Chapter 5: Skylar

I walk out of the college building to the cafe inside the college and sit there. I am completely out of breath. My heart is doing some kind of a somersault. I can still feel it beating faster. I just spoke to officially the hottest and the sexiest man. I didn't even know that they created men like that anymore.

According to the poster promoting the lecture, Cole Weitzel is an Oxford graduate. He is in the executive position at his Company "The Witzel Automobiles" and will soon be the CEO of the same. I don't know much about the company or his family, but I know that he is freaking wealthy. I feel silly asking that question to him. He must think that I am a complete idiot. But what shocked me more was that he wanted to talk to me. Not that there is something wrong with me, but he is wealthy. He would have numerous beautiful women surrounding him always.

Oh well, I probably will never see him again. The thought somehow dampens my mood. Just as the thought crosses my mind, I see him crossing the pathway to his car. Somehow, he must have felt my eyes on him. He looked at me, and the look was enough to make me wet to my core. He is so hot, and that look was even hotter. He must be what, 6'7 or something, with broad shoulders and silky brown hair, muscular chest, strong jawline. And his eyes are forest green. I could just get lost in them. I feel like he is one of the Mills and Boons characters who has popped out of the book to ruin my life.

He is wearing a blue suit. The color suits him well. My core has its own thoughts. I can literally feel the wetness spread just by how hot he looks in the suit. It fits his body perfectly. How god? How can someone be so perfect? I guess he must have noticed me drool over him because I swear I saw him smirk just as he entered the car.

I shake myself to think about my day ahead. I never react to a guy in this way. But when he is this hot, well, any girl will drool. Anyways, I know he will not be interested in a dull girl like me. So I pick up my stuff and head towards my lecture. We have a cook-off today with a heat gun recipe. I have prepared my mom's recipe and decided to use the heat gun to make it look better.

After the class is done, I take a bus to my restaurant where I work part-time, "Bistro Toulouse." I love cooking. My mom and I used to try new dishes every day and experiment with them on my sister and dad. My sister was the outdoorsy type, while I preferred the indoors more. Working at Bistro Toulouse full-time will do a great deal for me. It pays great money, plus the experience and the people coming in are all Cole's type. OMG!! Why do all my thoughts end up on him?

I reach home thinking that I need to forget him, but I try everything. I mean everything to get my mind off him, but my mind has gotten a mind of its own and is drooling over his forest green eyes. I am very sure he has this kind of effect on every woman and not just me. I mean, he is sophisticated, lean, muscular, intelligent, wealthy, and extremely hot.

I keep using the excuse that he has this effect on every woman to explain why he is on my head the next day as well. It's not just his appearance I am attracted to. It was also the way he took my hand and kissed it. It was the most romantic anyone has ever done to me. And the way he looked at me straight in my eyes just gets my core twisted every time. I keep taking his card out with the urge to call him, but I get nervous and keep it inside my purse again.

I mean, what would I even say to him? Plus, I am very sure he has already forgotten about me, and even if I were to call him, it's not like I would ask him out. Besides, I think he already has a girlfriend, and I am not even looking for a boyfriend. Even though it's been over two years since my break up with Henry. I am still not ready for a relationship. I probably won't ever be ready for a relationship.

An entire week passes by in this dilemma, my classes have gotten busier, and we have a major cooking contest coming up. I really need to do well. It could give me an opportunity to win 20,000$, which could pay off all my bills and debts in one go and still cover my next entire year's rent. Plus, Cole is always on my mind. I just don't know why. I have so much to concentrate on, but no, my mind just keeps going back to the forest green eyes and that look he gave me before getting in the car.

I haven't even told Lisa about this entire encounter. I am not sure how she will react. She will think that I am some teenage girl obsessed over some famous guy. Maybe, if I told her, my mind would finally rest and forget about him. Lisa is coming over for dinner today, and we are having my restaurant's leftover famous Steak and Frites. Plus, she is getting some beer. I like spending time with her. She is funny, cute, sweet, and has her own unique way of showing that she cares. She also pretends to be a tough nut, but she is not. I feel like an elder sister to her.

She still doesn't tell me much about herself. We have been hanging out every night, and she always gets a message late at night, and she disappears without saying a word. I feel that she has an abusive boyfriend or something, and hence she goes away, but I don't see any bruise marks or anything on her, so I am really not sure. She always gets nervous when I remove the topic of boyfriends or exes.

I don't push her to talk about it because I want her to open up on her own, and plus, even I haven't told her my biggest secret. But I worry for her. She always wears these short clothes, which show a lot of skin, and the kind of neighborhood we stay in makes me fear for her more. I have seen men staring at her. I really want to help her in case she is in danger, but I really can't until she tells me. Maybe if I tell her my secret, she will finally open up.

At 7:00, I hear a knock, and I know it's Lisa. I open the door, and she straight up walks to the counter to place the beers. She turns and gives me a hug and says, "Hi, what's up, girl, how was school?" I look at her and say, "It was good, mom, but I have a huge cooking contest coming up for which I am extremely nervous." She ruffles my hair playfully and says, "You will do well. You are an amazing cook. So, what's for dinner today Chef Skylar?" She opens a cupboard and grabs a bag of potato wafers, and drags me to the couch with two beers in another hand.

She makes me sit down and says, "Where's the poop buddy?" I look at her confused and look around, trying to smell if something smells as bad as poop. She turns my head towards her and says, "Idiot, what I mean is, spill the beans. I can see your eyes dancing, and I know you want to share something. So spill." I look down, embarrassed, and say, "is it that obvious?"

She gasps and says, "OMG, I was just guessing, so now spill. What have you been up to? What are you hiding?" I smile, thinking about Cole, and say, "Well, I met a guy. Okay, I wouldn't call him a guy. He is a man. A very hot, sexy, handsome man." She says, "Stop!! You are getting drool. How hot must he be to make Miss Perfect drool all over him" She laughs and then goes on to say, "So, where did you meet this perfect guy? Sorry Man?"

I pick some chips and start eating. I tell her about the conference, my late entrance, his opening the door for me, talking to me, giving me his business card, the smirk before entering the car, everything. By the end of my monologue, she is sitting with her mouth open and looking at me as if she has seen an alien.

I shove her gently to bring her out of her trance, and she grabs me and says, "Please tell me you called him and asked him out already."

"What!! No, I am not calling him. What will I even say to him? Plus, I am very sure he will reject me. I mean, guys like him, don't mix with girls like me." I say, taking a huge sip of my beer.

"Why not? I mean, he clearly gets your panties wet. What's the harm in going on one date with this guy. He sounds incredible." She says.

"Lisa!!! Why are you so crude all the time?" I laugh.

"So when are you calling him and asking him out?" She says. I roll my eyes at her and say,

" I am not giving him a call. I mean, he would have swarms of girls after him. He wouldn't even remember me."

"Look, darling, just because he is rich does not mean that he would not like you. You are an amazing woman. He would be fortunate to go out with you." She says.

When I don't respond, she goes on to say, "Look, your last relationship ended more than two years ago. I am sure it would have been a bad breakup, but don't let that stop you from exploring. Not all men are the same."

I look at her and say, "I agree, and you are right. Something bad did happen in my last relationship. But it is difficult to get over it." She instantly puts the wafer packet aside and comes closer to me. "What happened, honey? You can tell me."

I look at her and say, "It's really hard to talk about." I haven't spoken about it since it happened, and now I guess it is time to talk about it. I tried talking to doctors, counselors, but nothing helped. They just used technical jargon, and that really didn't help.

I drop my gaze to the food packet and say, "I got pregnant."