Chapter 196

Bastian grinned happily watching his wife's face during her climax. He doubted he would ever tire of it.

He swiftly removed her pants that were now wet from her climax and gently removed her shirt. Or his shirt.

She was still panting, he could see her glassy eyes watching him from beneath her hooded lids.


His eyes took her in. Where to start? He asked himself.

He didn't think twice before his hands palmed her breasts. Her voice immediately reacted with a moan. Her back arched as he massaged them firmer, watching her every reaction.

"Nng. Oh, Bastian." She gasped and he claimed her lips, his tongue delving into her mouth and tasting every inch of it. She moaned and writhed beneath him, her hands flying to his hair. His chest pressed against her own as he slowly lowered his hands to her hips.

His own need was becoming painful.

He tore his lips from hers, both of them panting from the heat.

"What do you want?" He asked in a tone deeper and rougher than usual.

His skin grew hotter when he saw her black pupils enlarge, looking deep into his eyes, she asked, "What do you want?"

He tilted his head to the side and watched her with a sly smile. "That is a dangerous question, my flower."

"Answer it." She said, a desire in her tone that matched his own.

He narrowed his eyes, "I want to taste you.."

He saw confusion enter her glowing eyes, and the corner's of his lips lifted. He kissed her and her eyes closed, the confusion gone from her face. He only smiled to himself.

Leaving her lips, he trailed sloppy, wet kisses along her jaw and down her neck. He heard a strangled moan and narrowed his eyes at the concentration written on her face.

An unsaid challenge was stated and he vowed to win it. He'd get her to open those lips of hers and hear all the sounds she was trying to hide.

She whimpered as he licked the goosebumps along her shoulder then gasped at his tongue trailing down to the valley between her breasts. He couldn't resist teasing her with his tongue and lick her erect nipple lightly.

He saw the strain on her face, and the pleading in her eyes. A request he couldn't say no to. His mouth latched onto her breast and she bucked beneath him. He sucked and teased her as she sang beautifully.

His heart raced as each response got louder, her breathing became faster and faster.

He released her delicious mound and gave it a kiss, then kissed its twin who was equally asking for attention. But he had yet to reach his destination.

He trailed chaste kisses down her rib cage then her navel. He chuckled softly at her squeals to him kissing her belly.

His hands stroked down her thighs and he parted them further open. He smiled at the sight that greeted him.

"Bastian?" Her breathy voice asked.

He kissed the inside of her knee, "Yes, Hydrangea." He felt her shiver from his breath on the sensitive skin.

He met her eyes and saw the question in them.

"You trust me?"

She nodded.

"I will not hurt you. And I would never do anything that I know you would dislike." He thought for a moment, "If you do not like it, tell me."

She nodded slowly and once he saw ease and passion settle back into her eyes he grabbed her hips and brought her most intimate place to his mouth. His tongue began lathering up the liquid that had already drenched the skin.

"Ah! Oh! No, no, Bastian!" The blood in his veins rushed hot and his cock grew harder from the sounds that exited her mouth.

He chuckled softly, "No?" He asked, his voice almost rasping, "Do you want me to stop?"

Her eyes seemed dazed and his grin widened. "No." She finally said and he returned his attention to where it rested previously.

He carefully traced every intricate detail of the delicate skin, "cleaning" it of the clear liquid that continued to flow from her opening.

Every touch he made she arched and rubbed against his face. Her voice never once ceasing from telling him of how she felt.

Without warning he edged his tongue into her opening. She shrieked and thrust against him, almost bruising his nose. He began focusing on stroking her inner walls.

With his hands still on her hips, he could feel that she was trembling. He started sucking her and she responded just as before, her body thrashed and her hands flew to his head.

"Oh!" She shouted, her delicate voice husky and breathless, "Bastian, please!"


He shucked his breeches which were doing absolutely nothing to hide his arousal.

He grabbed her hips and thrust into her eagerly.

Both of them arched their necks at the sensation.

Bastian groaned and began thrusting into her with abandon, she met each thrust fervently. Her moaning carried to his ears amidst the sounds of their flesh joining.

He lowered his thumb and began strumming her clit. She responded with a loud moan, her walls clenching around him. He gasped and continued with his movements, her body readying for another climax.

"Bastian. Bast-" Her voice was cut by her climax. He parted his eyes to watch his wife's graceful back and neck arch almost violently, her body spasming around him.

He thrust faster, his own climax nearing. Burying himself deep into her, he came. He gasped softly as his neck craned back, he thrust into her a few more times as he finished before he fell onto the bed next to his trembling wife. Still implanted within her.

He panted for a few moments before he opened his eyes to see her looking at him through half-closed lids. He smiled softly and reached over to pull her closer to him. Her body was still limp and spasming in places.

After a few minutes he checked her face for tears and was relieved to have found none.

She shifted closer to him and placed her hands on his shoulders. He stiffened as he grew hard again.

"Bastian?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"Well, you woke him up." He stated simply as he rolled his hips slightly, causing her warmth to once again encase him. He closed his eyes, biting his lip to stifle the groan.

She gasped, "How can you be able to do that again?"

He smiled and parted his eyes open, "Men are insatiable. Didn't you know that?" He asked teasingly, although the urge to begin thrusting into her was agony to resist.

Her lips parted in confusion and her eyes became more alert, "But, I'm exhausted. Aren't you?"

He could see the drowsiness in her face and he kissed her forehead. "Very well." He sighed. He had no idea how he'd deal with his now reawakened cock. "We can sleep now."

He pulled out and groaned softly at the loss of her heat. He heard her give a dissatisfied sound. But she said no words.

He laid on his back with Hydrangea curled up next to him, his erection poking through the blanket. 'Delightful.' He shifted at the uncomfortableness.

After an hour he eventually dozed off only to wake to Hydrangea hugging him.

He grumbled slightly and looked out the window to see the sun splitting the horizon. The rain had stopped.

He looked to where Hydrangea was with her little head tucked under his underarm.


She was quiet for a few moments before he heard her small voice say, "I'm not as strong as I used to be."