Weird Feelings.

Jasmine smiled as she saw another jasmine flower on her desk in her work. Their pretend relationship had been going for three weeks now and since then she always received the bouquet of jasmine flowers every morning either in her work or Viel would personally give those to her. She is not going to lie, she likes how Viel treated her. She happily smells the flowers on her desk; she chuckled as she could feel all the envious stares of her co-workers. As she observes the bouquet, a sticky note paste on it catches her attention. She pulls the note and reads it.

"I will wait for you at home, I will play the cook for tonight's dinner. Viel." She cannot stop herself from smiling while reading the note. She happily opens her phone and creates a text.

"I hope you are a great cook despite your luxurious status." She typed and added a winking face then sent it to the bachelor's number. She put down the flowers and started doing her work.

While working she heard her phone buzzed and saw a message notification from Viel, she smiled as she checks the message. Viel replied with a picture of him who acts as if he was offended by what Jasmine texted him.

"LOL," Jasmine replied to him with a few laughing emojis.

"Jasmine, focus on your work." Scolded by her boss; Jasmine instantly sent another text to Viel telling him she needs to work then turned off her phone.

On the other hand, the bachelor is seating on his chair, who cannot also stop smiling while reading her texts. No matter if their relationship is just to pretend; it does not change the fact their much closer now to each other.

"Bro? Are there any improvements on her?" asked the bachelor's friend who is currently sitting on his sofa in his office?

"No, but I think there are some things she finds familiar," Viel answered his friend.

"If that is, then she might remember everything before four months." His friend warned Viel and sip the coffee Viel offered him.

"I know, Santhe," Viel answered and seriously look at the folder he has on his desk.

Back to Jasmine, she had finished her article and is now receiving hundreds of views from the citizens. It was a normal day for her. She is scrolling on her laptop screen when she received an email from an unknown account. She opened the email and read it.

"Promise is meant to be broken isn't it?" The sender says. This made Jasmine frown, she cannot understand the reason why someone sends this to her, as far as she could recall; she had not made any promises to anyone.

Jasmine contemplated if she would reply or not; she decided to ignore the email for it might just be a wrong send but the email gives her creeps. To remove her curiosity regarding the email she decided to watch some dramas while waiting for another project. After watching an episode, she and her friends went to the nearby fast-food chain in their company to have their lunch. There she met Dave again who she had not contacted since the incident, she thought that maybe this is a sign for her to clear some things, especially that Dave back then has been also accused of being a third party which surely hurt his image, especially that Dave is an employee from a TV network few miles away from their company.

She was about to head in his direction but she remembered it would not be good in the eyes of the public to see her and Dave close, as it might create another issue of her cheating. Jasmine contemplated whether to follow her plan or her gut feeling, she then balances the consequences and she decided to abort her plan to explain to Dave and joined her co-workers at their table.

She ordered a burger and fries with cola while her co-workers got themselves a fried chicken, muffins, and nuggets. She and her co-workers continue their chit-chat, most of their questions are about Jasmine and Viel's relationship and comments on how sweet the bachelor is to Jasmine. They even said to Jasmine that she is lucky to meet a man like Viel, handsome, rich, and a gentleman; a complete package as they say. Jasmine agrees to that, Viel's true love is lucky to have him.

"So, what is your plan tonight? I had bought two movie tickets for my supposed anniversary with my ex." Kaitlyn bitterly asked them.

"Oh, I am busy. I need to cook for the kids." Marilyn answered.

"Same here, I need to do my laundry." Hannah expressed her disappointment.

"What about you?" Kaitlyn asked Jasmine.

"I had plans tonight." She answered her friend and smiled sweetly.

"A date again?" Hannah asked.

"No, it's just that Viel planned to cook dinner tonight." Jasmine shyly spoke as she began to blush.

"Dang! You are falling, hard sis!" Commented Kaitlyn and chuckled while Jasmine looked at her friend and began to deny it.

"No, I am not." She denies and drinks her cola. Her wide eyes express how ridiculous she thinks of Kaitlyn's sentence while shaking her head.

"Seriously? That is okay Jas! Besides you guys are together." Hannah told her to find Jasmine's actions weird.

"Yeah. I mean I just find it cringe. You know." Jasmine tried to explain herself.

"All right, as you say so. Anyways, I will still go to the theatre, who knows I will meet someone better than my ex." Kaitlyn jokes and began to laugh out loud.

Jasmine shakes her head at her friends, while doing it she and Dave's eyes accidentally meet, and it was awkward. Jasmine instantly changes her gaze and began thinking of other things.

"Anyway, if Jasmine has a romantic dinner with Viel then we should help her fix herself. Let us dress her as a sexy kitten." Kaitlyn joked again.

"What? No way, you're going to do that." Jasmine warned and this made her friends look at her as if she is joking.

"oh, yes we will sissy," Marilyn said to her.

As soon as their lunch finished, they all went to work again. Jasmine and her friends finished their work faster than lightning especially knowing that they will spend the rest of their time doing Jasmine's makeover. They went shopping at six in the evening to shop for Jasmine. It was a little makeover as Kaitlyn claimed. They bought a new dress and heels after that they went to the salon to have their nails and makeup. As soon as their little makeover end, Kaitlyn, Marilyn, and Hannah are proud to say they had a goddess-like a friend.

Jasmine went home wearing her new dress and heels. She knocks on the door three times and there the bachelor opens the door for her. Viel found himself staring at the goddess in front of him, he swallowed nervously as his gaze travels from her hair in curls, red lips down to her shown collar bone because of the red strapless dress she is wearing which also reveals her thick smooth legs. Viel felt a sudden change in the temperature; He felt the heat due to the sexy lady in front of him.

The bachelor gasped for air as he cannot take away his amber eyes from the lady seating in front of him. His eyes continue to travel around the lady's sexy figure; If his gaze can touch the lady, Jasmine might be naked now. He took a sip in his wine and removes his necktie and unattached the upper buttons of his polo. He cannot focus on his dinner. He does not want to devour his food because the one he wants to devour is Jasmine. He cannot even calm himself despite the many scented candles that he had ignited for tonight's dinner.

He swallowed hard as he watches Jasmine's red lips open to take a bite of the passata he made. He felt his member become harder when he noticed the white sauce dropping at the right corner of her lips. Trying to control himself, he ran his fingers to his hair breath heavily.

"Are you okay?" Jasmine asks innocently and leans over to him to hand him an ointment for a headache hence.

"Yeah. I noticed that you always have this ointment." Viel mumbled while he closes his eyes not to see her slightly shown chest.

"That ointment is a lifesaver for me. I often got headaches." Jasmine told him and he looked at her with an undescribed expression, not sure if it was shocked, worried, or relieved.

"Why? You look weird." She told him.

"Nothing. Let's eat." Viel told her trying to change the topic.

As for Jasmine, she is completely confused about out how Viel is acting right now. She saw him like this. Jasmine continues to eat her food; it was not bad. It is edible even though it is bland, but she did not dare to complain as she appreciates Viel's effort. Another reason has she already expected rows up in a luxurious family, of course, they have nannies and personal chefs that cook for them.

"How is the food?" Viel asks while trying to gain his composure.

"It is edible," Jasmine replied politely.

"Sorry, if it's bland." Viel apologized while looking down.

"It is fine, I appreciate the effort," Jasmine replies and gave the bachelor a sweet smile but in the perspective of Viel, that smile was a seductive one.

"You look so beautiful this evening. I mean you are naturally beautiful. It's just that your look tonight is such breathtaking." Viel stuttered as he explains his compliment and that made Jasmine chuckled. Her chuckled sound so sexy for Viel's. He knew he is in danger tonight.

"Thank you, Viel." Jasmine thanked him.

They finished their dinner quietly, after Jasmine thanked him no one dares to say anything. Jasmine is waiting if Viel to have had another plan after their dinner. A waltz would be a good ending for tonight, she thought as she enjoys the romantic music that Viel had played.

On the other hand, Viel is hesitant if he should continue his plans for tonight. Should he ask her hand for a dance? What if he accidentally loses control and he might push himself to Jasmine? For Viel, what is important right now is to gain her trust.

"J-jasmine, can I have this d-dance?" Viel stuttered as he mustered the courage to ask Jasmine.

"Of course." Jasmine permitted and accepted Viel's hand.

The bachelors pull her closer to him, leaving just can an h between their bodies, while he holds her waist tightly; Jasmine wrapped her hands around Viel's nape. They dance slowly based on the music, staring into each other's eyes.

Jasmine blinked as she felt the loud pounding of her heart, she silently hoped that the bachelor cannot hear her heartbeats. While Viel's left hand slowly cupped her cheeks and then pulls his face closer to Jasmine's until their lips had touched.

Jasmine mentally gasped as she felt the bachelor lips on her lips, it was enchanting. She tried to push the bachelor, yet he fought back and pull her closer to him. Viel's kiss becomes rougher as he is asking permission for Jasmine to kiss back. Slowly, Jasmine gave in. She kisses him back, their tongues crushed each other, both were hungry.

After claiming her lips, the bachelor's mouth travels down to her neck, making Jasmine moans a little. Hearing that a smirk formed at the bachelor's lips and pull himself away and stares at Jasmine.

"Let us sleep. It is getting late." He teasingly said and then push his face closer to Jasmine's ear and whispered, "Do not forget to close your door room." There he left her and head to the kitchen to wash their dishes.

Jasmine's face became red as a tomato and because she was embarrassed, she ran on the way to her room and locked the door. As soon as she lied in her bed, she touches her lips and smiles as she reminisces the kiss that she and Viel shared, then she realized one thing and that was she had been also captivated by the bachelor charisma

"Why is he acting like that? When he kissed me, I wonder if he had thought of his fiancée." She asked herself while touching her lips.

On the other hand, Viel while doing the dishes cannot stop himself from smiling as he remembered their kiss, it was addicting and tempting. He sighed in relief for he had stopped himself from claiming her for he finds himself being strangled between his fate and his heart.