Chapter 159

Hydrangea stood in silent horror as she watched Bastian kill and destroy everything that came onto the field. What was he doing? She knew he was in danger, she knew he might die if he didn't fight, but her heart squeezed in agony at seeing him killing. Just like before.

"You should eat, drink, be merry." A woman next to her said gaily, in her hand was a clay goblet with colourful zigzags running along the sides. Hydrangea stared at the stranger for a moment, she was dressed similar to her which made Hydrangea all the more self-conscious.

Glancing around the room she saw more woman lounging near men, the women outnumbered the men but all the women were fawning over them as thought they were gods. A revolting thought passed through her head that this was what Bastian had been like. She tossed it away and straightened her back.

"I will not." She replied to the woman firmly.

She stood from the stone bench and stared at the arena, Bastian was battling three of those horrible dogs. The sun had long set and she didn't know why no one had stopped the fighting. The rain was now chilled and the wind sent goosebumps along her body. The fires did almost nothing to light the arena.

She grimaced sadly as she watched him destroy yet another creature. Her eyes stung at his stance, he was hurting, and tired, and angry.

She'd never even apologized for yelling at him that morning, what did it matter that he hadn't hugged or kissed her in a few days? She would hug and kiss him as much as she could as soon as he was out of that arena.

She didn't even know how he was still standing, when they'd been in the cenote he had still been injured and could hardly move. Her brows rose and her lips thinned as the realization dawned on her. He had acted the same way when they'd escaped the capital of Crescent for the first time, when Samadur had given him strength.

A loud cheer rang out as Bastian was thrown to the ground by the dog, it's paw pinning him to the slick floor. She covered her mouth and gasped in fear. She still didn't relax when he stood again and began to attack the ugly dog.

Maybe Ratri-kar would grant her strength. She readied herself mentally for what she was about to attempt. Turning on her heel her eyes landed on the Tlatoani who was watching Bastian casually, paying more attention to the six half-dressed women surrounding him.

She swallowed and walked towards him, 'You're a queen, Hydrangea. Try acting like it.' Clenching her fists she hoped her eye wouldn't begin to twitch. The man had the power to kill her, or worse.

"Tlatoani." She said in a surprisingly strong voice. The man dragged his gaze from a topless woman and to Hydrangea.

"Queme?(Who's this?)" He asked after a few moments of dead silence filled only by the sound of the rain and fire crackling.

Hydrangea opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by the first woman whom she'd met, the one who'd prettied her up. "She is the prisoner who was found this morning, the one from Cadarama. Her friend is in the arena."

"Ah," The Tlatoani exclaimed, his eyes landing on Hydrangea. She kept her face calm but she felt very exposed with his eyes on her, he was more dangerous than she'd previously thought. He didn't look all too dangerous with his overly colourful clothes and a crown made of feathers. But his eyes were shrewd.

"What is it that you've come to ask me?" He asked in her language with a rich Selvan accent, his eyes alighting with humour.

She swallowed and raised her head, "I would ask that you stop the fight."

He laughed and so did the woman who'd dressed her. "Because you are worried for your friend?" He asked raising a brow as a topless woman stroked his clothed chest. "I believe your friend is doing just fine."

"How long fo you plan for this pointless death to continue?" She asked clenching her fists at the sound of Bastian shouting in pain. She forced herself not to look. The Tlatoani opened his mouth to speak but she didn't let him, "You've had your entertainment, now please stop the fight."

He chuckled darkly and rested his head on his fist, "Who are you to command me such things?" He signalled something and two men came over and held her arms, forcing her knees to the ground. She grimaced and held in a whimper at the tender flesh that had not yet healed, both on her arms and her knees.

The Tlatoani remained seated as he watched her with a lazy interest. He reminded her much of when she'd first met Bastian, when he'd been the Sovereign.

"So? Who are you to believe you have the authority to speak such things to me?" He asked in a hardened voice.

She licked her lips, raising her eyes to hold his, "I am Hydrangea Hiraeth, wife to Sovereign Bastian Hiraeth, Queen of Cadarama." Her chest heaved as it filled with breath.

The Tlatoani turned his head slightly, his eyes glancing up to the field of battle. Removing his head from his fist he said, "Nos deixe. Voce tambem, Ahuic.(Leave us. You as well, Ahuic.)" He added when he saw the woman who'd dressed Hydrangea wanting to object.

The occupants of the room left and Hydrangea was left alone with the Tlatoani. He stood and clasped his hands behind his back, "Tell me, what is the Queen of Cadarama doing in Selva?"

"We've come to ask for aid." She answered, her chin lowered as he walked behind her.

"We? Don't tell me that's the Sovereign in there." He said mirthfully.

She straightened, "It is."

He hummed and she turned to see him watching Bastian through the metal bars that separated them from the arena. He was still fighting.

"And why come to me for aid? Selva and Cadarama have never been great friends, in fact, we're now enemies because Cadarama has joined with Mathuba in an alliance."

"Neither me nor Bastian had anything to do with that alliance. We-"

"I was told of the plan to overthrow you. Your Lords thought I would be willing to help. Do you know why I didn't?"

She raised her chin, "No."

He leaned forwards so he was but a hair's breadth away, with his stinking breath he said, "I… don't… care."

She blinked as he stepped back, "You don't care? If you help me and Bastian reclaim Cadarama, I assure you that the alliance between Mathuba and Cadarama will be abolished and-"

"And what, little queen?" He asked mockingly.

"And we'll help you with your fight against them." Her expression was firm as she stared at him, a little upset at his joke.

The Tlatoani narrowed his eyes, "You're not like other women."

She blinked and reared back, "I'm what?"

"You're not like my women. Your Sovereign must have a great deal to handle with you."

She gaped at him as she tried to reply to him.

He chuckled, "A great deal." He reached his hand close to her face as though to stroke it and she struggled to maintain her composure. But he didn't touch her and instead tucked a hair behind her ear and called, "Ocotlan!"

A voice answered and the Tlatoani lowered his arm, "Diga ao Cadaraman para sairdo campo de batalha.(Tell the Cadaraman to step out of his battlefield.)"

"Sim, Tlatoani.(Yes, Tlatoani.)" The man replied and Hydrangea moved her eyes to look at the Tlatoani, then over his shoulder to where Bastian was warring with two giant monkey-like creatures.

She jumped when she saw a flash of light break the clouds and catch the rain. Her eyes popped when thunder rolled through the atmosphere.

"I just told Ocotlan to fetch your Sovereign from the arena." The Tlatoani interrupted her jumpy thoughts.

Her lips parted and she couldn't hide the elation from her eyes.

The Tlatoani chuckled, "It will be interesting to see what sort of man he's grown into."

Hydrangea barely caught his words as she saw the two monkey creatures fall to the ground and Bastian standing in the rain, a man coming towards him. She met the Tlatoani's eyes and he raised a brow.

"Wh-where can I-?"

"Ahuic!" He interrupted her.

The sound of feet came from behind her and she turned her head to see the first woman she'd met. Ahuic. "Sim, Tlatoani." She said.

"Trazer Rainha Hortênsia para vero marido.(Bring Queen Hydrangea to see her husband.)" The Tlatoani ordered and Ahuic nodded.

"Come, Hortênsia da Rainha." The woman said and Hydrangea stepped towards her, her eyes watching the Tlatoani warily. The mirth in his eyes made her spine chill, but she had to go see Bastian.

She turned and followed Ahuic, feeling the leader of the Sun Followers eyes on her with each step.