Chapter 172

Bastian and Hydrangea waited beside the tree in the courtyard, its branches still dripping. She was wearing one of his tunics over her shirt. He was rather fond of how she looked in clothes his size.

At their feet and in their arms were bundles of food and a few blankets.

Their ears were both strained to catch any sound; a footstep or a voice. He wished he had his sword.

After a few more minutes of waiting Ahuic came up the steps and opened the door, "Your horse is at the bottom of the stairs. You better hurry, I feel as though I was followed."

Bastian picked up the bags and sprinted for the doors, holding them open as Hydrangea stepped through. His eyes watched the surrounding houses warily.

He looked down and saw Hydrangea hugging Gravel, who looked worse for wear. He walked up and patted the horse's neck, the poor creature's hair was matted and filthy. Hydrangea bent down and checked his hooves, "Oh, I need to fix these before we go on. It's a miracle he walked here."

He slung the bags over the worn saddle, "We don't have time for that or the tools."

"I once cleaned Dahlia's and Hellebore's hooves with a stick." She snipped and he glanced over to see her standing up stoutly. He allowed his shoulders to relax as he held her eyes.

He reached for her hands that were clenched into fists. He held them till he felt her fingers stretch. He smiled, "I know you did. But Gravel is strong. He's persevered till now, he can go just a little further."

She sighed and glanced apologetically at the horse. He smirked at the open affection the horse affection the animal received then rolled his eyes for feeling jealous of an animal. He had Hydrangea all to himself, and he felt like the luckiest man in the world.

Without another word he lifted her onto the saddle and heard her draw in a sharp breath. His eyes flicked to look at the slight wince in her eyes. He placed his hand on her thigh, "Are you sure you're fine?"

He could tell she wasn't.

She nodded but he worried. The ride to Lake Kuratuma was not going to be a gentle one.

Mounting the horse himself, he nodded to Ahuic and she disappeared behind the doors. He hadn't had a great deal of time to map out the city, but he was sure he could escape it. He'd escaped many cities.

Waxingville's capital, Wanington's capital, Crescent's capital. They hadn't had to escape Domkorolei. And now here they were escaping the Cidaje.

He grabbed Hydrangea and swivelled her so that she sat sideways in his arms. It would be difficult to ride this way, but she was sore, weather she wanted to admit it or not. He kissed the top of her head in an attempt to diminish the frown on her face.

It didn't but he saw her expression soften somewhat.

He heeled Gravel gently forward and kept his eyes scanning their surroundings. His goal was to reach the jungle and head southeast. Lake Kuratuma should be in that direction. If not, then they would head to the mountains that border Wanington and Selva.

Edging his way around the buildings and wells they made it to where the crops lined the city. Gravel stepped onto the grass paths that led through the maize but suddenly halted.

Bastian looked up. They still had no weapons to defend themselves.


Bastian inhaled sharply at the voice.

"Thought you could slip away without a proper farewell?" The sound of a tongue clicking echoed from somewhere in front of them. Perhaps the maize wasn't the best plan. "I doubt the Beloved Queen taught her son such manners."

"No, but Sovereign Esteban did." He muttered to his yellow and green surroundings.

A loud shout rang out around them and Bastian's heart leapt in his chest. He needed a sword. He glanced down at Hydrangea to see she had a determined expression on her face.

A whistling sound came from beside them and before he could react Hydrangea lunged out and he saw two darts in her shoulder.

Without hesitation he urged Gravel into a run through the maize and towards the jungle. He had no idea how many Sun Followers were in the crop but he did t truly care at that moment.

Hydrangea was limp in his arms.

Shouts and calls came from behind him and he saw spears flying into his peripheral.

He ducked and grimaced as he felt a slice in his shoulder. It began burning and he knew the metal was laced with something.

He felt more and more boxed in as he raced Gravel into the trees. The spears and arrows did not cease soaring past him and he feared more and more about how open his back was to attack.

He glanced down once more at Hydrangea and distress morphed his features.

Looking back up he ducked his head at an incoming branch and narrowly evaded a tree. He craned his head back and slowed Gravel down to a slower trot. After another few minutes he let some tension leave his shoulders but still kept his guard up.

Another few minutes passed and the ground began to slope and through the millions of branches, he could spot the green waters of Lake Kuratuma.

He and Hydrangea had crossed the pass over a couple months ago. He stopped Gravel for a moment as he stared out at the lake. Trailing his eyes around it he could see the narrow pass and see a few vague silhouettes of ships.

He shifted Hydrangea in his arms and pulled out the two darts that she'd caught in her shoulder. It didn't look like she was breathing. His heart sputtered and he quickly felt for her pulse. Relief poured into him when he felt the slow steady heartbeat beneath his fingers.

What had she been thinking? He knew what she'd been thinking but it still enraged him. Why? Why had she done that?

He kissed her forehead and brushed some of her hairs away from her sleeping face. Then he pushed Gravel to lead them down the slope and to the lake.

By mid afternoon he'd already reached the shore and was now trying to puzzle through a dilemma. The lake sat in the middle of a mountain range, and he just so happened to be prevented from reaching his country by one of these mountains. Mount Prolipsi, if he recalled correctly.

The base of the mountain was steep and made of loose rock and moss, Gravel would never make it, and neither could he with Hydrangea and his wounded shoulder. Whatever drug they tipped the darts with was strong enough, and she'd taken two. And his shoulder throbbed with whatever poison they'd tipped their spears with. His mental capabilities had not begun to waver, yet.

He sighed almost desperately as he weighed their options. Walking all the way to the other side of the lake would take the majority of the day, and he was getting impatient. Cadarama was just fifty or so metres away. So close.

He began to realize just how homesick he was. After three months of wandering around strange countries, he longed for the familiarity Cadarama brought to his mind.

Even though everyone was out to kill him and Hydrangea.

The only other option that would work would be waiting for a boat to get close enough to the shore. They couldn't swim though. And Gravel had all of their belongings.

He sighed once more. For now, he would wash their wounds and maybe… just maybe the Primals would provide. If that was their will.