Chapter 212

Hydrangea did her best to remember her lessons as she ascended the steps to the queen's chambers. She was queen as well. She could do this, she repeated to herself. She had told Bastian the same and she didn't want to disappoint him.

All of this hinged on Hydrangea.

Straightening her posture and clearing her throat for the umpteenth time she bowed her head to the female guards posted outside the curtained door.

Aidana relayed something to them in Bentuki and one of them ducked behind the curtain. When they returned they said something in a voice much deeper than Hydrangea had expected. Aidana said something—likely a "thanks"—and the curtain was parted for them.

Hydrangea stiffened at the sight when she entered. Remembering what Aidana has said about only women being allowed entry in the extravagant temple-like palace, she was very surprised to see a group of men surrounding the queen.

Swallowing her discomfort, she stride forward as though she was equal to the stunning woman on the throne. Clearly woman were treated very well in Membentuk.

"Greetings Queen Indah." Hydrangea said and bowed like Bastian had taught her.

The dark haired woman inclined her head, her headdress that dripped in gold and jewels glinted in the morning sun. "And greetings to you, Queen Hydrangea." Her thick accent gave Hydrangea a momentary pause. "May I ask what brings you to my humble chambers?"

Hydrangea raised her chin and fought the urge to clench her fists when she saw some of the men around her begin to feed her. Another was stroking her shoulder. The scene…unnerved Hydrangea. None of the men were her husband, and yet they served her as a concubine would serve a king.

It was backwards and she couldn't wrap her head around it.

Aidana nudged her and Hydrangea blinked awake from her thoughts, "Me and the Sovereign," She began, having to remember formalities, "Have journeyed here to ask for your aid. You've heard of the plight our country is in, and you've surely heard how helpless we are in it. We are willing to negotiate—"

"I've heard all this." Indah stated with a wave of her hand, as though her plea was unimportant. "And yes, I will convince my husband to send a fleet to help you. But what I'm most curious about, is why you're here."

Hydrangea's mouth fell open. She had said yes. They were going to receive help. Her shock lasted far too long to be polite and Aidana had to nudge her again.

"I-I'm here because my husband is here."

"Men are such trivial things though, my dear." She said as she stroked the soft, lush looking hair of one of her men. "Why follow him halfway across the world, just for this?"

Hydrangea wasn't sure of how to respond. It was because she loved him and how could she not follow him?

"Cadarama deserves my loyalty and rescue, just as much as it does his. I followed him, because…he needed me." She said, doing her best not to mumble. She would have to get better at this is she was to be queen of Cadarama.

Queen Indah nodded, "Understandable. Men are quite helpless without us to guide them, aren't they?" Discomfort swarmed within Hydrangea, but she said nothing. "How king are you to stay? If you require any comfort, Sion would be more than happy to procure it." The queen nodded at one of the young men and Hydrangea again was at a loss for words.

"I'm quite comfortable with my own husband, thank you. We-we've been travelling for a quite a while and I'm not sure if I could handle something new." She replied, trying to play it off.

The queen narrowed her eyes, "Because you are new to this country, I will explain something to you." She stood and her men flicked behind her. "To refuse such a gift is a slight against the giver."

Hydrangea had assumed as much. But she had hoped that she could get away with refusing it. Fighting the urge, once again, to clench her fists, "Then I gladly accept your gift, your majesty."

The queen nodded, "Good. Sion is one of my more compassionate ones. If you prefer wilder men, then I suggest Baskaro." She gestured to a broader, taller man with the sand sun-kissed skin as Sion.

Her mind flashed to Bastian's many kisses and the many frenzied sessions of making love. A rush of heat, both from embarrassment and from past memories. Her lips parted, "I…I believe I'll just stick with S-Sion, thank you."

Queen Indah smiled broadly, "Excellent, you may keep him for as long as your stay permits." She reached forward and petted his shoulder, "He's one of my favourites."

Hydrangea nodded, "Then I shall take care of him."

They left the palace and Aidana quickly pulled her aside and into a side path. Sion, who reminded Hydrangea of a puppy, followed her loyally into the foliage.

"What?" Hydrangea asked when Aidana had said nothing.

She massaged her temples, "You do realize how complicated this is, don't you?"


"By accepting this fine specimen's attention, you have to receive it. If you don't sleep with him at least once, he'll report back to his mistress and we will be in very big trouble."

Cold swept through Hydrangea, "Oh."

This was a problem, and she very much doubted that Bastian would be happy about this. "But I couldn't refuse him."

"Well no, but.. this is going to complicated."

Hydrangea frowned. What had happened to Aidana to make her so stressed? The woman was usually carefree.

"We'll bring him back to the house and—"


She spun around and saw Bastian standing at the head of the path, a hand on his sword. He had changed back into his original clothes and her heart fluttered at how they increased his attractiveness. But the issue at hand quelled the butterflies in her and she bit her lip, "We have a problem."

Bastian stepped into the path and his gaze narrowed at Sion, who had been standing mutely across from Hydrangea. His confused expression sparked a bit of guilt in her chest and she cast a nervous smile at Bastian.

"Who is this?" He asked, though by his dark expression she bet that he already knew.

"He's a gift from Queen Indah." She explained.

Bastian raised a a brow and crossed his arms, unimpressed, "And do you know what these "gifts" are?"

She frowned and reused her chin, "Yes, thank you. Aidana told me."

He looked behind her and nodded in respect to the blonde woman. Hydrangea's brows pinched. Bastian hadn't even spared her a smile, yet he gave Aidana a nod. Pushing her jealousy aside, she asked, "Did you find anything out?"

He shook his head, still staring at Sion with what looked like a pout. The yellow sun's beams filtered through the bamboo stalks and cast stripes of light on all of them.

"The king is out in the Dew Province, surveying the groves there. He will be back this evening, so we should expect to hear from him tomorrow." He stepped closer to Hydrangea, finally, and he wrapped a possessive arm around her. She hid a smile at his act.

"And how did it go?" He asked, at last tearing his distrustful gaze away from Sion and turning it down to look at her.

"She said yes."