Chapter 111

Hydrangea lay on the soft bed, breathing in the warmth from the fire and the soaps that she'd bathed with.

She replayed what had just happened in her head as she drifted between sleep and waking.

After she'd been blindfolded and gagged for no reason she was dragged from her cell, her heart pounding all the while. She was going to die. Her life would end. She'd failed her siblings, Brigitte, Hadok, Ratri-kar and the Sovereign.

As she walked up the steps her face switched between determination and fear. She wanted to survive, to save this country as Hadok had asked. But death prevented her and she was terrified of it.

After walking up what seemed like a million stairs the two soldiers, who had dragged her harshly to the point she was sure to bruise, knocked on a door. A voice called for them to enter and she was once again dragged.

Her brain was foggy and faint from lack of food and water and she stumbled to walk to where they hauled her.

"Release her." She heard a familiar voice say. She blinked when she recognized it as the Sovereign's voice. What was he doing here? Was he brought here the same as her, to die in this dark room, unable to even see death coming.

A few seconds after those words had been uttered she was released. Her legs swayed and almost threatened to buckle but the Sovereign caught her, his familiar scent filled her nostrils. His hands tore off the blindfold and gag that tasted of spoiled, rotten food.

Why was he free and able to do such a thing? She asked as she tried to get her eyes to focus in the dark room. She could see but one light source, a dim candle sitting atop a desk, a man sat behind it. She suddenly felt a twisting in her gut, that man was not a kind one. She could see it in his eyes, glinting with evil intent.

"Here she is, my Sovereign. Safe and sound just as I said she was." The creepy man said and her skin crawled with goosebumps.

She met the Sovereign's eyes, the man knew who they were, yet they were both unrestrained and unharmed. What was going on?

"You have my thanks." He answered in a guarded voice. Something was wrong, he was tense and his eyes were shielded.

"Excellent, now you may show her to the room that's been given you. I have ordered that a bath be prepared and clothes be brought. After doing so I would please like to have a few more words with you."

The Sovereign nodded curtly and then helped to lead her from the room. She looked to her left and saw a large hall with a long red carpet and banners hanging everywhere.

Arriving at a door the Sovereign opened it and then walked inside. It was dark only a fireplace and a few candles providing light.

Sure enough a bath was set and steam rose from it. A white cotton shift sat on the bed along with a brush. She noticed now that the Sovereign looked much cleaner and more kept than he had before. He must have had a bath as well.

He walked to one of the windows that was placed on the far side of the room. The moon shone dimly amongst the clouds.

"What is happening?" She asked in a hoarse voice.

The Sovereign walked to a table that sat between the windows and poured a goblet of water from a pitcher there, "Well, we're not going to be killed at this moment." He said with a smile as he walked towards her. But she could see that he was still tense.

He handed her the goblet and she hesitantly accepted it. As she drank it he continued, "Ariston was not killed." He said and she looked up at him in surprise.

"He-he's not dead?" She asked as her fingers clutched at the stone goblet.

He shook his head and she could see relief in his eyes, "No, he is not. They merely took him into their custody and he told them of why he'd been in the city." He paused as if debating wether to speak or not. Her mind was still filled with euphoria of the fact that Ariston was still alive.

"The man you just met was the premier of Crescent, Premier Baldwin Edvardson." The Sovereign said. He took a deep breath, his eyes landing on the door, in a low voice he said, "He is not to be trusted Hydrangea, he says that he will help us cross into Viskogorny and provide us with enough supplies to survive the journey. But do not trust him, he is crafty."

She swallowed and watched the fire nervously, it only illuminated half of the Sovereign's profile but she could see that he was tired and nervous.

She nodded, "What are we to do?" She felt suddenly afraid, they were prey trapped in a wolf's den, yet the wolf was helping them, helping them for his own reasons obviously.

"We'll play along. I will go speak to him now and ask that food be sent here. Take a bath and rest up." He said hurriedly as he reached for a large, warm looking coat.

She nodded, her mind still lost in thought. She suddenly felt the Sovereign's lips on her temple. She held her hand to the spot and looked to see him walking away and out the door. Her mouth was parted in shock as she blinked surprisedly.

He'd done the same thing before, just before they'd been blindfolded and separated. She shook her head in confusion, she was too tired to try and puzzle through his actions.

She removed her heavy travel dress, filthy layer by filthy layer. As soon as she was free of it she felt as though she could finally breathe comfortably. She sighed happily as she undid her matted hair, the braid came out painfully but it was a relief to finally be free of it.

She slid into the bath with a contented sigh. After scrubbing the blood and dirt from her body and eating the food that a maid had brought, she slipped into the soft shift and crawled beneath the covers.

Now her mind drifted from the stressful memories and into a sleep filled with dreams.