A past secret

At the balcony, mrs.devigne saw kisha and skylar talking she went to them to talk with skylar. From the day she saw skylar she reminds her of someone close to her heart and she wanted to know that she might be related perhaps.

"Hi skylar " said mrs. Devigne

" goodevening kim " said skylar

"Hmmmm,,, i wanted to ask you something but dont worry this is not work related, it just, you remind me of someone very close to my heart " said mrs. Devigne

" here, take a look maybe, just maybe you might know her " said mrs. Devigne giving her a small black and white photo

Skylar took the photo then a tear fell from her eyes. " mom " the only word she had said then suddenly cried

Mrs. Devigne was shock she didnt expect the what she feel about skylar is true. She immediately hug her and cried

" your rosie's daughter, my best friend " said mrs. Devigne

" i havent seen her for the longest time, after i gave birth a month after she gave birth of you, we took a photo then the following day all i know is she's going to leave " said mrs.devigne

"Since then we lost our communication, i tried looking for her but by any chance i failed to find her " said mrs.devigne

" how is she? " said mrs.devigne

" you might want to see her? We will surprise her, how about tomorrow? " said skylar

" do you still remember the park, i mean her favourite part near the cemetery " a big tree with a bench near it? " said skylar

"Yes, lets meet there. 8am? You know my mom shes a morning person" said skylar

" ok, then" said mrs devigne

Skylar looking at her watch , "i think i have to go its getting late" said skylar

" and i have to drop by to mom to tell about tomorrow" said skylar

Mrs. Devigne smiling at her

" tnank you skylar, take care. Mr. Mike will give you a ride home " said mrs devigne

" thank you again for the dinner, see you tomorrow " said skylar

" ill take Her out " said kisha

" skylar " said kisha while walking,

" hmmm " said kisha she havent finish yet when skylar suddenly speak

" just be quiet, i dont want to ruin the night she is very happy, i will tell her everything tomorrow " said skylar

" goodnight " said skylar

They hug and skylar went inside the car and wave after to kisha