The kiss

Both eyes wide open and their lips touch each other, but skylar move away quickly and said " sorry, i didnt know... " said skylar but not yet finish talking when ivan hold her nape and kiss her gently. Skylar suddenly felt weak and letting ivan kiss her.

Ivan release her and said " im not sorry, in happy that happen. Im not drunk, i know what im doing. I know this is not the right tme because i still have some problem to be fixed, just let me fix it and after i want to talk to you about how you feel for me. "Said ivan

" i dont wanna rush things and get you hurt " said ivan

" after this, promise me you wont let go and avoid me " said ivan kissing her again for the last time that night

" you must also promise me you wont hurt me, im scared ivan. Everything seems so fast " said skylar

Ivan hug her and whisper in her ears

" i love you skylar, always remember that "

Skylar was speechless and doesnt know if all what happen is true or just a dream

"Goodnight skylar" said ivan

" good night" replied skylar

Skylar went out of the car and waves goodbye to ivan,

" take care, be careful in driving " said skylar

Skylar went inside her apartment and enter her room. Still in shock and cant believe what happen that night. After a quick shower, she went to bed then she received a text message from ivan.

" are you still up? Im already home, just letting you know, so you wont be worried."

"Goodnight again and see you tomorrow" said ivan

She texted back and said " thank you for giving me a ride, goodnight " skylar texted

The night was very magical that something happen in just a speed of light. Now that ivan already confess her feeling to skylar and its look like skylar feel the same. Will the two end up together???