
It was not a dream. No matter how Viel tried to wake up his situation remains the same. To say he was shocked is an understatement, he is disappointed and scared for the first time. Viel grew up with a luxurious lifestyle, a golden spoon as others describe it. He was never thought how to do household chores nor need to social with average people, all his life his secretary and employees do those for him. However, he does not have them any longer. He was disowned by his father.

His cards are all put on hold. He could not even withdraw a penny for his dinner. Viel did not want to think of it but for him, he is becoming a weight on Jasmine's financial decisions. And it hurts him that he could not do anything about it.

He tried to get some work with his friends help however, his father took back the shares at Santhe's Company causing them to decrease the number of workers and Viel felt pity towards other employees, he would not want to use his relationship with Santhe to stay besides they had been longer in the company than him.

He also had tried to become a night guard at Herles' Bar however, his health could not handle sleepless nights. He tried to apply for jobs at other companies, but it looks like the word has spread and no one wants to hire him. And this slowly affects him.

Viel stared at the ceiling while laying down at his girlfriend's bed while wearing a white shirt and shorts with his arms closed. He has been like this for weeks. He had cleaned the condo unit, to help Jasmine even in his little way.

He misses his office, the coffee made by his secretary, his employees stare, and their noise. He missed them even he had been irritated by them. He misses how the silk of his suit would touch his skin and how will his favorite fountain pen would fit in his left hand. He is also longing for his desk that is filled with folders and files that are waiting to be signed. He misses his company.

Viel gets up from his position to turn on the television to watch some shows, for him to forget for just a moment. As he was watching, a sudden interruption happened. A piece of breaking news.

"Breaking News! In the Business Industry, The Salvador Company is the first one that comes to our minds. Regarding the company, it has elected a new CEO which is Samantha Salvador, 24, who has been in Italy since she was a child." Announced by the news anchor.

"As for the previous CEO who is Viel Salvador. His parents stated that he had resigned and left the company on his own." The news anchor continued.

"As for showbiz news- "

Viel clenched his jaws and fist as he gets annoyed by the news. He smashed the remote button and turn off the television. He covers his head with his pillow and screamed his annoyance out of it.

As for Jasmine, since the day his parents disowned Viel, she could not focus on her work for she is worried about her boyfriend, she does not know what he is thinking at the moment. She is not scared that he might leave her, what she is afraid of is what he might do to himself because of stress and the sadness he is feeling.

Also, she is worried about their financial savings. Jasmine knows that her saving is enough just for her and it can last for years, however since they are now two, she is worried that her savings might just last in just months.

"You look so stressed." Her friend Hannah told her that they are currently editing other's articles. She had asked her boss, Mrs. Reyes to give her more works so that there could be a valid reason for her to ask for an increase in her salary.

"There are just some financial problems but we will get past through this," Jasmine says and tries to show a smile.

"Wait, did Viel resign?" Hannah asked her and pointed to her monitor's screen.

It was an article regarding Samantha Salvador becoming the new CEO of Salvador Company.

"Maybe? But they left him with no choice." Jasmine sadly informed her friend. Hannah frowned in confusion as she could not understand her friend.

"What do you mean they left him with no choice?" She asked.

"They made him choose over me or their company. He chooses me." Jasmine told her friend.

She does not know what to feel: should she be happy or not? Viel was disowned because of her and all his sufferings now are mainly because of her. But there is no time for regrets she chose to fight with therefore she must stay beside him and help him stand again.

While Viel and Jasmine suffer, Monica is also the same. Monica never thought that Viel would choose Jasmine over the company. The news of Viel resigning as a CEO slapped her the reality that there is no chance anymore for her to marry Viel. Their arranged marriage has been revoked and she does not know any way to fix it. For her, it is Jasmine's fault.

"It's her fault." She whispered as she holds her picture with Jasmine in their younger years.

"I wonder how he is. He knows nothing. He could not do laundry or even cook a decent meal. I told you, Viel, Jasmine will just make you suffer. But you never listen to me." Monica whispered and drank her wine as her tears falls.

"Do not worry, I will help you. This time, I will make sure you will see that I am the one you need." She said and poured her glass another glass of wine.

"You help me once, now it is my turn." She whispered, "and because of that, you will surely leave her." She continued and a smirk was plastered on her red lips as she calls someone on her phone.


Monica is not the one who is starting to form a plan, someone seating in his office is also busy thinking of a plan. Dave smiled as he watches the news. Being friends with journalists, investigators, and celebrities. He knew exactly why Viel resigned. Salvador did not resign, he was disowned. This means Viel will not receive anything from his parents and relatives.

This makes Dave chuckle as he is now much richer than his love rival. What he just needs is for Jasmine to get tired of him. Who would want someone that is just weighing on bills? No one.

He sipped his coffee as he thought of a plan to convince Jasmine without being caught. He smirked as he thought that Jasmine would be his in just a couple of months.

"Life is going good." He muttered and smelled the aroma of his coffee.

Back on Viel Salvador, who feel as if his world had been flipped. He continues to stay down as he could not enter any jobs that he applied to. He just received the news that he failed the training on becoming a waiter in a restaurant.

He sighed and slapped himself to regain his confidence. He knew he had no choice but to search for a job, he might feel stressed for a minute like earlier, but he decided that those things should not bother him because it already happened. Besides, he had promised that he would prove himself.

He scrolls on his laptop for available jobs and luckily, he had found one. They are hiring a delivery man. He could drive and he has muscles that can carry heavy boxes plus he is hard-working, he is the person for this job.

Viel quickly dialed the phone number and gladly meet with the employer. They met at the small eatery near the condo unit.

"Good After Mrs." Viel greeted the employer with a smile.

"Oh? You are the billionaire." The employer mumbled.

"I need this job please." Viel straightforwardly pleads.

"But- "

"I am no longer a billionaire. I am hardworking and I have a driver's license and I could carry heavy boxes." He informed her. The employer smiled as she could see his determination.

"I am Delia Gutierrez, you are hired." She said and offered him a handshake and Viel gladly accept it as he is happy that he has now a job.