Chapter 153

Waking that morning Hydrangea couldn't help but stare at Amaru and Cava. Her thoughts were uncontrollably going to places she didn't them to. Why had she been making those sounds? What had been happening exactly?

She was frustrated that she was even thinking of these things. It was ridiculous was what it was. She was an innocent woman, who was married.

She blinked and swallowed.

They were walking through the trees the rain still pouring down relentlessly.

All of them were protected by thick hoods secured over their heads, and their ponchos kept the rain from their bodies very well. Her hands were resting comfortably on the saddle horn, she'd insisted that she sit behind him but Bastian had refused on account of the rain.

A rain for which she was grateful. If the water had not started pouring down she would've stormed out of that tent and ran into the jungle. Those sounds… they still haunted her mind. Such lewd noises. How…? Why?

She shook her head and tried to focus on the vines and shrubbery that popped up around her.


She turned her head and saw Bastian holding a beautiful water covered flower out to her. She gasped and smiled, "Oh, Bastian, it's lovely!"

She received it from him gratefully and sniffed it her eyes closing. She opened her eyes and craned her head back to see him watching her fixedly. She felt warmth bloom in her chest and slowly spread throughout her body, her eyes not leaving his.

She was rather entranced by the water droplets dripping from the rim of his hood and the few loose hairs that dared to peek out from beyond the fabric. And his eyes that stared at her as though nothing else existed at that point in time.

She wanted him to kiss her, to wrap his arms around her and pull her close to him. But he just continued staring.

After a few seconds she felt a frown creep onto her face and she turned in the saddle and huffed.


She waited for him to continue and finish what he was going to say but he said nothing. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to pout and show him how upset she was, but would that change anything? Why had he stopped the kisses and the hugs? She'd… she'd loved those.

She heaved a sigh and stared straight ahead, her eyes narrowing at the happy couple ahead of her. Why were they so happy? Because of how intimate and close they were together. She answered herself.

She huffed again, she could be intimate with Bastian.

Her mind froze at that idea. Being intimate with Bastian sounded so.. she couldn't find the word for it. Forbidden? Dangerous? Exciting. Her face flushed pink and she shifted in her seat. Exciting indeed. His caresses and touches were enthralling enough, how much more enthralling would they be if they went further?

They rode on for the entire day and night, their clothes and supplies all soaked from rain.

Bastian handed her a root that Cava had said would promote child birth, Bastian had probably not been told and only knew it as food. Hydrangea snatched it from his hand spitefully. She didn't know why she was so upset, they were at a good place. They were happy and… she couldn't think of what else they were. All she felt was frustrated.

They arrived at the peak of a mountain, the jungle trees dripping around them. Below stretched the largest amount of trees Hydrangea believed she'd ever seen. The green treetops crested through the mists that swirled and rose with the rain.

She breathed a deep breath. The Umatu.

"We will depart from you here. It is too dangerous for us." Amaru said as he turned his mount from the scene below them and faced Bastian.

Her husband nodded, "Thank you. And give your father our thanks as well."

The chief's son nodded and Hydrangea gave a little wave to Cava before they rode off and into the jungle behind them.

Amaru had told Bastian directions and given him maps on the route through the Umatu and to Lake Kuratuma. But Hydrangea knew that he had no plans on using those.

"The Cidaje should be that way." Bastian said from behind her, his hand pointing ahead of them at an angle slightly to the right.

"Beware the Tlatoani." Whispered darkly in her mind and she stiffened.

She had a very, very bad feeling about this. But like Bastian, she didn't want Cadarama to stay in the hands of Lord Stone. Like Hadok had said so many months ago, the man was deceitful and wicked, and he was joining with Mathuba in an act that would inevitably destroy Cadarama. She was reminded of her dream and of everything burning.

"Let's go then." She said, pleased that her voice did not shake.

Gravel walked down the gradual slope that became more severe in places. Hydrangea could feel the temperature rising even though the rain continued to pour down.

Coming to what felt like the abysmal depths of the jungle Bastian led the horse along. She felt safer with his arms around her holding the reins.

The floor of the rainforest was covered with lush fern-like plants, their polished leaves catching rain, and decaying logs and leaves hidden beneath the vibrant greens. The rain had quieted along with the chittering sounds of animals.

She unconsciously ducked her head as her eyes nervously scanned the leaves that pattered with rain every couple seconds.

Walking along the rough, winding path for a a few hours, becoming adjusted to the new but strange atmosphere, Bastian pulled the reins gently. Gravel stopped and Hydrangea craned her head to take in the magnificent sight in front of her. The rain still dripped sporadically from the high canopy but a few fell onto her nose.

Before them was a wall. A barrier. Formed entirely of red and orange earth this ancient, man-made structure stood proudly amidst the largely overgrown rainforest. Vines, bushes and saplings sprouted from the nooks and crannies of the colossal wall.

Dropping her eyes she blinked her damp lashes and levelled them on an opening. A round "doorway" had been carven into the orange rock; vines and one draping branches hid some of it but she could still distinguish an entire jungle behind it.

"The Tepantli. The wall." Bastian said from behind her, his voice quieter than usual, no doubt feeling the same awe she felt at seeing such an incredible construction. "Built by the Sun Followers long ago to keep their lands and the Jungle Followers' separate."

"How long have they been fighting?" She asked, her voice also hushed.

"Since the Time of War. The Sun Followers have always believed that all power comes from and resides in the sky. The Jungle Followers have always believed that all power comes from the earth and nature. You will see a distinct difference between them."

"Are they more dangerous?" She asked, referring to the Sun Followers.

"Yes… much more dangerous. They believe the only way they can communicate to their Primal or goddess of the sun and sky is through blood sacrifices, fornication and hallucinogenic drugs."

What courage had before been dwelling in Hydrangea's heart was now quelled.

She could understand why Ratri-kar would dissuade her from these people. The Jungle Followers seemed much kinder, but their numbers were few and they were not warriors.

"Then…" She swallowed, her hands clutching the saddle horn nervously, "What are we going to do?"

"I will protect you, my flower. There's no need to fear." He whispered softly from behind her. Her breath hitched quietly and she smiled.

She expected a hug or a kiss, a loving touch that was usually associated with such words, but there was none. Whenever he called her flower in the past, she'd despised him. But now, she could feel her heart melt for the man he'd become, the man he'd changed into. The man she loved with her whole heart.

She knew he'd protect her, but who would protect him?