Chapter 17: Skylar

It's 10:30 PM, and I am sitting on my couch watching TV. I swear I need a WIFI connection. I am about to change my channel when I hear the bell ring. I am terrified of opening the door so late at night. I know it's not Lisa because we had dinner earlier, and she said she was going to visit her father.

The knocking continues, and I look through the peephole and see Cole. I am still miffed at him for ignoring me this morning. I open the door wanting to look mad, but my stupid face betrayed me and made me smile.

He is still in the suit that he wore in the morning. I think he came here directly from the office.

"Hello, Skylar." He greets me in a very formal way.

I giggle at his formality and play along, "Hello, Mr. Weitzel."

My mind immediately goes on to the possibility that he is here only for sex because he knocked so late at night without any calls or texts. If he has come here for just sex, he is not getting it. I am slowing this relationship down. I am putting my foot down. Then again, if he looks so delicious, how am I supposed to control myself?

"I am so sorry to come here at this time. I just had to see you. I am sorry for not calling earlier and checking with you if it was okay to come here." He says while rubbing his face. Now that I notice his face, he has bags under his eyes, and his shoulders are drooping. It looks like he had a rough day.

I guide him inside and say, "Let's sit here and watch TV. I know I don't have the best channels, but you look tired."

He simply nods at that. I look at him for a few seconds more and then envelope him into a hug. He relaxes into me, and I feel him hug me tighter.

"Cole, can you please tell me why you left without saying goodbye in the morning?"

He looks at me and says, "I am so sorry Skylar, I did not mean to do that. I was just annoyed at my father when he demanded to see me at the office. I wanted to spend my day with you, and he interfered. But, you are right, I should have said goodbye. I am sorry."

He looks like a lost puppy. I take his face in my hands and kiss him. "It's okay, Cole, but next time at least inform me," I say.

He kisses me back with the same passion. I deepen the kiss, and I know where it will lead us. I push him back and say, "Cole, can we take it slow? I am not saying that last night was a mistake. But I want to get to know you better."

"Of course, Skylar, whatever you want."

"Cole, I want to ask you something. Were you using me?"

He looks at me, shocked, and says, "No, never think that. You are very important to me. You are my ma… girlfriend. Skylar, I would never do that to you."

I feel like he was going to say something else, but he corrected himself. I let it slide and feel a flutter in my heart when he says that.

I hug him again to show that it is okay and that we are fine. Suddenly I hear his stomach growl. I laugh and say, "Did you have something to eat?"

He says, "No, I did not get time. It was too hectic, and then I came here."

He needs food. How does he function without food? "I am setting up spaghetti and meatballs for you."

"Skylar, I am not hungry." He is just a stubborn baby.

"I am sorry, darling, but your stomach disagrees. Now sit on the couch. I am bringing your dinner and beer."

He sits down, and I serve him his dinner. He ravishes the food in five short minutes and then looks at me. It seems to me someone is very hungry. I take his plate and re-fill it for him. He inhales the second serving and then gives out a satisfying moan.

"Someone was very hungry indeed." I laugh, and he blushes. He looks so cute and vulnerable at this moment. I get up and kiss him. I take his plate and do the dishes. I feel his eyes on every of my movement.

I open the refrigerator and say, "Who is up for ice cream?"

His eyes light up, and he nods like a little kid. I laugh at that and serve us both huge spoons of ice cream. I crush the cookies and sprinkle them on the ice cream. I take the ice cream bowls to him, and like a kid, I see him dig into it with glee. My heart warms at his happiness. All his tiredness was long gone from his face.

Once we are done with the desert, Cole says, "I guess I should leave. It is too late."

"Please stay."

"I don't have any change of clothes, Skylar."

"Then just sleep in your boxers."

"If I sleep in just my boxers, I will not be able to control myself with you, and I want to respect your wish to take things slow between us."

"It's okay. We are adults; we will power through. Come, let's sleep."

"Am I allowed to do other things like kissing you in this getting to know each other phase?"

"Absolutely," I whisper.

He grins and crashes his lips to mine. The kiss is hot and passionate. We have to stop to take a breath. We land on the bed, and he pulls me to him. We continue kissing, and he reaches his hand in my T-shirt and starts playing with my nipples. A moan erupts, and he says, "Continue moaning like this baby, and I will not be able to control myself."

He leaves my nipples, and I whimper a little. He pulls me to his chest and kisses my forehead. "So, what do you want to know about me, baby?"

"How about we play twenty questions?"

"What's that?" He asks, puzzled.

"Well, we each get to ask twenty questions. They can be random. This way, we get a wide range of topics to discuss."

"Interesting. Okay, so you begin." He says.

"So, you said that your father called you right. How is your relationship with him?"

I feel him tense, and he hisses, "Next question. That is a topic for another day."

"Well, it's technically your turn."

"Okay, so how is your relation with your parents?"

I pinch my nose and say, "I love my parents, but honestly, my mom drives me crazy. My dad is not that bad. But mom just wants to control every aspect of my life. Like, today she told me that my ex-boyfriend visited them for dinner and she gave him my number because she loves him and I am sure she has already started dreaming about my wedding with him. I still love her, but this over-protective attitude of hers is driving me further away from her. She needs to understand this."

"Your ex-boyfriend?"

"Yeah, Henry. We dated for a year, and then he proposed."

"So, he was your fiance? What happened?"

"He broke the engagement."

I don't know why I told him all this. Honestly, I can not control my mouth in front of this guy.

"Why would someone break their engagement? Especially with you? He is an idiot for losing you."

I smile at him.

"Anyways, We are deterring from the game. So, it is my turn to ask you a question. What's your favorite color?"

" Your rosy blush."

I blush and smile. "Thank you."

"Well, it's late. We will carry on this game tomorrow. For now, sleep, baby."

With that, we sleep. I snuggle up to him. He puts his hand over my waist protectively. I like it, and I drift off to sleep.

My alarm goes off at 6:00 AM, and I feel Cole stir beside me. He wakes up and says, "Good Morning, beautiful." His husky voice making me wet.

He gets up and gets dressed. "Thank you for letting me stay the night. We will continue the game tonight. I will see you at night. But, I need to go and get ready for office, or else my father will have me by my throat."

He leans down and kisses me. With that, he walks out of the apartment, shutting the door. I smile and drop back on the bed and sleep some more.

I get up at 9:00 AM and make myself a breakfast of eggs and toast. While I am eating it, I get a call from the shelter. It is Mrs. Lindsy.

"Hello, ma'am. Good morning."

"Good morning Skylar. For this week, the shelter is going to remain closed because we are undergoing some renovations."

"Oh, do you want me to come over and help you, Mrs. Lindsy?"

"No, no, dear. All is taken care of."

"Mrs. Lindsy, one of the funder's of the shelter, was here yesterday wanting to know more about ways to improve the shelter."

"Oh, but dear, no one funds this shelter. My husband and I have opened it."

"But, that man said that he knows you."

"You must have heard it wrong, my girl. Take care."

Who was that man who came yesterday then? What if he comes again?