Present is all what matters.

A silent snore filled the space of the room located on the third floor of Salvador Mansion, the atmosphere is peaceful and relaxing mirroring the calmness of the ocean outside the window. Together with the cold breeze coming from the centralized air, and soft and fluffy blanket, and pillows resting in a king-size bed that could fit at least four people but currently occupied by only one lady. The former state of the atmosphere inside the four-corner room had shattered like a broken mug when a loud screeching sound disturbs the silence within it, the loud disturbing noise coming from the circular clock continuously screamed as it rests its hand on the designated time.

Jasmine woke up as she heard the loud sound coming from her alarm clock, her right hand grabbed the circular thing and throw it onto the floor thus crashing the fragile thing and taking its ability to produce a sound. What a lovely dream she has that had been stopped due to a stupid thing, she yawned and stretches both arms and feet while still laying at her bed. Even though she had an eight-hour sleep, Jasmine felt it was not enough. She regretted that she agreed to be Viel's date to his friend's annual ball.

Jasmine tried to cancel and ignore him but sooner realizes she cannot resist him, instead she just reminded and warned herself that everything was just a deal because that is all she can do, to follow her mind instead of her heart. Jasmine expects that Viel will leave her as soon as his fiancée comes back, that is why she is trying hard to find a flaw of the bachelor that will be made her dislike him yet, she cannot find any. In her perspective, everything he does is justifiable and for a good cause, which Jasmine is too coward to admit, she tries to believe that she is just blinded by her infatuation towards the bachelor thus conflicting her perspective and beliefs.

It has been already a month and two weeks since their deal, they kiss and cuddle but it's all just that, no labels. It felt real but it was too good to be real.

Jasmine sighed due to frustration and dragged herself out of her bed. Her hand grabbed the handle of the door of her walk-in closet and her eyes began to search for the particular silky red dress that perfectly fits her body, showcasing her wave-like curves the bachelor had a meticulous eye when he bought the lovely dress for her. After preparing her dress, she went to take a shower. Jasmine used a strawberry vanilla-scented shampoo and soap for her hair and her body. As soon as she was finished in the shower, she began to dry her hair using a blower and curls its ends, then she starts putting makeup on her face. She goes for a natural makeup look.

On the other hand, Viel had done fixing himself and was ready to go to the party however, he still cannot go for he still needs to wait for Jasmine. Viel sat on his sofa in the living room while observing the wall clock. He had been ready since seven pm and it is already nine pm. He scratches his nape as he waits for her. Viel is aware that he has thin patience that is thinner than a hair strand, yet that patience can be thicker and deeper than the ocean if the one he is waiting for is her.

After another minute of waiting, Jasmine came down looking like a goddess that Viel is willing to offer his life. His amber eyes follow the lady figure as she came down from the stairs, everything was in slow motion for him. He comes back in reality when he saw Jasmine snapping her fingers repeatedly in his face.

"W-what?" Viel stuttered as he saw a goddess in front of him.

"We are going to be late because of you!" Jasmine exclaimed and pointed at the clock which is now pointing its hand at the number ten.

Viel chuckled as he thought of a comeback at her statement but decided not to say it, not wanting her to be annoyed by him.

"What are you laughing at?" Jasmine curiously asked him.

"Nothing. Let us go now. Santhe is waiting for us." He said and held Jasmine's waist as they head to his car.

Maybe the heavens have blessed them as they arrived just on time before the event has started as there has no traffic during their ride. Rich people love hanging out with each other, she thought. The event is clearly out of her league, even the famous media networks cannot step inside the venue for it is a private occasion. Jasmine closed her mouth from drooling when she has accidentally taken a glance at the food section, almost every dish has little circle stuff like a bubble on it, people call it caviar, and most desserts have this edible gold that acts as a topping or garnish.

Jasmine followed Viel while on his way to his friend. Ever since their deal, Jasmine has never met any of his friends therefore this meeting marks her first time.

"Santhe, this is Jasmine; Jasmine, this is Santhe." Viel introduced them to each other, Santhe has offered a handshake to Jasmine but Viel is the one who took it because of Viel's action his friend Santhe chuckled as he felt Viel's tightly squeezed his hand.

People say, 'birds with the same feather, flock together' or 'tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are' and Jasmine as a writer knew exactly what those sayings meant. Santhe Ferrer is the heir of Ferrer Corporation, the newest partner of Salvador Company, a bachelor also. However, unlike Viel, Santhe is known to be a womanizer. This made Jasmine overthink, what if he corrupts Viel? Or worst Viel is just like Santhe? Jasmine felt her stomach flips as she thought that what if Viel is a womanizer and just uses getting his fiancée back as an excuse to cheat?

Why have I not thought of that? Jasmine mentally asked herself while staring at the two friends who are currently talking about their late friend who has still not arrived at the venue.

"Nice seeing you again, Jasmine." Santhe welcomed Jasmine as he noticed her staring at them. She does not know exactly what to say; Jasmine is very awkward when meeting new people especially with all the theories that currently running around her mind. As Viel notice how Jasmine stiffen he gestured to his friend and lead their way to their table. When they reached their reserved table, Santhe politely bid his goodbye and continued to entertain his other guest. Jasmine immediately cupped Viel's face and made him face her. Viel on the other hand is shocked at what Jasmine did to him, he shivered as he notices her glare.

"Why, Love?" He asked innocently.

"Your friend is an infamous womanize-." Viel cuts Jasmine to her conclusions.

"I am not like him," Viel smirked as he saw Jasmine sighed in relief.

"Good thing. Because if you are. Your fiancée will be hurt." Jasmine told him but her last sentence was more of her mumbling to herself.

Viel heard her last sentence but pretended not to hear it, these past few weeks their 'pretend' relationship felt out-of-line to be even described as pretending anymore. He knew that their situation makes her confused but so does he.

In just a minute, the event has started. The grandfather of Santhe is the one who began the event. There had been performances also, they proudly announced how their Corporation goes bigger and bigger. Jasmine and Viel went to the stage when they announced that Ferrer Corporation is the newest partner of Salvador Company. After that, there had been a break for a waltz. Viel, of course, asked Jasmine to dance. They were the center of attraction. The way they dance was charismatic and full of chemistry.

"This ball is much better because I am your partner and not that one from my event," Viel whispered to Jasmine as he holds her waist tightly and gently supported her back when Jasmine bends over.

"You mean Dave?" Jasmine teased him as soon as she gets back up and seductively move her waist to the music.

"Do not mention his name again," Viel answered with his deep voice and gently catches Jasmine in the side.

As soon as their intimate dancing has ended, all the audiences have expressed their amazement through clapping. Viel kissed her forehead in front of the crowd, this has cause commotion of course. Nonetheless, all the audiences and reporters have felt something in their hearts as they witnessed how sweet the couple is

"You're fiancée did your friends have met her also?" Jasmine curiously asked.

"Of course, yes. I talked about her a lot." He answered while staring directly at her eyes, and with his answer, Jasmine felt the butterflies in her stomach slowly dying.

Viel and Jasmine went back to their table to witness the passing of the ownership of Ferrer Company to Santhe, Viel's friend. The current chairman went to the stage and began his address. He called Santhe and another woman.

"Arrange marriage," Viel commented as he shook his head.

"How did you know?" Jasmine asked him as she confirmed that it was arranged marriage.

"That is mostly the way for an heir to get the ownership," Viel said bitterly and Jasmine noticed how Viel's face darkened as he mentions arrange marriage.

"Have you been into one?" Jasmine asked him. Jasmine's eyes lost their twinkle when she noticed Viel went quiet and gritted his teeth. By just observing the bachelor she knew he had been into one.

"I lost my fiancée because of that." He mumbled quietly with sadness reflecting from his eyes. Jasmine was taken back by his answer, her eyebrows met due to confusion with his answer.

Viel sighed and clenched his jaw, he decided not to finish the event and grab Jasmine to another place. Viel took Jasmine into a park and they watch the stars together while laying on the grass with their hands intertwined to each other.

"Jasmine, did you mean it when you replied, 'I love you too'?" Viel broke the silence, with his sudden question made Jasmine's heart skipped a beat.

"I know you brush it off but these past few days our relationship does not feel like pretending anymore." Viel continued.

"Was your 'I love you're meant for me?" Jasmine bravely asked and get up from her laying position.

"We are the only ones there. Who was it meant for, if not you?" Viel whispered to Jasmine as he sits and holds her chin to make her look at him.

Jasmine stares at his amber eyes while trying to calm her heartbeat. She is beginning to hope if she has a chance.

"How about her? Your fiancée that you lost and want to get back? Plus, you told me that you have been involved in an arranged marriage." Jasmine spoke with full of worry in her tone.

"How could I trust your words while knowing that your heart belongs to someone else and you are already engaged with another one that your parents have decided to? Viel, I do not plan to fight over someone that I know I could not win." Jasmine voiced out her thoughts.

"I am fighting with you," Viel told her.

"Maybe you only say that because you lost hope with your fiancée that you lost. Don't make me your second option." She told him, she let go of his hand and hold herself. Jasmine does not understand him, she felt like it was too sudden and has tons of missing pieces on the puzzle.

At first, he told him that he wanted to get his fiancée back and now he confessed that he is engaged to another woman. This is wrong.

"Do you love the one you are engaged to?" Jasmine asked him to pertain to his arranged marriage.

"No. I never even agreed to it." He informed her.

"Because the one you love is your fiancée? Wait! She is not even your fiancée." Jasmine spoke while massaging her head.

"I recognize her as my fiancée because she is the woman I plan to marry." He told her.

"You are telling me that then you claimed that the I love you was meant for me? Are you toying with me?" She asked him.

"I am not toying with you," Viel told her.

"Do you love me?" She asked and he nodded.

"Do you still love her?" She asked and he nodded again.

"You will understand my situation when the time comes," Viel told her and held her head, she glared at him in confusion.

"Shut up. Let me talk. But she is not on your side isn't she?" She told him, she knew this is wrong but she wants him and if he also wants her. Then will it be selfish of her to claim him?

"You want to get her back, that is what you told me before our deal started. But now, we want each other and since she is not here, then forget about her and focus on me. Will I be selfish if I ask you that?" She told him with determination in her voice.

"Forget about her and I will be yours." She spoke revealing all the emotions and thoughts she had kept to herself. Viel hesitantly nodded and cupped her cheeks. After all, the present is all that matters and the past is needed to let go.