Chapter 191

Blood was everywhere; on the faces of smiling men, on the floor where she'd slipped, in her hair and staining her clothes, on her hands. The hot, sticky substance coated everything.

She ran from it and into the dark, but a shadow pushed her to the ground and tried to eat her. Sharp, jagged teeth biting down on her ankle.

She screamed for help but no one came.

She stumbled down a cliff and fell into an abyss filled with water that stung her bones, her eyes went dark and she felt something wrap around her neck and strangle her, dragging her body to the depths.

She felt blood spattering across her face, getting into her mouth and eyes, all she could see was red.

Her breath came too quick and she began to feel dizzy.

Two faces appeared in front of her and she screamed. Their faces chasing her even with her eyes closed.

She sat up and gasped.

All was quiet.

She began trying to slow her breathing, taking longer and slower breaths.

When she didn't feel as shaky she attempted to remove the heavy blanket from her legs and winced when her hand objected painfully. She looked at it and saw it was wrapped in bandages. Using her other hand she removed the blanket and saw that her legs were bare, and that she was wearing only a white shirt.

She took a few deeper breaths as confusion tore through her mind. Where was she?

Standing she nearly tripped but steadied herself against a wooden wall.

Light was streaming in from a large window to her left. The floor was made entirely of wooden planks. There were chests and tables with papers strewn about. She glanced at the large bed again.

Where was she? She searched her memories but found herself too haunted by them to want to continue.

She started at the sound of footsteps then a door opening.


Her lips parted at the sight of Bastian.


His eyes immediately sought her out and relief filled them.

"Oh, you're alright." He breathed and walked towards her with his arms stretched out.

"Don't touch me." Her frantic and frightened words came out before she could think. She didn't want him to touch her. She felt filthy and horrible. If he knew… if he knew what she'd done, he wouldn't think of her the same.

Hurt flashed in his eyes before concern surfaced, "Hydrangea.. why don't you want me to touch you?" He took a slow step forward.

She stared up at him, her shame circling in her eyes. She couldn't tell him. He wouldn't look at her the same. She had lost her innocence, yes; she'd lost her sexual innocence. But now she felt as though she'd lost something more important than that. An entirely different innocence.

She jumped at his hand touching her cheek, "Hydrangea, you can tell me." He said softly.

She shook her head, "I can't."

She closed her eyes when the eyes of the dead soldier flashed in her vision.

She felt his arms wrap around her and she stood still, tears stinging her eyes.

She shouldn't be here, she was supposed to be with Alessandra. Safe, on Bell Island. She wrapped her arms under his and held his shoulders, burying her face into his chest. It was all so wrong.

"It's okay, you're safe." She shook her head. She didn't feel safe.

He sat down on the bed and she sat next to him, her head hung low.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked.

She nodded mutely. She was feeling too many things at once to be feeling anything.

His hand began rubbing her back comfortingly.

"You were out for two days, the poison seems to have worked its way out of your system."

"Two days?" She whispered.


"P-poison? What poison?"

He was quiet for a few moments and she looked up at him. He looked haggard. Her heart softened. He looked at her, his eyes momentarily glancing to her neck before meeting her eyes.

He looked so pained.

"Yes, the poison." He chuckled unhumorously and stared at the wall ahead of them, "It normally kills within an hour," Her skin chilled and he noticed her anxiety. He squeezed her hand and met her eyes reassuringly, "But you happen to have the antidote in your body already."

Her brow creased, "How?"

He thinned his lips, "Back in Selva, when… you were poisoned by the Gravel Spider, you were given the antidote by the Jungle Followers. The poison was very similar to that of the Gravel Spider and you had enough in your body to survive."

Her lips parted in shock and she said sarcastically, "Guess the spider was a blessing in disguise."

He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her temple, "Don't go there."

"Go where?"

"Dark places. I'm here for you. Don't go to those dark places."

Her heart swelled with an emotion she couldn't name. She blinked back the watering of her eyes.

They both sat in silence, their thoughts raging through their heads.

Hydrangea was finally the one to break it, "Am I wearing your clothes?"

She heard a click and looked up to see him smiling, "Indeed you are. You look incredible in them."

She scoffed lightly but smiled at his compliment.

"Your clothes were soaked through and we have no woman's attire aboard." He explained.

She nodded.

After a few more minutes of silence he stood up and the bed creaked at the shift in weight.

He surprised her by bending down and placing a chaste kiss on her lips. His hands were placed on either side of her partly bare thighs, "I missed you."

His breath fanned her lips and she smiled, "I missed you, too."

He gave her another kiss and separated, but she sought his lips for another. Just as her head began to spin from the whirl she obtained from the kiss they heard a knock at the door.

"Captain, the naviga-"

"I'll be right there, Hugh." Bastian answered angrily.

She gave him a look that said he shouldn't be upset.

He gave her a smirk that said he should.

She smiled and he gave her another kiss, tugging gently on her lower lip before he straightened. He held her cheek tenderly, his thumb stroking her jaw, "I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Okay." She nodded and he gave her one last long gaze before walking out of the room.

Her eyes followed him and as soon as he was out of sight her shoulders sagged.

The blockade!

She stood up on her still staggering legs and rushed to the door. "Bastian! Bastian! The blockade!"

She nearly ran into him but his hands grasped her shoulders.

He laughed softly, "It's alright, Hydrangea. We made it past."
