Chapter 113

Bastian had fallen asleep without a thought of Hydrangea sleeping next to him.

That Premier had drained him. His mind and body were depleted of energy and as soon as his head hit the pillow he passed out.

Waking in the morning to a bright cloudy sky he rolled over to see Hydrangea fast asleep. He smiled contentedly at her soft expression, her hands curled around her face. Sleep always gave such bliss.

His calm eyes darkened when he remembered the dream that she'd come to him with the night before. It was certainly troubling, not the burning fire but the temple of the Primals in utter ruin. What did it all mean?

Hydrangea stirred and he climbed out of the bed. He fastened the heavy curtain in place so that the morning light would not bother her.

Tugging on the warm coat that he'd found on the floor upon arriving in the room last night, he sat by the cold hearth and thoughts things over.

He heard a quiet knock at the door and instead of calling out he rose to open it, so as not to disturb Hydrangea.

Turning the knob and cracking the door open a few inches he found two maids outside, accompanied by two guards.

"We have brought clothing and attire." One of them said.

Bastian nodded and opened the door wider to accept the clothes.

"The Premier would like to see you." One of the guards said and Bastian nodded.

"Tell him I will see him in a moment."

The guard nodded and Bastian shut the door. He changed into the new articles of clothing, he could see that they were specifically designed for travel.

Thick, wide, dark brown woollen trousers paired with a tunic of the same colour. He put the tunic overtop a white undershirt and then pulled on the pair of strong, cured leather boots. Securing a belt across his waist he rested the new cloak over his shoulders and tied it securely.

He looked at the canopy bed that was hiding Hydrangea.

He'd been truly worried when she'd burst into the Premier's study last night in only her nightclothes. Her eyes had darted to both of them and he'd been so afraid.

But the dilemma was smoothed over and when the Premier returned, Bastian sensed no suspicion. But the man could've been hiding it well.

He arrived at the Premier's study and knocked. Hearing the voice of its owner call for him to enter he walked in.

"Good morning. I trust you slept well?" The Premier said upon him stepping foot in the room. Today it was well-lit, all three windows letting in an abundance of light, their curtains having been drawn.

"I did, thank you. Did you?" Bastian asked for the sake of preamble.

The Premier was distracted by a piece of paper on his desk that he was currently reading, after a few moments he wrote something down, and replied stumblingly, "Ah, yes, yes I did. You will be off today." He said and Bastian turned his head almost unnoticeably to the right, his eyes never leaving the Premier.

He'd hoped that he and Hydrangea would have more time rest and relax.

"May I ask the reason for such a rapid departure?" He asked in a careful tone.

"The Lord, Lord Hoffman is coming, the letter only arrived early this morning which means his ship will be docking any day now, or he might already have landed."

Bastian nodded, his features now set in a grim line, "I assume then that all of the supplies have been prepared?"

"Yes, yes. Everything is in order." He finally looked up from his desk, "I see that you have received your new clothing. Your Queen will have received hers too then."

Bastian nodded and the Premier stood to hand him a piece of paper with a wax seal on it, the signature green of Cadarama with the crest of Crescent inlaid in the wax.

"These papers will grant you passage through the wall." He said as he handed Bastian the official document, "Once you've made it through get to the Tzar as fast as possible. I fear that the Lords have more devious plans than we'd first believed."

Bastian nodded, his eyes warily watching the Premier, "What do you mean their plans go might be more devious than we'd thought?"

His eyes darted to his, "Did your Queen decide to stay?"

"No, she did not. Now tell me, what have you learned?" He said clenching his fists.

"That is unfortunate, she will suffer much on your journey."

"Baldwin." Bastian commanded in a stern voice.

The Premier shrank and Bastian tasted a sour flavour in his mouth, towards this man. His personality made him ill.

"In the letter I received from Lord Hoffman he said that he was coming to enlist an army for the Primals."

Bastian drew back. He knew that the Lord in question was somewhat of a fanatic when it came to the Primals but he hadn't expected this.

"What kind of army?" He asked in a controlled voice but he still could not hide the urgency in his mind.

The Premier wrung his hands and muttered, "He did not say."

Bastian ground his teeth, "I will take my leave now."

The Premier looked up at him, "Yes, yes. That would be best."

Bastian nodded and left. As he walked back to his and Hydrangea's room he was lost in his thoughts. Why would they want a army for the Primals? The Primals did not need or want an army, at least not to his knowledge.

He opened the door and saw Hydrangea standing in front of a mirror, straightening a fur lined cloak over her shoulders.

"We're leaving." He said as he stalked into the room.

"What, wait. Now?" She asked in a hurry. He nodded as he grabbed an extra cloak, his wasn't lined with fur.

"Yes, do you have everything?" He asked and she blinked in confusion but nodded, "Good, then follow me." He took her hand and walked down the stairs.

He approached one of the guards stationed by the main hall's doors, "Where are the stables?"

After glancing at his comrade the guard pointed down a hall. Bastian then walked with long strides in that direction.

Coming to the stables—after asking for help from a few other sources—he saw two horses, their coats thick and their saddles hung with many necessities.

He released Hydrangea's hand and began to rummage through them. He wanted to see if they were stocked with what he needed.

"Why are we leaving so suddenly?" Hydrangea asked as she walked behind him with the other horse.

"Because Lord Hoffman is on his way, we don't know if he will be here any day now, or any hour now. We must leave."

She nodded, her face serious as she mounted her horse. Bastian, satisfied with the packs contents, opened the stable's doors and then mounted his own horse.

Part of the cold weather gear that the Premier had gifted them were masks. Both of them pulled up the soft fabric up to around their noses. Then they left the Premier's house and the plaza.

As they walked at a brisk pace around the winding roads, Hydrangea asked, "Which one was, Lord Hoffman again?"

Bastian shook his head with a smile that was hidden by the mask, "He was, or I should say, is the Lord over the Primals and their temples."

"Hm." She responded and his ears barely caught it.

"What is it?" He asked. They were nearing the north gate, where they'd escaped the city—narrowly—last time.

"It's just that after my dream last night, about the Primals temple, I find it strange that the leader of erecting those temples is coming here." She answered in a clear voice.

Bastian nodded, his brows creasing, "No you're right, it is indeed strange."

They arrived at the gate, which was already open, and Bastian told them that the Premier had sent them there.

"These papers can only get you through the wall." The guard said.

Bastian sighed, "And to get to the wall I must get through here. So if you'll kindly grant us passage."

The man nodded, sensing that the man on the horse was of importance, and he let them through.

They then both broke into a gallop. It started to rain by the time they were halfway to the wall, but their masks helped to protect their faces.

Arriving at the monumental structure Bastian dismounted and signalled for Hydrangea to stay on her horse.

"What brings you here?" The guard standing near the large, imposing gates.

Pulling down his mask, "I have orders from the Premier to cross into Viskogorny." He answered as he handed over the papers. His pulse was pounding and he was sweating in anxiousness.

The guard read over the paper, his thumb brushing the green seal, he rolled them back up and handed them back to him. Then he turned and yelled, "Open the gate! Let them pass!"

Bastian relaxed his shoulders. He climbed back onto his horse and watched as the massive, heavy doors creaked open with the sound of rattling chains in the background.

He looked at Hydrangea, her face was stoic as she looked beyond the wall, with an expressionism her eyes akin to excitement. He couldn't blame her; they were leaving Cadarama, his nerves were wrought with both worry and glee. Worry because he would be leaving Cadarama to the Lords. And glee because he felt freedom was just within his reach. Freedom from the Lords chasing, from fear of being found, from a suffocation that had been weighing on him for so long.

They both walked under the dark arches of the wall. As soon as they emerged back into the light, along with the rain, he smirked at Hydrangea.

She gave him a shy grin back and he felt his heart warm.

She suddenly urged her horse into a gallop and sped off down the dirt road. He grinned and followed after her down the stretch of road.

This feeling of freedom made his chest expand with almost joy. As he caught up to her a chuckle escaped his lungs and she gave him a bewildered smile.

He only chuckled more. This was a new day, and a new chapter for their journey. They'd crossed into Viskogorny and were now so close to saving their country, so close to getting it back.

He couldn't help but relax in this newfound relief.