell you of why both of you are not dead, she will be brought to a guest room."

Bastian squinted his eyes, he remembered now why he never socialized with this man too much. He was as shrewd as a spider and had a poisonous tongue.

Calculating in his mind that Hydrangea was most likely in a cell similar to the one he was standing in, then she was not in too much harm. And if the Premier's explanation wouldn't take too long, then she would soon be completely out of harm's way. Well, not completely, this Premier was not the definition of safe.

"Very well, I will accept your offer."

The Premier bowed his head, "My two advisers will show you to a guest room where you can regain your strength."

Bastian nodded, "You have my thanks, Baldwin." And he followed the two men from the dungeons and once they'd reached the first floor, the one with the main hall, he was led up another flight of stairs.

The two advisers opened a door that stood perpendicular to a long banister, the ornately carven railing looked over the main hall. The main hall itself was hung with banners carrying Cadarama's coat of arms and its national colours. Along with these decorations large wooden chandeliers hung from the ceiling, the candles having melted down to stubs, but still burned brightly.

Down on the floor was a throne room of sorts, three chairs sat at the far end, the one in the middle for the Premier, he could tell by the grandeur. A long red runner ran from the large doors that formed the entrance to the "throne room".

"Your room, sir." One of the advisers said to bring him from his thoughts.

Bastian turned his gaze from the main hall to the open door. Walking in he saw a bed with curtains, two chests of drawers on either side of it. A large red and gold carpet covered almost the entirety of the wooden floor. Two couches sat opposite each other, removed a couple metres from the bed. Two windows with curtains pulled back were placed on the slanted wall on the farthest side of the room.

A steaming bath was set in front of him, in front of the bed. Before he could ask where he could find new clothes he heard the door shut behind him and then heard the distinct sound of it locking.

He inhaled slowly. He had a feeling that he was not in danger, and that this imprisonment was a way of protecting him.

He frowned and his heart panicked a few beats when he wondered where and how Hydrangea was.