Chapter 182

As soon as the door clicked shut Alessandra moved and sat beside Hydrangea on the divan.

"So.. I see you're not pregnant yet?" She asked with a smile.

Hydrangea usually found that people who smiled often were not to be trusted, but Alessandra's smiles were always rather comforting.

She blushed at her question and looked at the red tea in her cup. It's not likely she'd be pregnant after only doing it once. She cleared her throat, "N-no. I am not."

Alessandra hummed in response as though thinking on her answer. "Well, I have a plethora of handy tips and suggestions on how to get pregnant. They're also rather fun."

Hydrangea fought to keep her mouth from falling open. She tucked a strand of imaginary hair behind her ear nervously, "Um… th-thank you. But…"

"Oh! If.. if you don't want them darling, then say so. I'm sure a marriage bed with my son is lively enough."

Hydrangea choked on her tea. Through her spluttering she looked at the woman next to her. Now Bastian's mother was beginning to resemble him more.

"Wait one minute. I have a book around here somewhere." She stood up and walked to a bookshelf. While her graceful fingers traced the leather bindings she called back over her shoulder, "It was of great help to me and Esteban."

Hydrangea coughed again and sought to soothe her throat with more of the tart tea.

"Ah! Here it is. I have not seen this book in ages." She walked back over and sat down with an old dusty book in her lap. "This was given to me by my mother." She handed it to Hydrangea and she hesitantly received it.

The title read 'Art of Love'

Hydrangea swallowed.

"In the ancient tongue it translates to, 'Maksabat Oneri.' You see, the author, whose name escapes me, travelled the known world and collected information and knowledge on the techniques and… practices used in other countries."

Hydrangea nodded as she stared at the rather harmless looking book, wary of what knowledge it contained.

"Well, th-thank you." She replied as she set the book beside her on the couch, her fingers touching it hesitantly.

Alessandra nodded. The young woman seemed to be a very quiet creature. She'd always thought Bastian would fall for a loud and passionate woman to match his own passion, but she was glad to see the woman he had fallen in love with was quite the opposite. They suited each other.

"On another matter…" She started, gauging her daughter-in-law's response. She seemed relieved to be switching topics. Alessandra was rather intrigued by her reaction to the topic of intimacy between a husband and wife. She thought that her having been unified to Bastian for six months would've given her enough experience and that she would be more comfortable with the topic. But it would appear that that was not a reality. "When you two took a dip in the fountain, you were arguing."

Hydrangea nodded, "It was-"

"I don't need you to excuse or explain it, darling. That is between you and Bastian. But may I offer a word of advice?"

Hydrangea's brows rose. The older woman hadn't asked before offering any of her other advice. She nodded, "I would appreciate some advice."

Alessandra smiled at her reply, "Excellent. Now, let me begin with a story." Her smile widened as she recalled the memory. "Shortly after Esteban and mine's Union, I wanted to go on a little vacation to this island." She pressed her hand to her knee to signal the island they were on, "And so I told him, "Esteban, I would like to go on a vacation to Bell Island." He simply told me that it was a splendid idea. Well, I went to this island and waited for him to come. After one week I returned to the palace and told him how upset I was that he hadn't come. And he told me that he thought I'd wanted to go alone."

"B-Bastian did the same thing. He's done it many times." She closed her eyes momentarily, annoyed of her stutter. She didn't used to be so timid.

Alessandra laughed and Hydrangea smiled nervously. "Yes, you see, men are not mind-readers. Not in the least. They need verbal confirmation and communication to understand even the simplest of things."

Hydrangea nodded slowly as the woman's wisdom dawned on her. She could very easily see when Bastian was upset, and he usually told her why. She never told him why she was upset, and if she did, she generally conveyed it through shouting.

Alessandra patted her knee, "You should go get ready for dinner. I will go find my son, wherever he's run off to."

Hydrangea smiled and got to her feet. Just as her fingers clasped the door knob, Alessandra's voice stopped her, "Hydrangea, if and when you get pregnant just know that miscarriages do happen." Hydrangea turned back and her lips parted slightly at the woman's wise and sorrowful expression.

She sighed, "Pregnancy is cumbersome on our bodies and when we lose a child, even more so. Just remember that it is not your fault, it is the Primals will, though we do not understand their ways."

Hydrangea felt a chill creep into her bones but met her mother-in-law's brown eyes and nodded.

"I'll remember." She answered and then left—fled—from the room.


Alessandra remained seated on the divan for a few seconds longer before she stood. Walking to the cord she gave it a tug to call a servant to tidy up the tea. Then she left the room through a door hidden in the bookshelf that led to her hidden study.

After collecting herself she left and entered out into a servant's passageway. As she walked, her shoes clicking on the stone floors, she spotted a young man dressed in servant's garb.

As soon as he took notice of her he bowed and asked what he could do for her.

"Have you seen our guest or Hugh?"

He nodded, "In Hugh's quarters, your majesty."

She nodded and thanked him before she sought out Hugh's quarters that housed his wife and children, along with a small study.

Exiting another secret passageway she arrived directly outside of his quarters. She strolled in and knocked on the door she knew led to the study and heard a pair of voices hush.

She heard a small debate and then listened as a set of footsteps approached the door. Hugh opened it and bowed when he saw who she was.

"Your majesty."

"May I come in?"

"Of course, you may come in, mother." Bastian said from somewhere unseen and she smiled at Hugh as she passed him and entered the cozy room, much smaller than her own study, but sizeable for a servant of Hugh's station.

Sitting on an upholstered wooden chair she looked at her son. He was standing behind a desk, his fingers on a map.

Her expression sobered, "And what is it that you two have been discussing so secretly?"

He glanced up at her, then sighed silently. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

Bastian moved and sat in a chair across from her, "I've discovered the solution. Our last hope." He answered simply.

"Have you now?" She asked quietly.

He nodded, "Yes. Membentuk."

She inhaled deeply. The Bentukis had always been great friends of her son's, and therefore of Cadarama's. But she was well acquainted with the Rajah and Queen of the country, she wouldn't say she trusted them completely.

"And how do you plan on acquiring their assistance?"

He tilted his head a little, "You don't trust them. You don't think it will work."

She shook her head with a partial sly smile, "Did I say that? No. Now go on."

He shook his head and slumped slightly in the chair which causes her to roll her eyes humorously.

"Hugh tells me that my ship is still docked at the palace shipyards," She straightened, "He also tells me that there are many men here who are still loyal to me."

'Miraculously.' She said mentally. Her son had never been the wisest of rulers, but she'd hoped that either having a wife or years of experience would help him in that area. Help him to grow as a man. But it seems that the Primals knew sending him on a journey through three different countries would do the trick.

She was proud of her son, exceedingly so.