Back at work

"Good morning besty" said kisha

"Good morning" skylar replied, kisha suddenly hug skylar and cried

" im really sorry skylar, i forgot.." kisha havent finish when someone speaks up, may i have everyones attention. "Good morning" Said the VP. " perhaps the seniors already know me, let me introduce myself im the vp-sales director Mrs. Kimberly Ann Smith-Devigne ", " i just want to update everyone with regards to our meeting last week, it was already approved and release to the press yesterday and as per update we are #1 again. " said the Vp

everyone claps..

" can i speak with skylar and kisha " said the vp

Both immediately stand and went to the meeting room.

While waiting, "kisha, what did you do again?" Said skylar

" ivan knew that your the one who made the presentation and report they just wanted to meet you " said kisha

" ivan who? " said skylar while frowning

Knock knock... the vp enter the room

" you must be skylar " said the vp

" yes, mam " said skylar while standing and bowing her head

" am i late?" Said a guy ( skylar suddenly look up beacause the voice was familiar) it was ivan the guy who went to pick up the report

" good morning, sorry im late " said ivan

Skylar eyes suddenly turn big and her face turns red

Oh my goodness why is he here skylar ask her self

" skylar this is ivan my son, he will officially work here. I heard you know almost everything, i want you to teach him and give him a lecture about our company goals "

Said the vp

" yes, mam i will " said skylar while holding and squishing kisha's hand

" by the way, we have a dinner tonight skylar. Ivan will pick you up if you want " said the vp

"No, problem mam" said skylar

"Ok, then see you tonight " said the vp and she went out of the office with ivan

" kisha " said skylar

" you have alot of things to explain, you owe me alot " said skylar

" i'll explain everything, im really sorry "

Said kisha