Chapter 2: Cole- The year 2021

I bolt up with my heart pounding hard and fast, my bare chest slick with sweat. I squeeze my eyes shut, and my wolf stirs uncomfortably, "It was just a nightmare, Blake," trying to calm him down.

Blake growls and tells me, "I haven't thought about that day for years; why today? You know we have been trying to forget that day!!!" I tried to reason with him, " Blake, yesterday, on our way to meet a client, we were sitting at a crossroad and happened to look to our right. I saw a homeless man trying to build his house outside a building and the memory of that day came flooding back."

I was sixteen when that incident happened, and after that day, my life changed completely. I changed completely. My father proudly said that was my first step in becoming an Alpha. Little did I know back then that my remaining steps to becoming an Alpha would be even worse, that I wouldn't have a choice in the matter. I never knew that my life was not mine; it was already planned since I was born. Probably even before I was born. And so far, I've followed the same, without any distractions. Resisting the plan got me nowhere. Even if I was somehow able to escape this life, I'm not sure what I would do; being a werewolf has its advantages and disadvantages.

We tend to live in packs, and if someone tries to leave a pack, they turn rogue. This is the only life I know. I wouldn't even know how to live as a normal human. A person who just goes about their daily life without all this werewolf drama and laws. The Royal Pack has its own set of laws and rules; they can kill anyone without knowing them just to prove a point, To show you're A Royal. The Royals do not mingle with any other packs worldwide unless it is to influence a decision.

Yes, we have the power over other packs; we are not only wealthy but powerful with well-trained warriors and best-in-class weapons. Even the "Ancients," the werewolves who the Moon Goddess herself crowned to protect our kind, fear us. The members of the Royal Pack believe that they are the God, and there is no one above us. Some of us try to deter from the paths set for us, but the consequences are never good. We rig everything: from political campaigns to movies to advertisements to news everything. Even in the human world, we are known as ruthless due to our businesses.

Everyone wants to be a Royal Pack member. No one knows the story behind closed doors. We are not like regular packs where wolves find their mates even in the human world. No, we are told from a very young age whom to date or whom to get married to. We do not believe in the concept of mates, someone who is just made for us, someone given to us by the Goddess herself. We are forced to reject our mates and then mate with the person who holds our prestige, who can survive this hostile world within the Royal Pack grounds.

My alarm blares off, jerking me into reality when a voice mumbles beside me, "Shut it off; it's too early."I turn to see a woman next to me in bed. She's facing me, her long red hair spread out over the pillow, her eyes are closed, and she's smiling. "Shut the alarm and come here; I'm not finished with you yet," she says, her hand heading to my crotch.

I can feel my wolf getting angry. "What the hell is she still doing here? You know we have a RULE; we don't allow women to spend the night. You know we can get in trouble if someone from higher up finds out that she spent the night here." My wolf roars at me. "I'd gotten drunk last night and must've fallen asleep after banging her; she must have taken it as an invitation to sleep in." I try to calm him down.

You see, my wolf Blake is not like other wolves of the Royal Pack. He keeps dreaming about his mate. He keeps calling out to her. I get a headache sometimes with his constant whining, but I understand. He is a bit of a rebel.

I take her hand off me so that I don't piss Blake more, or else he will gain control and maybe even kill her. She is, after all, a human. "Get dressed and leave my room now; my driver will drop you off. I have to get to work." I look at her with disgust and speak. She flips the covers, exposing her gorgeous body.

"Can't you be a little late to work? After all, you are in the run to become the CEO."

My eyes take her in, turning black from lust. She could be a model with her large boobs, flat stomach, long tanned legs, golden skin. I am sure that her body could sell almost anything, from Clothing to Perfume, to Purses, to Shoes. She's the type of woman other women would be jealous of. I'm not even sure how much of her body is real. I know she's had some work done to look that way. Her breasts are fake; the feeling gave them away.

"I can't be late," I tell her as I move to the bathroom.

She checks my naked body out, and it makes me and Blake uncomfortable. I don't like feeling exposed; my entire life is about covering things up, keeping secrets, telling lies. I turn away from her and feel her eyes on my butt. I quickly grab my silk robe from the closet.

"Don't cover that hot muscular body up," I hear her say. I ignore her. I know she is only saying that because she is getting paid for the same, and also, I'm sure that she says the same thing to the pack members as well, even to those who are old and wrinkly. I put on my robe and turn to find her standing close to me naked. She sneaks her hand under my robe and starts stroking me. Blake purs with pleasure in my mind, and I do the same. She starts showing her skills by giving me a blowjob. I hear Blake's approval. "She has skills." I tell him, " She obviously has skills since she has a lot of practice, physically. If she weren't good at it, then the higher ranks would just finish her off." I feel myself relax and hear her whisper dirty things in my ear. All I can do is tip my head back and moan.

The Higher Ranks hire human girls like this to take care of the males of the pack, physically whenever they need. Like I said earlier, the higher ranks choose our wives for us, so they are nothing more than display objects. The wives are there to take place in the arms of their husbands at balls, Alpha events, or even when they are out of the house just in front of the public.

Behind closed doors, both partners lead their separate lives, fulfilling their needs outside the marriage. But due to workload, not many of us have the time to find a woman to sleep with. We at the Pack are not allowed to choose some random chick we met at a bar. We have to be careful. When you're a werewolf who is rich and powerful, you can trust no one, especially a woman you just met. So to make things easier, women are provided to all the males of the Pack.

These human women are screened thoroughly to ensure they're fit for the job. They remove a pool of beautiful women of all cultures, races, sizes, nationalities, etc. Any outsider would say that they are High- end Call Girls, but we call them assistants. It's a code word we can use when surrounded by humans so that they do not understand what we are talking about. Even the Pack member's wives know. Unlike other packs, our pack does not have ranks. We all are Alphas. We don't really have a Packhouse as such, but we do have a separate building where we all meet for the events or in case other pack Alphas visit us.

Although the size of houses we live in are themselves big mansions. The wives are one of us. They also belong to the families of the Royal Pack. That's why we are paired with them, and they are more than happy to take on the role. They don't care that they will be in a loveless marriage; it is all about class and money. "God!!!, you are so big, you feel so good," I heard her say as I thrust into her.

I wasn't going to bang her again, but she got me started, and now we are against the wall. Her boobs are bouncing on my face, but I choose to close my eyes and try to imagine myself with my Mate. Blake is always happy when I think about having an intimate moment with our mate. Still, I always ask myself, why do I imagine things which I will never have. I'm not even sure if true love exists or if my mate exists. I am sure she will leave me if she knows what kind of monster I am. So, I accept that this is my future, always having some random girl in my apartment to get me off.

I was 21 when my first wife was chosen for me. We both had graduated from Oxford. Our parents were neighbors. We never wanted to get married, but we were young, and we had to obey the orders of the Higher Ups. I was a Finance Graduate, and she was a Marketing Graduate. Her name was Jessie, and she had dreams of spending her life traveling to different packs and getting to know people. She did not want to be tied down, and I just wanted to prove to my father that I was completely capable of running our company in a better way than him.

After Jessie and I got married in what was a ridiculously over-the-top winter wedding, attended by close to eight hundred Alphas and five hundred of our parents' closest friends, we decided to move out of the Royal Pack grounds and go to Silver Moon Pack, where we could try starting and building our family. At first, our parents did not agree. After a lot of persuasions, when they ended up agreeing, we moved to the Silver Moon Pack, only to realize that we were not meant to be. Jessie ended up finding her mate and fleeing with him. I was more than happy about the divorce, but Jessie's family was banished from our pack, and now we don't even know where they are. My father was beyond furious with this and has been looking for someone suitable for me. So far, he has not been successful.

Being a bachelor does not bode well in our pack, not just because I have to take over the world's largest Automobile company but also because it is a matter of pride amongst us Alphas. They say that an Alpha starts to weaken without a wife, plus I need someone to accompany me to social events. I think my father uses my career as an excuse for my bachelorhood. After my divorce from Jessie, I moved back to the Royal Pack and have started accompanying my father in the business and completing my MBA in Finance from Oxford. I am now 25 and in line to take over as the CEO as I have spent the past year working at the company, learning the business.

Blake brings my focus back to the woman who is bouncing in pleasure. My body tenses up as I get close to my release, then relaxes as I find my release. I let her slip down, and she shakily reaches for the bed.

"Please don't tell them," she begs from the bed.

"You shouldn't have stayed back then." I get my robe from the floor and begin to cover myself, "You know the bloody rules of the members here!!! No sleeping over at night."

She gets down on her knees, and with pleading eyes, tries to explain, "I was too drunk and tired. I didn't realize when l fell asleep. I didn't mean to, it was an accident, and I thought that by making you cum again, I am making it up to you."

"I didn't ask you to do that, and as for the control on drinking, it is a part of your job to be careful so that things like this don't happen."

She nods, looking down, ashamed.

In that instance, my heart goes out to her. She is still young, beautiful and innocent, but is still stuck with this job. I just wonder about the reason for her to do this. Many women just want the money that is being offered by the members Higher up, while other women are just promised jobs of actresses and models. Whatever the reason, the price they have to pay is that they have to take care of the needs of the men of the pack. I'm very sure this girl doesn't want to do any of this, but now she can't even get out of it without meeting her death.

"What's your name, girl?" I demand. We are not allowed to know their names. I am breaking a Rule by asking her this.

She looks at me, her eyes showing me that she is aware of the Rule too. She very carefully replies, "Marina."

"Marina, You need to leave immediately. We should not cross paths again. If you see my name on the list, you will request for another girl to be sent. Only on this promise will I not tell the members Higher up. Also, be careful next time. They are very strict about these Rules. If it was someone else instead of me, you know right what could have happened?" She just shakes her head, looking terrified. "N..No. I don't. Please tell me the consequences."

I look at her, shocked. Blake growls in my mind, "Did they not tell her? That is not fair. Her life would have been in danger!!!" I ignore him and carefully study her for the first time. She looks like she was just 21 or 22. Maybe this is her first time here. Still, that doesn't give them the excuse to not inform her about the death wish she signed.

I look at her eyes, which were filled with nothing but terror, the terror of the unknown. I simply tell her in a very serious tone, "They could hurt you severely. Some girls have even been killed for breaking the rules." I know I am being brutally honest here, but she needs to know what she signed up for.

She crumbles in front of me, trembling at the possibility of death. I mean, who wouldn't. "They never told me that when I signed the contract. They just said that-"

"Look, Marina, you look like a decent, innocent girl who made a mistake without knowing. But I don't have time to discuss it with you. I have work to do, and you need to get the hell out of my apartment before anyone sees you."

She nods understandingly, wipes a stray tear that must have fallen, and says, "Yes. You are right. I'm sorry. I'll leave immediately." She picks up her discarded clothes and puts them on.

I walk toward the bathroom and turn to tell her. "My driver is waiting downstairs. I have informed him to take you back."

"Thank you," she says and tries to zip her dress up. I see her struggling to get the last of the zip-up. Frustrated, I go to her and help her.

She turns and puts her hand on my heart, smiling softly. "You're a real gentleman, Cole. You're not like the other men here."

Saying that, she reaches down to grab her high heels and runs out of the apartment. Man, that girl can run.

I hear Blake scoff. " Any problem, buddy?"I ask him. "She called you a gentleman. You are anything but that," he says. "I agree with you, buddy. If she knew the things I've done, she would run for the hills." Blocking Blake and walking to the bathroom, I think to myself, I am not a gentleman. I am a Royal.