Underground Training Facility

After school Darren headed to the elevator for the basement levels, to his surprise there was another group waiting for the elevator, he nodded to them, they were whispering to each other and glaring at him. Darren paid them no mind and headed to the locker room below while the group headed up the stairs to the observation area, the locker room was fairly basic, it looked like a typical gym locker room aside from the battle gear. Darren selected a basic environmental suit, climbing gloves, and the katana he brought with him, when the computer acknowledged everything as ready he picked up the virtual generation gear and headed to the arena. Darren was astonished to find a large crowd gathered in the observation room above, "Is this normal" he thought to himself, no one other then the secretary should be aware that he had requested to use the training facility today. He walked out to the center of the area and activated the hardware selecting the battle mode for fighting with limited space.

The room began to build an underground parking lot connected to a large office building while the virtual hardware generated the targets for the battlefield, The windows in the observation room shifted into viewing screens. The program generated a scenario of a failed assassination where local riot officers were storming an office building where the perpetrator had failed to escape from, alternatively the CEO's private security were on site in the building itself. Darren started on parking level two with officers swarming in from above, his target was to make it to the helicopter pad on the roof before the CEO escaped without being taken down and arrested or killed. The first encounter was simple, a few basic riot team with police issue handguns, he caught them by surprise and dispatched them with a few swings of his blade, the next group had riot shields and electrified batons. He got stuck fighting this group they were pushing him towards a wall from all sides while blocking his attacks with the shields and jabbing at him with their batons, when they got him to the edge he jumped off the wall over their heads spinning between the swinging clubs and dashed for the first level of the structure. The group that was glaring at him before seemed pleased to watch him running away, Darren got to the first level where semi-auto fire came from the door to outside, he managed to keep concrete posts between him and the bullets as he made his way to the elevator.

The power to the elevator was cut by the time it reached the first floor of the office building and bullet fire greeted him as the door opened, he dived past the gunfire tossing his katana straight as an arrow catching one of the security personnel in the chest. He stuck to the shadows eventually diving onto a second guard from above and snapping his neck before retrieving his sword and rolling into an office room. The remaining two followed him into the room unloading rounds into the furniture hoping to catch him with random gunfire, Darren had already moved through an open window to the outside ledge of the building before they had entered. He climbed in through the next office over and flanked the two guards decapitating the first before driving his blade through the back of the second. He could hear the footsteps of the riot officers storming the level from the staircase while still more continued up the staircase, he retrieved one of the SMG's the security force where carrying.

The riot cops maintained a tight formation while searching the office rooms making it difficult for Darren to target them, when they moved around a corner one of them exposed their backs giving him the chance to unload bullets into the fool. He flew into motion as soon as they turned to face him kicking the shield of one off to the side before slicing his katana into the mans exposed arm, he then used the man as a shield against the incoming gunfire. He pulled the pin from the smoke grenade at his belt as he was sliding to the floor filling the hallway with smoke, being forced to check their fire Darren quickly snagged a couple of grenades off the remaining two before fleeing.

He made the next level fairly fast however between the security forces and the police he didn't have much room to act he got low and moved as silently as he could slipping into an empty room, he quietly pried the window open and slipped outside to the ledge. Down below he could see a ring of police vehicles surrounding the building, they had spot lights set up that they were shining on the side of the building. Darren had to move fast so he climbed up to the next ledge and leaned to the side dangerously close to slipping off as a spotlight just missed him, he smashed the glass with the hilt of his katana before tossing a smoke grenade through. The security on the level converged on the room blindly firing into the smoke filled room while Darren had slid further along the ledge to the next room across. All the spotlights converged on the sound of gunfire and he used the opportunity to climb further up the building entering on the seventh level,

"Think you could take the boss out without consequences" a large henchman said to him, the man pulled out a knife and held it in a backhand grip. The man lunged at him just barely catching and tearing part of his suit, Darren falling to the ground and using his hands for balance kicked both legs into the man's knee trying to trip him up. The man lunged forward grabbing one of Darren's legs and kicking him in the stomach, Darren drove the point of his weapon into the man's foot and activated the electricity while wrenching his foot free. The room lit up with a blue light while the man convulsed, the scent of burnt hair filled the room, Darren took a minute to recover from the blow to his stomach before putting on the security guards outfit over his environmental suit.

Darren climbed the private staircase from the CEO's office to the helipad, the helicopter was just setting down, "Chief sent me up to guard you during the escape" he said to the CEO "Have to hurry, target has reached the sixth floor he lied." The CEO waved him over and they climbed into the helicopter, as they lifted off the roof, "What's that smell" the CEO said sniffing disdainfully, Darren pretended to ponder it with him till the CEO turned to him. Darren quickly kicked the man out of the helicopter as soon as they were passed the roof ledge and pointed the tip of his katana to the back of the pilots neck.

"Keep going or you're next" he said coldly, The CEO landed on a police cruiser below smashing the hood, the floodlights quickly snapped to the roof catching the edge of the fleeing helicopter, Darren was forced to think quick, the helicopter came close to a roof ledge so he drove his katana through the back of the pilots neck and dove for the ledge leaving it behind. He caught the lip and hung for a second before quickly swinging himself over and rolling himself tightly to the edge, the helicopter veered to the left smashing into the side of the CEO's office building and exploding, the simulation ended.

As Darren came out of the simulation he heard both cheers and groans explode out of the observation room, the set up of the room itself had been fairly basic changing as he progressed through the levels of the program. The helicopter was just a swaying platform which had been suspended from the ceiling, the room reverted to its normal state after Darren shut off the hardware.

Ito was waiting for him when he got to the entrance to the locker room, "You were very cool" she said in her shy sheepish tone, "How'd the entrance to gymnastics club go?" he asked her, she nodded and smiled. "I'll be a minute I just need to get changed" Darren said, Ito nodded, he wasn't expecting to have such a big audience "I wonder who told them" he thought to himself, Ito is shy and wouldn't likely talk to a bunch of strangers. Exiting the locker room Darren found Ito surrounded by that group he bumped into at the elevator, "You six need to stop being so full of yourselves" he accused giving her a light shove. "Back off," Darren said glaring coldly at the perpetrator, the punk shrunk back under Darren's gaze, "Lets go Ito" he said pushing the group aside. "You won't get your way forever," one of the men shouted after him as he and Ito made their way towards the elevator.