Chapter 138

Hydrangea's mouth gaped open and his grin widened. Bastian was still on the fence about taking her with him, but the Tzar had made some good points about why she should come.

Their… love, their relationship was so young and immature, if he left her now, then it may fall apart. And they'll grow stronger as they travel, as they had been growing together throughout the entire journey leading up to this. And yes, there will be toils and dangers, but he'd be with her through all of those, Primals willing.

Apparently, the Emissaries of Deliverance were gathering strength and growing stronger in the east, soon they may have enough power to take hold of Domkorolei. And if Hydrangea was kidnapped or killed in an attack, he would never forgive himself.

"You're shameless." Hydrangea exclaimed, her cheeks tinted an endearing rosy colour.

He grinned, pushing away his thoughts, "I may be, but I'd still be curious to see how much you want to come with me." He said, his eyes gleaming. The glint faded 'way when he saw the hurt in her eyes.

'Oh, dear' He'd pushed too far. He saw her fists clench at her sides, her grey eyes swirling with a multitude of emotions.

"Don't toy with my emotions like that. That's cruel. All I ask is that you take me with you. And you tease, and tease."

His expression changed to one of panic, "I know, I'm sorry. I just got carried away."

Her eyes watched him with an untrusting gaze, "Yes. You did. I said that you were going too fast, and then you ask me to kiss you? All… I … ask, is that I am with you."

He smiled, he really did love this woman; even when she was hurt and overwhelmed she could still speak eloquently. Strength. He admired her strength.

He walked towards her, she did not back away. Placing a hand on her cheek and another on her waist he could see nervousness behind her iridescent eyes.

"And you will be with me." He said, his anxiety rising to the surface. "You'll be by my side, forever." He kissed her forehead then placed his head atop hers. He relaxed when she relaxed her own head into him, resting it on his chest and allowing herself to be comforted by the hug.

He sighed in both happiness and disbelief. He remembered first seeing Hydrangea, her beautiful blue and silver ensemble, he'd have never thought that he would feel so strongly for Hydrangea, his flower.



Bastian rode next to Hydrangea, she always blushed if he looked at her for longer than three seconds, so he always watched her for a minimum of five.

It was the twenty-second day since their departure from Domkorolei. The weeks had passed with days of travel. They'd encountered no beasts but were on the guard for any followers of the Emissaries of Deliverance.

The Tzar had sent four of his best men with them: Sir Nikanor, Sir Vladlen, Sir Hristofar and General Ivan.

All would merrily converse in Viskogornian while he and Hydrangea would talk with each other.

She was slowly coming out of her shell; she allowed him to touch her and to kiss her. But he could still see the uncertainty in her eyes, her eyes… her eyes had opened to him, revealing all her emotions. She no longer hid behind an emotionless shield, she instead would convey her thoughts, the feelings she could not voice, the fear through her eyes.

He wished he could stare at those eyes forever.

While the horses' hooves hit the solid earth he listened to their native companions speak.

"They've not yet had at it. You think he's daft?" Sir Vladlen jested.

"Might be so, who'd be mad enough to leave a lady as handsome as she untouched for so long?" Sir Hristofar answered.

"Aye, or she's just shy. I'd imagine she'd make a fair bit of noise." The General added. The men chuckled.

"I do believe a woman can't go too long without such attention." Sir Vladlen said.

All of the men cheered to his words, then broke off in chuckling and laughter.

He clenched his jaw, his fingers clutching around the reins. They did not know that he was fluent in both dialects of their language.

"Bastian?" He blinked and looked to his right, Hydrangea was watching him with a raised brow, her eyes glancing between him and the soldiers who were still speaking on the same topic of conversation.

He fought to ignore them and focus on her, "Yes?" He asked, relaxing his grip on the reins.

She leaned closer to him, and in a whisper asked, "What are they talking about?"

"Nothing of consequence." He answered, it would hurt her and possibly horrify her. He could wait till she was ready for them to consummate their marriage. Though it had been months since he'd had the comfort of a woman, he would learn the comfort of a wife before beginning in their journey as lovers.

Although he was very anxious for that day to arrive soon. He would awake in the dead of night from dreams of Hydrangea in his arms, their naked, sweaty bodies entwined. The image had been planted into his mind, and it had taken root.

They made camp for the night in a forested area. A tent was pitched for him and Hydrangea to share. He tied Gravel to a log, the Tzar had been kind enough to gift them their horse. Hydrangea had found a new mare whom she'd named Peony.

While they huddled close to the fire, Bastian's arm wrapped securely around her waist as she rested her head on his arm.

The General and Sir Hristofar were hovering over a map, their voices muttering quietly in their native tongue. Sir Nikanor silently stirred a pot of stew that rested above the flame.

"Oi! I just found a nook with some steaming water," Sir Vladlen announced as he strode into the camp, "I've tested it and it appears we've found ourselves a hot spring."

Bastian glanced up, discreetly listening in on the conversation.

"Bastian?" Hydrangea asked, her eyes trained on him with a look that said, 'Tell me what it is.'

He sighed, "Very well." He pondered how to say it, "Would you like to go bathing? Sir Vladlen found some hot springs near by."

Her eyes lit up, "What's a hot spring?"

He smiled, she was no longer scared to reveal when she didn't know something. He felt proud of her and loved to answer her questions. "It's a pool of water that's warmed by heat generated from the depths of the earth."

"Okay." She nodded, "Bathing sounds like fun."

He kissed the top of her head, "Alright," He stood and walked over to where the General stood, "My wife would like to bathe, do you know of any bodies of water nearby?"

The General nodded and took a swig from his flask, looking to Sir Vladlen.

The younger man stepped forward, "Indeed, there is. Just up this slope, in a small cave is a hot spring. I'm sure her majesty will be comfortable there."

Bastian smirked, "Oh, I'm sure we will be."