Chapter 167

"What do you want?" Hydrangea asked. What reason was there for the Primal of the sun standing before her?

She smiled without teeth, "I rather enjoy watching you mortals live out your dramatic lives. It adds spice to my own."

Hydrangea's eyes narrowed.

Timir-mask, or Tonali, cleared her throat and glanced at the door, "But I see that time is running short. Better make this quick." She caught part of her skirt in one hand and tossed it out of the way, "Hydrangea, dear. Why haven't you slept with your husband?"

"Why haven't I what?" She asked before she could fully process the bold question.

The deity grabbed her hand and held it with both of hers. It was then Hydrangea noticed how tall this woman was, she towered over her by many inches. Holding Hydrangea's grey eyes with her vibrant orange ones, she said, "When you were dwelling with the Jungle Followers, did you feel you were ready to be one with your husband?"

Her brows drew together and she shook her head, "N…no. I wasn't ready yet. To be quite honest, I don't think either of us were ready."

The corner of the Primal's lip drew up as she smirked, "Oh, believe me, honey. Your hubby was more than ready."

Hydrangea frowned at the strange way of saying husband.

"But, back on topic," She let go of Hydrangea's hand and went to stand between the thin, brick pillars that separated the room from the rain. She stared out into the dark rain for a few moments, her burning hair casting a dim light around her. She turned, her orange eyes now red, "Do you feel you are ready now?"

Hydrangea opened her mouth to say no, but found herself hesitating. Was she ready? Were they ready? She thought about her feelings on the matter, imagining if Bastian strolled into the room and said that he wanted to that very second. She wouldn't say no.

"I… believe so." She whispered.

Tonali smiled, "Excellent. When your husband walks in, tell him so and everything will go swimmingly." She finished as she walked back into the room and away from the pillars.

"What do you mean, tell him? I cannot just tell him. Th-that would be indecent." She mumbled the last words as her cheeks heated.

"You do know that you and Bastian have not had a typical marriage?" She asked boredly. "You did not sleep together on the night of your Union, and after over five months you've barely even scratched the surface of the act! Just a few kisses here and there. Are you not the least bit curious?" She asked with a smirk.

Her cheeks heated more furiously and she raised a hand to touch the skin. Biting her lip tentatively, she answered, "I am… but like I said it's indecent for a woman to initiate the act. It's always the husband."

"And it's also expected of the wife to be willing to always receive her husband."

Hydrangea looked down. But she had not wanted a relationship of any sort with Bastian when they first met. And he'd not either.

The Primal stiffened and looked to the door, "I'm afraid my time is up. But before I go I must ask this. What is holding you back?" Then she vanished and Hydrangea was left alone in the dark room. Only a few torches providing light.

She hugged herself as she pondered the question. What was holding her back?


Bastian trudged from the kitchen to the bedroom, the rain pouring down on him as his sandals squashed through the mud.

He paused at the door, his hand wavering on pushing open the thin wooden obstruction. His thoughts rested on how he would tell her. He'd gotten over his initial anger and now he was worried for how Hydrangea would react.

Sighing he pushed the door open and saw Hydrangea standing in the centre of the room, her arms wrapped around herself. She was staring into the distance.

He strode towards her, "Are you alright?"

She jumped and placed a hand to her chest. Her eyes scaled up his body and he looked at her curiously. Her eyes finished at his own and he took another step towards her, "Are you alright?" She seemed skittish and her hair was still wet from the rain.

Her eyes refocused and she began nibbling on her lip. His eyes immediately landed there and watched, hypnotized by the action.

"Bastian…" He watched as her lips formed his name and her voice said it. He looked up when she sighed as though frustrated.

"Hydrangea, what is it?" He asked gently as he removed his soaked poncho. She mirrored him and removed her own, he groaned internally at the clothes she wore. She'd said she hated them, and in a way he did too. She looked more alluring than he'd ever seen her, and he couldn't touch her.

He heard her mutter something and before he could ask what was the matter, again, he found her lips pressed to his. He felt his desire surge to life and he longed to pull her closer to him and devour her.

She pulled back, her arms crossed behind his neck. Her wide, innocent looking eyes were watching him with apprehension, "I want…" She licked her lips, another action that had him stifling a groan. "I want you…" She scowled in determination, "I want to c-consummate o-our Union."

His jaw dropped open. She wanted to… he searched her eyes, looking for a doubt or fear. Her enchanting eyes held neither. He shook his head in disbelief, "Hydrangea, are you sure?" His voice cracked and he cursed.

She bit back a smile and nodded. He squinted his eyes, he was still not understanding her words.

"But… while we were staying with the Jungle Followers, you had not-"

"I am ready now. I think we're both ready."

"But are you sure?" He didn't want to go against Timir-mask's orders, or go into this without Hydrangea being ready. This also wasn't the time, he still needed to tell her about what Ahuic had relayed to him.

"Bastian," She started and he relaxed upon seeing the resolve in her silverescent eyes, "I have never been more sure about anything in my life."

His skin grew hot and he snaked his arm around her waist, overjoyed that the Primal wasn't intervening. Moving his other hand up to her cheek he saw her pupils dilate as she stared into his eyes.