Chapter 170

Bastian deepened the kiss and she responded with her returning strength. His hands slowly trailed from her shoulders down to her hips. His fingers teased her sensitive skin and sent it burning once again. His one hand moving to her buttock and beginning to mould his hand to it. She was alarmed at how good it felt.

She sighed into his mouth. Suddenly something hot penetrated her mouth and she felt herself melt beneath him.

Her hands that had been gripping the blankets unconsciously moved to his hair. Her fingers clutching the soft tufts.

His tongue stroked every inch of her mouth. Her chest heaved against his solid one and she realized he was panting just as fast, his heartbeat just as desperate. It felt so amazingly intimate to have her heart so close to his.

She began deepening the kiss as best she could, trying to play along with his tongue in that erotic dance. He groaned deep in his throat and happiness danced through her head.

He removed his lips and began leaving kisses around her breasts again. Once more her body moved without volition and her back lifted to him.

"Oh, Hydrangea…" She felt him mumble against her skin.

"Bast-ian." She replied, her voice broken by a sharp gasp.

She opened her eyes to watch as he twirled his tongue around her plump breasts. She could already see some spots forming on her skin from his attention.

Lightening struck through her body as she felt him touch her woman's place. Her hips lifted and she clenched her insides, she wanted him and she knew it. Her legs were parted wide for him as he rested between them. Her eyes widened a fraction as she caught sight of his erect manhood. Heat rushed through her at the sight.

She'd never seen a naked man before, save the one that was sacrificed that evening.

Her heart caught in her throat but before her thoughts could overwhelm her, her body jerked at yet another new sensation.

Her mouth released wild moans, not even caring. Bastian's mouth was sucking on her breasts, moving from one to the other. Her hands frantically moved to grab something as he teased her nipples with his tongue. Her muscles began to twitch again, she could feel them coiling. Her insides clenching as she rode the waves of ecstasy.

"Bastian!" Her voice exited a high-pitched whisper as she tried to control her body's wild reactions.

"Yes, Hydrangea…" He whispered encouragingly against her skin, his hoarse voice sent shivers through her already trembling body.

Her shoulders lifted and her head hung back with her hair sticking to the sweaty flesh. Another long drawn out vocalization left her lips as the condensed sensations all came crashing down around her.

The white light flashed in her vision as she felt the sparks roll through her. She parted her eyes open again and found that a few tears had leaked from her eyes.

She felt Bastian's hand wipe them away tenderly, his fingers sending small shockwaves through her responsive body.

She hummed and smiled against his gentle caress on her cheek. He hummed back, his chest was still pressed flush against hers, both sharing in their fevered warmth.

"Now… if that isn't the most attractive sight I've ever seen." He said huskily.

She peeked her eyes open and met his warm brown ones, still darkened slightly by desire.

"When is it your turn?" She asked breathlessly, wondering when he would receive his pleasure. She'd learned enough from Adhira about these things, and although she had tried to block most of those lessons out, she'd still picked up a few things.

He smiled softly and she felt him playing with her hair on her shoulder. It felt so nice and calm just to have him playing with her hair.

"I was just making sure you were ready, my flower."

Her face flushed a deeper red and she brought her hand up to curl near her neck, "Oh."

He took her hand and kissed the knuckles, "You may hold onto me. This may hurt."

She nodded, resolve coming into her features. She watched his face as he prepared to enter her; his tousled hair draping onto his face. The beads of sweat. Surely this was the most attractive sight she'd ever seen.

She suddenly felt him part her entrance and she stilled.

"Relax, Hydrangea." He grunted and she raised her eyes to see his brow creased in concentration, he looked almost in pain.

She breathed in a breath and felt him push in further. She gasped at the feel of herself stretching—it was painful. In and out he continued moving slowly until he was rooted within her.

She was supporting herself on her elbows, gasping at the feeling. It was indescribable, it hardly hurt now it was only, so new and slightly uncomfortable as his manhood sat there inside of her. Unmoving.

Adhira had once made it sound as though it would be aggressively painful.

She continued in her gasping as she looked at her husband, he was shaking, his muscles were twitching just as hers had done, and his face was drawn up in serious concentration.

He lowered slowly and she felt him move within her, his hard manhood swelling greater. She sucked in a breath and bit her lip.

His lips met hers sensually and her arms wrapped around his back, her fingers stroking his spine absentmindedly as he kissed her, long and deep.

He began thrusting in and out, each one causing pleasure to rush through her. She could feel how tight her walls were around him, feel every inch of him as he stroked inside of her.

He began to go faster, his voice coming out in huffs as he swelled larger. She only kept moaning, the wild noises sounding distant. The only thing she could focus on was him inside of her. At one point her legs had wrapped themselves around his hips as their bodies continued to meet.

Her back began lifting and he kissed her again, both of their lips were swollen and covered in saliva, but she received his lips hungrily as her spine curved. She could feel it again as he thrust madly into her.

Her body began to meet his thrusts, her breasts bouncing and her moans changing to gasps. His hand left her hip and she felt him touch her near where he was planted inside of her. She jumped and felt herself clench around him.

He groaned into her mouth, his eyes closing in rapture. His fingers began touching that same spot rapidly. Violent spasms of pleasure began to shoot through her body as Bastian brought her to new heights of pleasure.

Her head craned back and her lips separated from his, her body still moving to meet his as she reached another climax. Her voice died down and she soon felt that Bastian had stopped. Her slick walls were still clenching around him and she realized he'd reached his peak as well.

He was stopped with his neck bent back his golden brown muscles gleaming with sweat. She watched in utter fascination as he finished. Heat rushed into her womb and her eyelashes fluttered. She could only assume what that feeling meant. His seed.

She could bear his children now.

He collapsed next to her, his chest heaving. Definitely the most attractive sight she'd ever seen. She slowly felt his manhood soften and slip out of her. His mouth was open as he caught his breath, his eyes closed.

She closed her eyes and felt tears leak from them. Without warning her body began to shake as tears flooded from her eyes. She was crying. Why? All she felt was happiness and peace. Why were there tears.

"Hydrangea? What's wrong? Are you in pain?"

She shook her head as the sobs overwhelmed her. She couldn't find a reason. Maybe they were happy tears. He pulled her close to him, her bosom once again finding contact with his skin. She found it extremely comforting to have him so close.

He stroked her hair and she eventually managed to calm herself, "I think they're happy tears."


Hydrangea couldn't see the soft smile that painted Bastian's face at her words. He kissed her salty tears away from her clammy skin, still warm from their session.

He could feel her heartbeat slowing as her body calmed. His own was steadying.

With gentle hands he very carefully carried her debilitated body from the bed. His feet padded quietly along the stone tiles that formed the floor. The rain was now a distant sound, hopefully a signal that it was letting up.

He walked to a far corner of the room and set her in the small tub there, it was small compared to his back at his palace, but could easily fit the both of them.

She raised her head slightly and opened her silver eyes sleepily.

He raised a hand to stroke her cheek, "I'm simply washing you up, love. You can go back to sleep. I'll take care of you."

She smiled and he saw awe slip into her expression. He smiled and placed a gentle peck on her lips.

She rested her head back and he simply stared at her for a few moments. How could he not? His chest was filled with affection with her trust in him; she'd trusted him in all their lovemaking, never once doubting him. She trusted him even now as he bathed her. And she'd even worried about his own pleasure, a thought which caused something near a blush to creep into his cheeks. No woman he'd ever met would have ever said that so purely, with genuine care behind the words.

So kind, so caring. He shook his head as his gaze slowly worked its way along the length of her enchanting body. He still wanted to taste more. He'd barely even gotten a taste of her breathtaking legs. He shook his head again as he felt himself hardening.

Grabbing a cloth he drenched it in some of the lukewarm water and began cleaning her. Up her smooth, sleek legs, covered with only a thin amount of hair. With great care he washed her tenderest place. He felt her stir and gave her a kiss. Moving upwards his hands eventually landed on her two precious mounds.

He couldn't help but hold that tempting flesh. He couldn't believe his wife had such beautiful breasts. He grinned to himself at the fact that his touch that was everywhere along her body, most noticeably on her pale chest.

After carefully brushing the cloth along her shoulders and neck he then drew her out of the tub and into a towel, her consciousness resurfacing a small amount as he dried her drowsy body.

He was proud of her. He smiled something close to a giddy smile as he stared at her face. So proud.

Gathering her into his arms again he walked to the bed and peeled off the dirty blanket; messy from their lovemaking. And he tucked her beneath a fresh blanket. He slipped on a night tunic and crawled beneath the covers with her.

Her soft hair brushed his face as he held her by her waist. He may get sore sleeping like this, but he had her close.

With her wrists curled near his chest, his warmth enveloping her naturally cold body, he felt himself slip closer to sleep. Listening to her regulated breathing, and inhaling her soothing floral scent, he drifted into a deep slumber.

Forgotten was the urgent matter that Ahuic had called to attention, as now he had his treasured flower in his arms.