Chapter 198

"We need to talk about what happened last night." Bastian said from beneath his wife. She was still watching him with those humoured eyes that elicited a small smile from him.

Her eyes looked to her left for a second then back to him, "What happened last night."

He smiled and rested his hand behind his head, "Makes one wonder how drunk you were."

He saw her eyes widen and her face pale. Her hand flew to her mouth, "Oh, lord. Oh, goodness. Oh, no."

He laughed softly at her reply. He signalled that he needed to get up and she swung her leg over to stand.

The moment her feet touched the floor he heard her wince. He jumped out of the bed and circled her to stand before her.

He was so far very excited with how open and calm she was with being naked in front of him.

The only reason he even thought of being hesitant with his own nudity was because of his scars. But with the way she paid attention to them, the thought of being ashamed of them never once entered his mind.

"Are you okay? I knew I was too rough, I'm sorry. Next time I'll be gentle." His worry took his control of his tongue.

He drew back slightly when he heard her giggle, "You were a little rough, yes. But it wasn't too bad."

She sat down on the edge of the bed and he smirked down at her, then at her two mounds which she was shamelessly presenting to him. They had a few marks and one or two forming bruises. He grimaced, "I'll be gentler next time."

She looked down at her chest, "Oh. I hadn't even noticed."

His expression turned concerned again, was she saying she wasn't feeling things again? How rough had he been?

"Bastian." She called, her face still beaming with laughter, "I did not notice because it doesn't hurt."

He stared at her and trailed his eyes over the length of her body. Her hips also looked bruised.

"You're sure?"

She nodded with a smile that made his heart skip beats, "I'm sure."

He nodded and began to get himself organized. He brushed his hair out of his face as he bent down to slip his boots on. He really needed his hair trimmed.

He turned around to see Hydrangea pulling one of his shirts on, followed by breeches and stockings. Her face suddenly paled and she looked to him, "You said I was drunk last night. How-?" Her question was broken by herself as she sunk deep into her thoughts.

He waited patiently as he slipped his coat on.


Bastian clenched his fists at the memory of the troublesome woman.

"She's said she'd known the way to help things." She explained softly.

He was tempted to bring up the fact that he'd said it wouldn't help and she'd ignored him. But he didn't.

He walked over to where she stood and placed his hands on her shoulders, "Did it help?"

She lowered her eyes and shook her head. He grabbed her chin and raised her eyes to meet his, "Darling, I vowed to be yours. And you vowed to be mine. You are mine." The words echoed in either person's mind. He rather like the sound of it, "I am here for you."

She bit her lip and nodded.

He held her chin for a while longer, his eyes taking in every inch of her face, "I want to kiss you very much right now."

"Then kiss me."

"Eh, last night you asked me in your native accent. I think I rather prefer that one." He said casually. He really did love her Crescent accent.

She frowned and turned around, crossing her arms, she said, "Well, now you don't get to kiss me."

He laughed and crossed his own arms, "Really now?"

"Yes. And I do believe your crew is waiting for you."

He narrowed his eyes at her and glanced at the door. The crew wouldn't respect tardiness from their captain. But his nature compelled him to continue this game with her.

"Well, I will get that kiss. And when you least expect it."

He guessed that she rolled her eyes and smirked. 'What a charming woman my wife is.' He thought as he left the cabin.

He arrived on deck, composed and ready to observe the punishment he'd doled out.

He narrowed his eyes at the snickers he heard from the men.

"Get a good night's sleep, lads?" He asked.

"Did you?" A youthful voice asked and Bastian's jaw clicked before he smirked menacingly.

The group of men knew better than to laugh at the comment. Hugh was standing next to Rodas at the helm, both were watching the spectacle and shaking their heads.

"What I saw last night was a poor excuse for sailors. Are we no better than pirates? From now on, the rum aboard ship shall only be used for cooking and medical reasons. If I find anyone drunk, they'll be tossed in the brig. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, captain." They replied respectfully.

Bastian nodded, "Get to work. I want this entire deck swabbed. Including the rails."

He could see annoyance flicker in some of their eyes, but no objections were voiced.

The men scrambled to work and Bastian mounted the stairs to the helm. The roar of the waves reached his ears, the wind blew his irritatingly long hair from his face and he inhaled the familiar scent of salt.

"Did you sleep well, captain?" Hugh asked and Bastian glanced at him with amusement.

"Very well, thank you." He replied in a measured voice as he took the spyglass from Hugh.

He ignored the exchanged glanced between him and Rodas and continued scanning the horizon.

A frown settled on his features when his eyes spotted Aidana.

He handed Hugh the spyglass and walked down the steps, between the men who were cleaning and working, and to Aidana.

"Good morning, Sovereign. Sleep well?"

"Yes. You?" He asked calmly.

He saw confusion dart into her eyes before she covered it. "Exceptionally. I always find sleep better if I've been drinking."

He hummed, "Interesting. How much of this behaviour is condoned by my mother?"

Her brows rose, "How did you know I was sent by your mother?"

He didn't. He smiled, "I wasn't sure about it until you said so just now."

She huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Aidana." Her blue eyes looked back to him. "If you ever coerce my wife again, I will put you in the brig for the remainder of this journey. Bread and water."

She gulped, but quickly concealed it with a smile and a shrug, "Got it, Sovereign. Don't let your wife have some freedom, or I'm your prisoner."

He narrowed his eyes and walked away. He would not fall for her goading.

The day passed by smoothly, no storms threatened them. But he assumed they would hit tomorrow.

He walked down the steps and to his cabin.