113. Peace Treaty Conference Part 1

Two days later.

The day of the conference was five days away. At the provincial border between the Humas and Evila, Eveam led her aide, Kiria, then Izumi, Teckil, Shublars, and Grayald to cross the border bridge. On the way, she saw a familiar face at the center of the bridge. It was Iraora. Eveam walked up to Iraora and asked.

"Has anything changed, Iraora?"

"Report, Your Majesty. A few days ago, the heroes had come and guarded the bridge on the other side."

"Did something occur?"

"No, Your Majesty. They're just watching the bridge as a precaution."

Eveam watched the long bridge ahead. The bridge has ten kilometers long and starting from the center where they are located, there is a distance of five kilometers at the end of the bridge. Eveam could see the heroes standing guard on the other side of the bridge.

Meanwhile, Izumi narrowed his eyes. Since they left Xaos, he had sensed a difference in the aura, or one might call the magic crystal emitted from Kiria's body.

He had already recognized Kiria's magic crystal. But this time, the magic crystal that was being emitted from her body was somehow violent, unlike Kiria's.

It could mean that Kiria who took part in this conference was different from the usual Kiria.

In addition, when Izumi glanced at the heroes and tried to sense their aura with Haki, he immediately felt something off.

"Illusion, huh?" He murmured.

Izumi immediately knew that they were fakes. Likely, it was Avoros' men who created the illusion by creating clones of the heroes.

Izumi let out a smirk. Good thing that Izumi was already expecting that.

While Eveam was still conversing with Iraora, Izumi quietly wrote something on a piece of paper which he then handed over to Shublars.

Shublars read what Izumi wrote and her brows twitched. Over the past few months, she had understood what character Izumi had. Thus, there was no way Izumi would joke around at a time like this.

Shublars glanced at Izumi without saying anything and quietly nodded. She understood what to do in the meantime.

"In that case, we should also take precautions as well." Eveam looked at Izumi and the others. However, she couldn't decide who would be left to guard the border.

Shublars and Grayald took a step forward. Then, kneeled.

"Let me, Your Majesty." Shublars offered herself.

"This subject is willing to be left to guard the border, Your Majesty." Grayald respectfully offered himself as well.

"Wait a moment, Your Majesty!" Iraora raised his hand in objection.

"What is it, Iraora?"

"Why did Your Majesty allow this brat to follow you?"

Naturally, Iraora understood how strong Izumi was. And what he wanted was to undermine Eveam's trust in Izumi. Izumi was already on their radar because of his strength which was equal to Aquinas. And if he could kill him with his hands, Avoros would definitely reward him greatly for his good work. Therefore, he wanted Izumi didn't follow Eveam to the Holy Oldine.

"Iraora, what do you mean by that?"

Eveam wasn't the one who replied to Iraora. It was Teckil instead.

Iraora paid no heed to Teckil's words. He didn't keep his eyes away from Eveam while continuing.

"This brat's origin was too suspicious. Your Majesty, I've lived for so long and I knew all the tribes across Evila. However, I've never heard of an Oni tribe. I believe that he faked the validity of that tribe to get close to you, Your Majesty."

Of course, Teckil knew that Izumi's origin was suspicious. But he knew that Izumi wasn't an enemy since thanks to what Izumi uncovered, Teckil and the others knew what Avoros wanted to do. It was just after hearing what Iraora said, Teckil became even more furious.

"You bastard! You haven't lived in Xaos in a few months, so you don't know what character he has. He's always been a great help for—"

Izumi grabbed his shoulder to stop him from talking.

"Stop it, Teckil! It's no use."

Izumi turned to Eveam with a smile.

"What do you think, Your Majesty? If Your Majesty doubts my origin, does that mean Your Majesty also doubts Hiiro's?"

Hearing Izumi mention Hiiro, her face reddened. Then, she turned to Iraora while clearing her throat.

"Ahem. Iraora, I think your words didn't make any sense. If you still don't know, there's another Oni who lives in Xaos right now. So, I doubt his tribe is a fake one. Besides, Aquinas put so much trust in him and told me to bring him with me to the conference to gain experience, while Aquinas would defend Xaos. You know, even my trusted person trusts him. Do you think Aquinas would let me go to the conference if he didn't trust Izumi?"

Iraora couldn't refute her words. In the end, he could only clench his fists.

"Tsk. To think even that guy trusts this brat so much. Humph. Don't regret later if he died by her hands, Eveam!" Iraora said in his mind.

"Sigh. Listen well, Iraora! We are of the same kind. I know that you're trying to contribute for the sake of Evila. I can't disregard your opinion. However, you are trying to accuse someone without any proof. It was obvious whose fault it was."

"Contribute? Hahaha, that was such a funny line, little girl." Izumi laughed inwardly.

Because of Eveam's naivety, Izumi wanted to show her that reality wasn't as sweet as she thought. That was why he wanted to show her that Evila also had a dark side.

"The heroes are an unknown factor. Moreover, all four heroes can use light magic based on the investigation. Although I trust you, I cannot help but become anxious. So, it's better if there's someone to help you over here!"

"Understand." Iraora bowed.

The other party didn't want the current abilities of the heroes to be known. Hence, when it came to the heroes, it was too risky to leave everything to Iraora as the abilities of the heroes were still unknown to Eveam.

When Eveam, Kiria, Izumi, and Teckil crossed the bridge and looked at the Humas troops stationed there, she started looking for the heroes who were supposed to be around. Her gaze fell upon a group of four.

A tall boy with brown hair and a handsome face is likely popular with the ladies. An energetic girl, sporting hair with the same shade of brown. A girl with long black hair that reached down to her waist. A girl with cat-like eyes and slightly wavy black hair that hung over her shoulders.

Izumi and Eveam's gazes turned to those heroes. As the other side noticed their stare, they returned a probing gaze.

Since birth, Eveam has possessed great magical power and precise control over magical elements. She judged that they were the Heroes because she sensed great magical power emanating from them.

Their magic power seemed great, but Izumi could sense that their auras were similar to one another. This didn't make sense considering that all of them should have different auras. That was why Izumi immediately realized that they were fakes from the moment he sensed them.

The heroes summoned to Edea were such a disappointment. They only felt that Edea was a game world, so they never took it seriously. They take too lightly the problems that are currently happening in Edea. Izumi was willing to bet that their level still hadn't reached level 100.

When Eveam and the others set foot on the Humas continent ground, a Humas soldier who appeared to be a captain approached them. Then, he guided Eveam and the others to the Holy Oldine for the conference.

The Holy Oldine was the place where heroes were summoned to Edea to save Humas, and according to rumors, it was also the final resting place of heroes. When the heroes died, they transformed their own bodies into lights and poured them down onto the land. The land was originally corrupted. There were poisonous marshes as well as many ferocious monsters crawling out of nowhere. It was told that the heroes wanted to get rid of the corruption on that land and used the last of their strengths in order to purify it.

Needless to say, that story sounded real. However, would the heroes who were summoned to Edea give up their lives just to purify Edea's land corruption? That sounds ridiculous.

In history, there have never been local heroes, but heroes summoned from other worlds. And based on the books Hiiro collected about heroes, none of them had a happy ending by returning to Japan or Earth. Instead, they are told to sacrifice their lives to save Edea. From those stories, the heroes seem to have been brainwashed into obeying someone who called them into Edea. Furthermore, Hiiro had confirmed that the person who summoned them to this world could not send them back.

Inside the Holy Oldine Grand Temple, there is a place called the Sacred Room. It was the place where the two representatives of each race would meet.

Overseeing the conference as a neutral party and standing between the two groups was Portnis Gilviti, the current head priestess. The priestess wore a white robe embroidered with gold thread. In her hand was a staff with a large emerald green ball fitted on the top.

She was a fair-skinned woman envied by women with brownish complexion. She was around the age of 30, possessing a dignified expression appropriate for her age, and a face full of slender contours along with a well-shaped nose. It was as if every part of her body was designed for elegance.

"Well then, both parties are all present, let's start the Humas-Evila Peace Treaty Conference!"

Portnis Gilviti's voice was heard clearly by everyone.