Chapter 142

Hydrangea called out, screaming, begging for them not to go. She rattled the door knob, tears of fear and panic began to well up in her eyes.

She can't be trapped in here.

She ran down the halls, free from her imprisonment, her feet pounding along the carpet. Hearing harsh voices from down the hall she sprinted behind a door.

Her chest heaved as she observed the large room. She called a name, but no sound reached her ears. She called again, feeling the urgency grow in her chest.

She called the name again but stopped when she felt something press against her back. She stiffened and bit her tongue.

Someone spoke but she couldn't discern their identity. All she knew was that their voice disturbed her.

Gasping, her eyes opened to see the moon; white and bright as ever.

"Beware the Tlatoani."

She inhaled sharply and swallowed. Her eyes shot open and she saw the familiar canvas of the tent.

Sucking in a breath she hadn't realized that she had been holding one.

A dream.

She had had a dream. And one that she'd never seen before.

Her heart pounded as she replayed the vague events in her mind. The sounds of the jungle filtered into her brain that was still struggling from the forceful waking. The strange insects that clicked in distance. The humid, chilled atmosphere clinging to her bones.

She blinked and turned her head when she heard a sound. She smiled and relaxed when she saw Bastian smacking his lips, his eyes closed as he was still deep in sleep.

She sighed silently as she stared at the silhouette of his face. She was tempted to stroke his face or snuggle closer to him, but… she didn't know how.

She was so afraid she'd mess something up. He was so good at showering her with affection, and… she loved it. She hugged him back, and kissed him back as best she could.

But he'd kissed other women before.

Her heart withered slightly at the notion. But it was in the past now. Warmth reentered her chest just from looking at his face again.

With nervousness making her want to roll over and ignore him, she slowly inched towards him. She swallowed when she came into contact with his body, but she soon melted into him.

She blinked slowly a few times, drowsiness beginning to settle into her mind again. She nuzzled her face into his shoulder and smiled at his comforting scent, mixed with sweat and other substances, but she didn't mind; she didn't smell all that great either.

He shifted and her eyes widened when she saw that she'd woken him. He squinted his eyes open and turned his head to look at her.

"Hydrangea?" He asked in a husky voice still filled with sleep.

She nodded, "Yes?"

He stretched the arm she was snuggling next to around her and pulled her close against him. She laughed softly and relaxed her head on his chest.

"Why are you awake?" He asked in the same husky voice. Her mouth parted at feeling it rumble in his chest and at her cheeks flushing with heat from it.

"I, uh… I couldn't sleep."

"Did you have a dream?" He asked, concern now etched in his rather magnetic voice.


Her heart pounded and she chastised herself. Although she wasn't too upset. She'd be mortified if he discovered her reaction to his beautiful, deep voice.

"Why didn't you wake me?" He asked her. She smiled at him.

"Because, Bastian. That would be rude." She explained.

He hummed, and she sucked in a slow breath at how it reverberated throughout his chest. "I wouldn't have minded." He sighed and she saw that he'd fallen back asleep. His arm around her waist relaxed.

She exhaled in relief. She didn't know what was wrong with her. She kept reacting to him; she could feel heat rushing through her, feel her heart beating faster and hear herself catching more breaths.

Her eyes widened and she stilled when she realized what it was. 'I… I… want to…?' She shook her head, finding it too difficult to believe. 'But… no. No!' She wanted to scream and run away. She'd never gotten feelings like these, only momentarily after he'd kissed her, but she'd just assumed it was an aftereffect of the kiss.

She breathed in a large breath to try and cool her body down.

'Maybe it's only heating up because he's holding me, maybe he's just warm?'

She kept breathing, hoping to get rid of the flushed, warm feeling that still pervaded her body.

Eventually she drifted back to sleep. With no dreams welcoming her.

Waking up first she smiled at how Bastian was still sleeping like a log. Climbing out of the tent she put on her outer skirt and strung her corset then pulled on her boots. The morning sun was hidden by the dreary overcast.

They didn't have any protection from the rain. They had a few dried pieces of food that would hopefully keep them fed when the rains came and they were unable to start a fire.

She walked over to Gravel and patted his neck, stroking his mane gently. The horse nickered softly and she smiled, "Would you like some breakfast?"

She untied his reins from the strange jungle tree and led him to a grassy plateau near the camp.

Over the past three days they'd travelled from the grassy plain that spanned beyond the Prepiatastave River, trekked through the woods at the base of the low mountains, and were now near the peak of one of those mountains.

She inhaled deeply and smiled in wonder at the view surrounding her. Selva was so far very beautiful. The jungles were strange and they hadn't come across any beasts, but she still found it beautiful.

Gravel ate happily as she watched the crests of the mountains rise from the mists of the morning, the mists that hid the tops of the jungle trees.

"Hydrangea!" She heard Bastian call and she immediately turned in the direction of their camp, which was hidden behind a few thin trees.

"I'm over here!" She called back, no urgency in her voice. Although her brow was furrowed in curiosity.

He crashed through the trees, his hand on his sword, his eyes furiously scanned the small field of grass.

She blinked in surprise and waited till he calmed down to say something.

After circling the field, his stance tense and ready for a fight he turned and looked at the mist below.

When she saw the emotions marring his face she let go of Gravel's reins and walked to him. He turned to her, his eyes angry.

She stopped a metre from him, her fists clenching nervously.

He sighed and let go of his sword hilt, and stepped towards her wrapping her in a tight embrace.

"Never leave without telling me." He said into her hair.

She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his stocky waist.

"I was just feeding Gravel." She replied, looking up at him.

"And you were alone, in this open field where you could easily be attacked." She could feel his heart racing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it would be a problem." She said, reaching up a hand to hold his cheek. He looked so frightened.

He breathed a couple breaths, his eyes holding hers, "It is a problem," He said softly, "I told you about the beasts and the Jungle Followers-"

"Yes, you did." She stopped him, her face set in a frown, "I did not forget. I was simply. Feeding. The. Horse." She said, enunciating each last word. She felt offended that he thought she would forget the dangers that he'd warned her about so many times.

"Hydrangea." He warned, his eyes narrowing, "Could you not have just simply woken me, and then I'd have been able to protect you while you fed the horse."

She blushed, feeling his attention was a little fiercer than usual. She brushed her thumb against his cheek and saw his pupils dilate.

"I-I will. Next time." She whispered. She could see something else emerge in his deep brown eyes. She felt her pulse begin to race as she held his intense gaze.

Before any other words could be spoken, he met her lips. He began sucking on her lower one and she clutched his shoulders. She got lost in a daze as he molded his lips to hers. She did her best to keep up with him but she gave in and let him take control of the ravenous kiss.