Chapter 175

The pair walked down into the docks, but stayed hidden behind the walls of crates and horses.

The last time they'd tried to find a boat here, they'd ended up sailing in the Queen Fen with Babang.

After hours of carefully observing the happenings of the busy place they heard a voice.

"You looking for transport?"

Bastian glanced at her then around at the market area of the docks. Just beyond the market was a small town on the seaside, very close to the mountains between Cadarama and Selva.

Both of their eyes settled on a young woman with a buxom figure. Hydrangea shifted uncomfortably and fought to hide her scowl. The woman waved them over, her green eyes resting on Bastian.

Jealousy immediately burned in Hydrangea's blood and her fingers fisted at her sides.

"We are. Do you have a ship or a boat that you could service to us?" Bastian asked, his deep voice smooth and charming.

The woman smiled and brushed a lock of her blonde hair off of her shoulder, revealing more of her prominent cleavage. Her hands moved to her hips to purposefully accentuate her narrow waist, "I do. My brothers have a fishing boat, they take extra coin for ferrying."

She batted her lashes and Hydrangea made no attempt to hide her scowl and openly rolled her eyes. Her face was hidden mostly by the scarf anyways.

What was this woman thinking? That she could somehow charm Bastian away from her? Maybe she didn't have all of the assets that the green-eyed woman had, but Bastian loved her. He wouldn't leave her over someone's looks.

Bastian chuckled, "Well, that might be a bit of a problem. We've been travelling for some time and I'm afraid that we have no coin."

The woman smiled slyly and hummed while twisting her hair with her graceful fingers, "That's no problem. There are… other forms of payment." She took a step towards Bastian and Hydrangea gaped, her nails digging into her skin. She hardly noticed the pain as pure outrage powered through her veins.

Who did this woman think she was?

Bastian stiffened but retained his charming smile, "Oh, indeed? And what forms of payment might those be?"

Hydrangea's jaw opened wider and her chest heaved as she sucked in a furious breath.

The buxom woman seemed to take notice of Hydrangea's angered state and gave her a dismissive look. Hydrangea's jaw closed and she bit her tongue.

What was he doing?!

The woman took another step forward—closer to Bastian than Hydrangea would ever want any woman to be, besides herself. She rested her elbow in her hand while her fingers played an unheard melody, "A simple kiss." She smiled cunningly.

Hydrangea scowled, her nose scrunched and her eyebrows drew together. Bastian wouldn't kiss another woman, she though with narrowed eyes.


She gaped at him and could form no words as she watched in absolute anger and horror as Bastian's lips met the woman's lips.

Those lips were hers. She found herself grinding her teeth. She could no longer feel her fists.

The woman leaned away from Hydrangea's husband and smiled, "My brothers' boat is just up the shore. Tell them Suzanne sent you." She finished with a little wave, as though trying to be cute.

"Thank you." Bastian smiled and began to turn away. Hydrangea turned on her heel and stormed to the beach, knowing Bastian was following close behind.

How could he do that? Did he want to kiss the woman that much? She was beautiful…

She stopped in her tracks when she felt the sting of tears. Blinking them back she stepped onto the sand and looked down the shore.


She stomped towards where she could see a boat anchored near the shore at a small dock. She heard him step onto the sand behind her, followed by Gravel.

"Hydrangea, come on."

She stopped and inhaled a fuming breath, her eyes closing as she fought her warring emotions.

"What's wrong?" He asked, placing his hand on her shoulder.

Her mouth fell open, "What's wrong?" She turned around, "What's wrong?!" Her temper took hold of her body and her hand flew and slapped his cheek.

He winced and groaned slightly at her hand. Before he could react she stormed towards the two men who stood watching their little spat. Both of them were chuckling at the scene.

She stopped in front of them, her temper seemed not to intimidate them in the least. She relaxed her clenched fists and tried to calm her heaving breaths, through gritted teeth she said, "Suzanne… sent us."

One of the brothers burst into laughter and slapped the other on the shoulder, "Ah. My apologies for our sister's behaviour." He replied through snickers.

'Clearly, you're not sorry.'

Bastian now stood beside her and she raised her chin in indifference. She didn't have time to process the storm of emotions in her head at that moment. She was just angry.

Clearing his throat, the same brother said, "I'm Clive, this is Ian," He gestured to the second brother who was just smiling. Both were blond and stocky, not as tall as Bastian but she still felt as though they towered over her. "What can we do to help you?"

She opened her mouth to speak but Bastian answered instead, "We need passage to get to Bell Island." He pointed to the horizon and Hydrangea followed his finger and saw a landmass protruding from the sea.

Turning her head to look back at the brothers she met Bastian's eyes for an instant. He looked hurt, and it nearly broke her down her anger. But the image of him kissing the attractive, green eyed, Suzanne popped into her head and she looked away.

Right in front of her. She was beginning to feel ill. Would he one day go further and sleep with a woman if she asked and was attractive enough? Like he used to? She felt a flush rise to her cheeks and began to feel nauseous. She was going to be sick.


"Just leave me alone." She huffed and climbed aboard the boat with the help of Ian, who shrugged at Bastian as though they'd been friends for ages.

She sat down on a step and crossed her arms over her chest.

Bastian walked Gravel up the board and onto the small fishing boat.

"It should only take us an hour or two, depending on the wind."

Bastian nodded at Clive and she looked away from him. He looked confused and hurt, but she felt hurt and confused.

Just two nights ago he'd made love to her for the first time, the first time any man had touched her like that, or shown such care and attention for her body and-and soul.

She knew that he'd most likely felt that way with many other women, a fact that made her heart ache. She knew that she couldn't make him feel new things, but he'd shown her new things.

She sighed and her shoulders hunched.

Clive and Ian were readying the ship for the short journey, Bastian was steadying Gravel and tying him down to a post.

With a lurch the blustering wind blew the sail and the ship began moving, the boat having been untied from the dock.

Every time she thought her anger had subsided the thought of him kissing another woman—not just Suzanne, but Adhira and others—resurfaced and her anger returned full force, along with that nauseated feeling. Her nails dug into her arms and she closed her eyes.

She felt someone sit next to her and she turned to see Bastian watching her fearfully. His eyes were wide and his lips were almost pouting.

Oh, he looked adorable and sad.

But no. She would not lose her resolve. Not until he apologized. How could he do something like that? Right in front of her eyes. Did he not realize how wrong it was?

Her chest began heaving again and she got up to get away from him. Her hands continued clenching as though they wanted to hit something. Walking to the front of the ship she crossed her arms again and stared out at the deep blue sea. The waves crested white and churned a deep, almost turquoise, blue. The atmosphere was colder than it had been when they'd previously passed through Waxingville, but it was warmer than Crescent or Viskogorny.

Watching the upset ocean helped to calm her turbulent emotions. The wind helped to cool her face down. Taking a few deep breaths of the salty air she regained some clarity.

Her anger slowly diffused and was replaced with pain and a feeling of betrayal. Ratri-kar had said that she would suffer betrayal. She sighed and bowed her head.