Chapter 208

Hydrangea's opened her eyes and saw darkness. Panic welled in her chest at the utter oblivion around her. Where was Bastian and the ship? And the crew and Aidana?

She moved to stand but found that her body was floating, suspended in the dark. She had no voice, she soon discovered.

"It's a strange feeling, isn't it?" A floating voice asked and her floating head turned to see where it had come from. But it only echoed around her in the dark. "I've simply come to tell you that the king is—how should I say…? Unwilling in your plight. Speak to his queen instead, she has an open mind."

She gasped awake and stared at the ceiling of their cabin. Ratri-kar… Had the Primal become so weak that he couldn't even form a physical body in her dreams? Her expression sobered and her body chilled, despite Bastian's arm hugging her. The Primals were truly weakened. Samadur had been able to form an image of his face, even if it had been for a mere moment.

She wondered for a moment if Bastian had ever seen Ratri-kar. He would've told her, wouldn't he have? She didn't know. Her husband kept the strangest things secret.

Hot lips pressed to her neck had her eyes closing and a small smiling curving her lips. He continued tracing nearly painfully slow kisses up to her lips. She cringed at the slight morning breath, but returned his morning greeting.

"How did you sleep?" He mumbled, his hot breath brushing her cheek and lips.

She sighed and shifted so she faced him, propping herself up on her elbow, "Alright. I had a dream."

He turned and rested on his back, she smiled softly at his tired sigh. He knew it hadn't been a pleasant dream. His two hands rested on his loose sleep shirt.

"Ratri-kar couldn't even form a body, Bastian. He wasn't even there." She said with a furrowed brow, her lips thinning.

His own expression turned grim and his eyes shifted as though he was seeing multiple possibilities before them, "It's alright. Samadur will help us with the travel. They brought us to Membentuk. We will get our help." She nodded and he asked, "What did he say?"

She shifted so that she was lying directly next to him, staring up at the ceiling, listening to the muffled footsteps along with him, "He said to speak to the queen instead of the king. That she knew—or that he wouldn't listen. I don't remember all of the details but that's what we're to do."

"Alright." Bastian replied drowsily. He rolled over and gave Hydrangea a peck on the lips. He tried to roll away but she caught his hand. A mischievous smile played on her lips as her other hand crept down to his cock beneath his breeches.

His eyes shimmered and he moved closer, "What is it, Hydrangea?" He whispered. She leaned forward and cupped his hardening length firmer. He inhaled sharply and she watched fascinated as his pupils enlarged as well.

"You know what I want." She whispered, her cheeks flushing with a heat that spread through her. He grinned and she felt her heart melt within her. Did he know what his smiles did to her? Before she could ask him his lips were on hers. She sighed happily at the friction his lips created and at the arousal growing between her legs. She wound her arms around his neck and dug her fingers in his hair.

His hot tongue played with hers sending shivers down her spine and arching her back. By the time he'd pulled her breeches down, her body was begging for him, her core throbbing nearly painfully. With one swift movement he joined his body with hers. A pleasured gasp wrenched from her while he groaned atop her.

With quick thrusts he drove her towards her peak, the hot pleasure rushing through her veins, her body contracting tightly. Her sweat covered breasts bobbed with his rapid movements. Her toes curled and her mind spun as moans poured from her lips. She began kissing his neck, tasting his sweat on her tongue and she felt him grow within her as a shiver ran over his skin beneath her lips.

"Oh, Hydrangea.." He growled and she smiled, pleased at his reaction. His lips were on hers within a moment and their moans and gasps were both swallowed by the other as they continued to move frantically, racing towards their climax.

"Bastian." She groaned when his fingers squeezed her breast. Her breath staggered and her back arched into him.

She finished first. The white streaks of pleasure climbing through her and out her lips as her body instinctively clenched around him, her hands fisting his hair and her legs capturing his waist before her muscles lost their strength. She soon felt him grow larger within her and she trembled as he came within her. His beautiful skin glinted as his body craned back in pleasure, his deep voice echoing his pleasure.

When he was finished he rested atop of her for a few seconds, catching his breath, before he rolled onto his side, his hands on her still heaving breasts.

Hydrangea smiled through the pleasant haze that saturated her body and she leaned forward to kiss him. He hummed and pulled her closer to him, deepening the heated kiss.


"Do you think we'll be welcomed?" Hydrangea asked while she dressed herself in the dress she had worn when she first boarded the Venerable.

"I'm sure of it. Each time I've visited the Bentukis I've been welcomed with open arms." Bastian answered as he tucked his shirt into his trousers.

"But they knew you were coming those times, didn't they?" She asked and she paused in the lacing if her corset. He walked over, his eyes glowing with desire. She glared playfully at him, "Bastian…"

"Yes, Hydrangea." He purred back, his hands reaching up to tighten the laces. She laughed and he answered her previous question, "Yes, they would've known. But they know my ship, and we're flying the royal colours of Cadarama, along with Hiraeth."

She nodded and inhaled sharply when he pulled a little too harshly. He quickly loosened quickly it with a calm expression. Her stomach was getting larger, she knew he had noticed. She bit her lip nervously, did he think she was becoming fat? He knew it was because of their baby, didn't he?

Her jaw dropped suddenly when Bastian crouched and kissed her stomach through the fabric. She blinked and felt her throat thicken with tears at his beautiful gesture. Her heart burst from the smile Bastian gave her as he stood again, his hand holding hers; bashful yet joyous.

She smiled back and stood on her toes to give him a kiss; one that she hoped showed how touched she was.