Chapter 148

"Do you enjoy my touch?" Bastian whispered and Hydrangea fought to keep her eyes open.

His other hand began circling the skin along her spine and she fought the natural inclination to arch her back. Her body was reacting too much.

He lowered his lips to meet her shoulder and she grabbed his arms, her heart pounding too loudly. She caught her breath, her eyes trained on his feet that were concealed by moccasins.

"Hydrangea…" She looked up when she heard the hurt in his voice. Her heart squeezed in pain when she saw the injury in his eyes. He looked away and she could see he was confused.

She grabbed his whiskered chin, and gazed into his eyes. Without a word she pulled him down for a kiss. She moved slowly, her hands holding the nape of his neck as he began to move his lips passionately.

She sighed into his mouth feeling her mind begin to float in the clouds. But wait, she still had something to say.

She pulled away and he followed her, his lips still puckered. She placed a finger on his soft lips, her eyes lingering there a minute longer before meeting his eyes. They were confused again but holding that spark of happiness that she wanted to see.

"I love you." She said, her hand moving to his chest, she could feel how solid it was through the material. "I may not know how to show it, like you do. But I love you." She felt stronger just by telling him, especially when his eyes lit up, "I… I…" She bit her lip, "I enjoy your touch, y-your voice, your laugh." She whispered the last part, looking down at her hand on his chest, feeling ridiculous for stating such a thing.

He lifted her chin and she tentatively met his eyes. They shimmered with happiness, "I love all those things about you too. And more."

She blushed but smiled.

"And you do show your love. You simply show it differently." He stated, his hand brushing through her loose hair.

She pouted, "But, I don't know how to. You… you shower me with hugs an-and kisses. I-I don't know how to do that." She glanced away.

"Love isn't all hugs and kisses, Hydrangea." He said in a soft tone filled with mirth, "It's many other things."

"Like what?"

He smiled his hand still playing with her hair, "When you worry, when you care. I know that that's you, showing your love to me. And when YOU kiss me, when YOU embrace me, it makes me love you all the more. You don't have to prove your love to me, I know you love me. It's enough."

"And your eyes reveal… your emotions Hydrangea." He stopped, his brown eyes staring into hers, she thought he would continue speaking but he remained silent.

She'd always loved his eyes, and she'd always wished she could stare into them a little longer. The glowing amber colour in the centre that grew out to the rim of his iris and darkened to a deep brown. She found herself melting into those eyes, the warmth and heat exuded from them made her knees quake.

He began to lean forward and she closed her eyes, ready to meet his lips.


They both turned their heads to see where the sound had come from. Amaru was standing near them in the hall, "My father suggested I show you to the room given to you."

Hydrangea blushed and began to straighten herself out. Bastian sighed and leaned away, still supporting himself by his arm up by her head.

"Then, please do." He said and she gave him a glare at his attitude.

Once Amaru had turned around she gave him a light slap on his chest, "Was that necessary?"

He turned to her and gave her a lopsided grin, "Oh, believe me… it was." He lowered his voice to that tone that made her want to curl her toes and close her eyes.

He gave her a peck on her forehead that brought her out of daze and she hurried to follow him through the winding halls behind Amaru.

He led them to another door that was covered by a curtain and pulled it open to reveal a long low hall, still carved with stone. Doorframes were sculpted into the rock, each was concealed by a curtain. At either ends it was open to the jungle, the rain still pouring down heavily. The only light came from the few oil lamps placed around the ground.

Amaru walked further into the room and the pair followed after him. "This is your chamber." He nodded his head and Bastian nodded back, then he left through the curtain.

Hydrangea peeked into the small rectangular room. There was a large mat on the floor with rolled mats to serve as pillows. An oil lamp sat in one corner.

She walked in and sat on the mat, looking at the doorway waiting for Bastian.

He walked in slowly and frowned, "My sword isn't here, neither are my boots."

"Maybe they'll give them to us tomorrow." She supplied, "Bastian, you don't trust them, do you?" She asked her hands pulling the blanket up to covers her legs while she still sat. She was still trying to forget the moment they'd had before, her skin was still flushed.

He shook his head, "No. Trusting a Selvan is a death wish."

"Then why are we here? We're going to speak to the Tlatoani to ask him for help, Ratri-kar warned-" She bit her tongue.

"What? Ratri-kar warned what?" He asked nearing her and crouching low to the ground.

She sighed, "I had a dream last night."

He nodded.

"Ratri-kar said to beware the Tlatoani."

Bastian heaved a sigh and moved to sit next to her, his elbows resting on his knees, "Then we'll be wary."


"I will not risk losing Cadarama for longer. Facing the Tlatoani is the least of my worries, Hydrangea."

She nodded and looked down. His hand moved down to hold hers, "I am not angry at you." She brought her eyes up to meet his and she felt warmth surge through her, "But this situation is not easy." He began massaging her hand gently, "My country in the hands of a madman, my mother's life at risk, your family's life in the balance. And you."

"Me." She said, not sure what he meant.

He chuckled quietly, "You… temptress."

Her eyes widened and her cheeks, which had finally lost the pink tinge, flushed bright red.

"I'm not a temptress." She mumbled and drew the blanket closer around herself.

He smiled but it wasn't a kind smile, it was a rather cunning smile, "Hydrangea, you tempt me with every move you make, every sound that comes out of your mouth. Everything about you is enough to tempt me."

She licked her lips, her eyes nervously holding his, "Tempt you to do what?" She whispered.

He leaned forward and she leaned back, "To make you scream and moan in pleasure, Hydrangea. To show you the meaning of a husband and wife's bed."

She swallowed, her body heating from his words. And her thoughts couldn't help but lead to the question, 'How?'

But she didn't ask it. And he didn't speak anymore on the subject. She was still left in a curiosity that made her body warm and ache in different places.