Chapter 161

Hydrangea couldn't help the smile that was plastered on her face as she watched Bastian recover. She was still nervous about when they would have to tell the Tlatoani that they could not help him. But right now, they were resting, and she was happy.

"Why are you still smiling?" Bastian asked her with a curious smile of his own. She giggled lightly as she handed him a clay cup filled with water.

"I'm not sure." She answered, "Everything is just so… nice."

He chuckled softly, "We're stuck in Selva, I'm recovering from dozens of injuries and it's nice?" He asked jokingly as he took a sip of the water.

"Well, not all that of course. But, just…" She looked down with a blush across her cheeks, "I'm here with you and it's peaceful." She looked up and saw a loving expression on Bastian's face.

"And I, would not change that for all the gold in Selva."

She smiled again and snuggled next to him on the low bed. It had been three days since the arena and she was trying to be closer to Bastian. It wasn't that much of an effort, but it was still new and unknown territory for her. Her favourite thing to do with him was snuggle beside him, and she could tell he liked it too from the way his eyes lit up.

She definitely appreciated her husband more than she ever had before. If she couldn't stare into those warm brown eyes, then what would she do? Seeing him with his body all covered with blood and his hair matted with sweat and mud, and blood again, she had felt so afraid. She'd felt like losing him was so real, losing not just everything she loved about him, but the man she loved, the person, the soul.

His bandages were still plastered to his skin in places but he was healing well, considering everything he'd endured. And his exhaustion from his gifted strength was passed.

When lunch came around Hydrangea set the platter of fruits and meat on their laps. They each ate silently. And as they ate, Hydrangea pressed her lips more firmly together as a question that had been bothering her for ages continued to rise in her mind.

"I believe that Selvans like dog meat." Bastian commented as he ate a piece of the seared meat.

Hydrangea pulled a face, "Really? Even when we could afford no meat, we never stooped to eating dogs. Rowan even made friends with some of the wild ones."

Bastian smiled, "Hm, well every country is different. Bobian and Membentuk both thrive on eating only fish for meat. Bobian eats more rice whereas-"

"Bastian." She hated to interrupt him but it was eating away at her.

He frowned and looked over to her, his brown eyes curious, "Yes?"

The little furrow in his golden brown brow was quite adorable. She shook her head to wake herself, "When I asked you if you were alright, the day after the arena, were you?"

She watched his eyes dart momentarily to the rain falling outside then back to her. He was afraid. She found herself reaching for his bandaged hand. She held his fearful eyes with as much reassurance as she could, "It's just, while you were in there, you were not yourself."

She watched his eyes sadden, he scoffed mirthlessly, "You must become someone else when you fight, Hydrangea."

Her heart clenched at the emotionless tone in his voice. She couldn't squeeze his hand because it was injured, so she held his cheek. She couldn't find anything to say in response to that, she didn't want him to be anyone else. She wanted him… to be him.

Holding his eyes that were trying to hide the tortured expression, she became enchanted by him. Her eyes scaled over his face, the dark stubble that was only a day away from being a beard, his long nose, his firm but relaxed eyebrows, his masculine cheekbones. Her eyes landed on his full lips and her mouth ran dry. She felt her skin chill and her spine begin to warm with that strange tingling sensation. With a racing heart her eyes flashed up to see a hunger glowing in his eyes.

She wanted him to take charge, to take her lips, but he didn't. Raising her other hand to his neck she saw his Adam's apple bob in his throat. Her eyes lingered on his neck and shoulders; both looked so… attractive. His beautiful skin was scarred in places but his muscles and strength could still be seen in them.

She'd never thought of Bastian as a brute, although she had called him one once, he'd never quite fit the description. He was tall and lean and strong and she'd never been able to bring herself to say he was unattractive, for she'd only ever seen him as attractive. She'd grown accustomed to him and his looks, but now, with her hands on his skin, he was irresistible.

Dragging her eyes from his bare neck and shoulders she met his gaze again. Her cheeks heated at the smirk in his desirous eyes.

"Not that I'm not enjoying your eyes on me," He drawled out, his voice a few shades darker that had her toes curling, "But-"

She cut him off with her lips. She smiled against his lips when she sensed how shocked he was. Closing her eyes she moved her arms to wrap around his neck, her chest pressing close to his. Her heart fluttered as his hands slowly crept up to hold her bare waist. She shivered at the feel of his rough hands and felt him respond with his hands gripping her more firmly.

Lost in the heat and slow passion of the kiss her hands slid down to his biceps. She was becoming lightheaded but she wanted more, she began to press her lips more firmly to his. Hearing him hiss she blinked and realized she'd been clutching his bandaged arm too hard.

"Oh…" She breathed as the warmth of the kiss rushed from her mind, "S-sorry. I'll-"

"You'll kiss me again." He stated breathlessly.

She looked at him shocked at his tone and the desire in his eyes that scalded her. Her face flushed red from how earnest that stare was.

"Bastian…" She said, her voice still panting, "You're still hurt and-"

"My lips are fine, aren't they?" He asked and she glanced at his perfect smirking lips.

"Yes. They are. But the rest of you is hurt."

"I don't care. I want to kiss you, I could spend all the days of our life kissing those delicious lips of yours."

Her mouth fell open and she struggled to find something to say. He slowly moved his hand behind her neck and she surrendered to the kiss she knew she'd receive in a moment, she leaned closer and just as she felt his breath fan her lips her eyes closed.

"Queen Hydrangea." A voice called and it echoed throughout the room.

Hydrangea folded her lips and backed away from Bastian, he was staring at the newcomer with a frown. She giggled and pecked his cheek as she got out of the bed.

Turning to face the woman she steeled her nerves, "Yes, Ahuic?"

"The Tlatoani wishes to have you both present at the Ceremony of the Sun this sunset."

Hydrangea glanced at Bastian who was sitting straighter in the bed and he nodded lightly.

She swallowed, "We would be honoured." She answered with a smile.