
Jasmine wanders at her current situation. She is alone at a familiar parking lot yet she cannot remember exactly its location. Judging from the sky color and temperature, she can claim that it is five in the afternoon. The parking lot is filled with cars and abandoned shopping push car, yet the scenery is dull and quiet perhaps all the car owners are already inside the building. Jasmine continues to wander until she heard quiet little sobs near the darkest corner of the parking lot, a place that is a blind spot for CCTV. She stopped in her tracks as she thought it might be a robber yet her curiosity took the best of her.

Her steps become light as a feather to avoid the supposed robber hearing her. She grabbed an abandoned piece of wood that is laying near the garbage can. She clenched it and raised her weapon to hit the supposed robber but when she has peaked at the scene. Her eyes widen as she felt pity at the guy. She witnesses a guy who is kneeling in front of a girl while tears continuously falls down to his cheeks. The girl shakes her head and stares at the guy with an emotionless face.

"I never loved you." The girls say as her hazel eyes locked on the guy.

"Y-you are l-lying right?" The guy stuttered for he does not want to believe what he just heard.

"Did I stutter?" The girl questioned the guy sarcastically with her hazel eyes holding nothing and blank.

"I love you and I'll always will." The guy confessed and hugged the girl knees, preventing her from walking away.

Jasmine changes her gaze to the girl whose face is hidden by her long wavy brown hair. She noticed how the girl clenched her skirt. Jasmine felt as if her eyes are about popped out when she saw tear drops dropping from the girl face to the floor.

Jasmine felt her heart aches as she saw the girl kneels down to have the same eye level to the guy then the girl cupped the guy cheeks.

"Please, do not make this hard for me. You are better without me." The girl told the guy as she wipes the guy tears.

As for Jasmine, she frozen in her spot as she glimpses on the girl face. It was her teenage self. Unknowingly why, as she watches her teenage self leaves, her tears started to fall, and her heart begins to ache.

Jasmine gasped as she wakes up from her sleep. She instinctively puts her hand to her chest feeling her heartbeat. She tried to calm herself and breathe. It has been days since she started dreaming about that tragic break up. Since receiving treatment her head does not aches from time to time and her memories are now naturally coming back, not that detailed but she now remembers some parts of her early junior high years.

Jasmine looks at Viel who is currently sleeping, she kisses his forehead and get up from their bed. It is already five in the morning, so she decided to head to the kitchen and cook their breakfast. Jasmine cooked garlic rice, egg, ham, sausages, and toast. She also prepared coffee for Viel while milk for her.

At six in the morning, Viel wakes up from his bed without Jasmine in his side. This made him anxious, he instantly searched for her and he found her in the kitchen preparing the table. He sighed in relief as she smiles to him.

"Morning love." Viel greeted her and hugged her from the back. He left soft kisses in her shoulder and nape. Jasmine giggled and looked at him.

"Morning too, how is your sleep?" She asks and wraps her arms around his neck.

"Good, but I was scared for a minute because I did not see you in the bed." Viel truthfully answered and kisses her lips. Jasmine returns the kiss, their morning kiss last for only a second.

"I prepared our breakfast since I get up early." Jasmine explained as she sits on her chair.

"Why? Did you have nightmares?" Viel teased her as he took a bite of his meal.

"I could not classify it as a nightmare, more like a memory." Jasmine told him.

Viel stopped on his track and swallowed nervously as he looks at Jasmine worriedly.

"What is it?" He curiously asked her.

"Promise me first that you won't get jealous." Jasmine teased him. Viel frowned but nodded as a response.

"The scenario is from my teenage years. I saw my teenage self, dumping a guy." Jasmine told him and began to eat her meal. Viel stares at her and smile.

"Did you cry?" Viel asks her curiously, Jasmine was about to laugh at him, but she decided not to when she noticed the sadness reflecting from his beautiful amber eyes.

"I did. It hurts and I do not know why, it felt like I do not want to leave him, but I must." Jasmine answered him truthfully. She sighed and closed her eyes as she continues her answer.

"But that is from the past. I love someone now and that is you." And smiles at him. Viel felt like his heart melt when he heard Jasmine saying she loves him.

"I love you and I'll always will." Viel answered back and Jasmine smiled at him, innocently.

After they finished their breakfast, He sends Jasmine to Ms. Salazar Office for her treatment Jasmine waited for the Psychiatrist before coming inside the office. Ms. Salazar found Jasmine seating in the waiting area and immediately approaches her. Ms. Salazar is a woman in her fifty's, she has a pixie hair cut and has greyish hair and wears an oval shape eyeglass that matches her slender heart shape face.

"Hello, Jasmine." Ms. Salazar greeted her as she sat in her designated chair.

"Hi, Ms. Salazar." Jasmine greeted her back and walk beside her on their way inside her office.

"How are you Jasmine?" Ms. Salazar asked her.

"I am fine."

"Are there any improvements since our last session?"

"There are too many of them." Jasmine answered truthfully.

"That's good. As I told you do not force your brain, let your memories come back naturally." Ms. Salazar reminded her and started showing her videos.

"Now, as you told me in our last session; you feel uncomfortable seeing a big truck." Ms. Salazar told her.

"Yeah, I actually just shrugged it off every time but perhaps it has something to do with my amnesia." Jasmine told her as she reminisces avoiding taking roads with big trucks.

"That is correct that may have something to do with your amnesia." Ms. Salazar agreed. She pressed her lips as she suspects what happened to her patient.

After assessing the improvement on her amnesia, they started their session. Jasmine obediently followed and understand all the things that Ms. Salazar is saying.

Ms. Salazar smiles at her secretly as she sees the determination of Jasmine wanting to remember her memories. As for Jasmine, she appreciates the gentleness and caring approach of Ms. Salazar to her, this makes her easy to open up and tell no secrets.

As soon as their session had finished, Jasmine went to her friend, Monica, boutique and waited for her to have their lunch together. They decided to hang out again to help Jasmine regain her memories.

"Sorry, I am late." The lady wearing a pink suit and holding a white bag apologized to Jasmine as she took her seat.

"It is okay."

"I met with my fiancé's parents. They told me they will make sure that I and him will have our marriage this year." Monica told her happily.

"I am happy for you."

"Really?" Monica asked Jasmine and examined Jasmine's expression with her glowing emerald eyes.

"Of course. You are my friend." Jasmine answered awkwardly.

"I am going to make you my maid of honor. I am sure my fiancé would be so surprised." Monica told her and giggled.

"Why would he be surprised?"

"He thought we do not have any contact since college." Monica explained and sipped her iced tea.

"Because of your amnesia?" Monica continued her statement and smiled at Jasmine.

Jasmine shivers at her friend smile and awkwardly changes her gaze to the lasagna in front of her.

"Oh, by the way, do you have any contact with El?" Jasmine asked her.

"You still do not remember who El is?" Monica amused and stopped slicing her steak.


"Forget about him. Hate him." Monica commanded Jasmine as she clutched the dinner knife in her right hand.

Jasmine was shocked in Monica's behavior. She gulped on how quick her expression changes from a dangerous one to a sweet innocent smile. Jasmine smiled back as she started to feel Monica is hiding something to her and immediately think of an excuse to leave. She waited for thirty minutes to passed before leaving so she could not be seen rude.

"It looks like I need to leave. I need to do the laundry." She lied.


Jasmine smiled and left the place. She hailed a cab. She put her earphones in and focus her gaze on her phone, just like what she always does to avoid seeing big trucks pass by.

She went home as she feels her heartbeat. It was beating extremely fast. She does not understand why, she felt intimidated at Monica's gaze and smile.

She inhales and exhale to calm herself and open her laptop to watch dramas. As she was watching she received an email notification; It felt like her world stop and heart stopped beating when she saw the sender was. It was the unknown user.

She opened the email and found a photo. The photo took a minute to load and when Jasmine saw the picture, she gasped for air and tears suddenly fall down to her cheeks as she felt another headache.


It was chilly night in December. The rain pours drastically as a lady cry in a passenger seat. It was Jasmine younger self. She cried as she looks at the guy who is currently driving while drunk. She could not see the guy faces clearly for her eyes is covered with her tears.

"El, let stop this." The girl pleaded.

"No, love we are running away from them." The guy told her as he kissed her hand.

"I do not love you anymore! Why could you not understand that?" The girl screamed at him.

"Stop lying! We love each other." The guy calmly reminded her.

The girl sighed in defeat as she knew that guy was right. He loves her and she loves him back, what could go wrong? Why do the entire world is against them?

"But we are not meant to be. You are meant for her." She softly mumbled.

"Don't say that Jasmine!" The guy denied as he tried to focus his eyes on the road.

"If we continue this nonsense of ours. We will only get hurt." She continued as she loses hope.

"Let me go. I made a promise." She said and this made the guy shocked and looked at her.

"What promise?" He asked focusing his gaze to the crying lady beside him. He was drunk and his emotions get over him. He screamed and yelled as he waits for an answer, but the girl did not respond instead the girl continued to sob and sob.

"Forget that promise and run away with me." The guy told her and continued to drive the car faster.

"No. I am not going with you." She whispered enough for the guy to hear.

The couple had a fight making El drive the car faster and the moment Jasmine screamed 'stop' is the moment that a big truck crushed their car.

"Jasmine wake up please. Jasmine!" The girl heard the boy pleaded and yet she could not open her eyes.


Jasmine stared at the picture of a wrecked car; it was the car tin her memories. She put her had to cover her mouth as she cried hard. She wanted to remember her memories but after remembering the car accident that she was involved; she began to be scared for her life.

Jasmine embraces her knees and continues crying in a corner of the big mansion and cried silently knowing no one will hear her cries.

She shivers as she could not get rid of the image of the truck that crushed their car. She holds her ears trying to unhear the echoes of their fight. She continued to cry silently as she fell asleep.

On the other hand. Viel suddenly felt nervous so he immediately went home and found Jasmine sleeping in the corner. He carried her bridal style to their room. He noticed her laptop and he approached it. He stopped on his tracks when he saw the picture of wrecked car; he swallowed nervously screenshot the email and sent it to his investigator friend.

"Whoever who send this picture will pay." He mumbled as he clenched his jaw and closed the laptop.