Eirene von Grenhal

Vol. 2 - Chapter 17 - Eirene von Grenhal




With a new day, bringing fresh air to Mathias, with his work shift being a normal one without any events, he also found out from Vlad what he was up to in Moroiz Region.

He reached the capital of that region and started cashing in quests from all sorts of people. There was even a noble who took notice of how well-executed his quest was that decided to use Vlad's services further.

Vlad told Mathias that he might not drop to Titan anytime soon, getting this chance while working for a Count House who had close ties to Duke Morse House.

"Man, you know I wasn't giving an order for everyone to specifically arrive at Titan. I really don't, you do your things, while I will be there to assist you from the capital."

"So dependable, but aren't you trying too hard to actually level up?"

"I have to, otherwise my journey to Titan will lag behind and I don't wish to know what might happen to Fayrene and Jeanne if I don't get there faster."

"Today I will start my journey back to Titan, and it might take me two or three days to get over Gravelmark Heights. Our time."

*Whistle* "You really have quite a hurdle to pass. Do you have an idea what kind of monsters you will encounter on your ascension?" asked Vlad, taking a look at his phone to check the clock.

"No idea."

"Well, it will be fine. I can't wait to see my sisters, haha."

"Ahh, better be as you say."


Their talk was cut short when they had to return to their respective sections, where Mathias started to clean some hotel rooms.

The work was your average, something he got used to doing, and it paid a decent salary where he could pay his rent, the apartment maintenance, and also save something for the future.


After the work shift was over, he returned home, continued on with his menial things, from showering, changing in comfy clothes, eating, and later checking his email and online part of his life.

It was also a day that he was supposed to update his story, and so he did, taking a fresh chapter from his stash of completed chapters, fully edited and also proofread by himself.



Only after everything was settled, did he travel back to 'Satisfy' where by now it should be morning.

Waking himself in Jasmine's salon, he walked to the main room where he saw everyone in the family be active, with Jasmine nagging the boys. Hearing her voice before he even entered the main room from the salon.

"You boys have to change into the clothes I give you or you will not attend the festivities. Understood?"

"But mom, I have never worn such clothes. Aren't they too flashy?" asked Aendyr, trying to run from Jasmine who was holding some clothes that had delicate sewing on them, the right measurements for the twins.

"Indeed, honey. We aren't going to Grenhaler to visit your family, why make me wear these tight clothes? I don't want to embarrass myself in front of the neighbors."

"Charly, today is the celebration for Mathias' success at defeating the mountain bandits. We will be at the center of attention since we are the in-laws. Isn't it normal "

Before the two father and son could say something, Theo walked from his room wearing a clean buttoned silk shirt assorted with a pair of quality fabric black trousers along with some clean shoes fitting right on his feet.

"Mom, I have changed my clothes."

"Splendid, sweetheart. See, you two, take an example from Theo. He knows the best, unlike you."

Mathias still watched the scene without making his presence known, but he couldn't keep his chuckles seeing Charles and Aendyrs sulking faces.

"Haha, give them a break, mother."

"That's right. Good that you know this son." commented Charles, nodding pridefully at Mathias with little Aendyr giving him thumb ups.

"No, everyone in the village will participate in the festivities. I bet that old man will have us sit at the front table. We are from Arundell House, like it or not, clothes are what we are good at making, I will not allow my family to exit this house without changing their clothes. I have some honor to keep."

Mathias just smiled, barely keeping his laughter as we went to Theo, ruffling his hair and talking quietly with him, while watching the comedic act in front of him.

Both Charles and Aendyr, seeing how serious Jasmine was, could only agree, moving to their respective rooms to change in the new clothes. Meanwhile, Jasmine, who still didn't change her clothes, mentioned to Mathias while laughing a bit.

"Dear, that old man has outdone himself and had your brethren assist in ordering the square for the festivities. Hehe, you should have seen their faces, being dumbfounded by what weird requests the Elder had for them."

"Good to know, I might not be surprised that much for what he did. Go on, mother, shouldn't you also change into some clothes that should represent you?"

"Ahhh, I almost forgot, having to run after those two farmers distracted me. Thank you, dear."

Saying that she went to the salon in order to prepare herself, leaving Mathias with Theo, who he played around with, teasing him a bit.

"My, my, little Theo, isn't mother by chance preparing to find you a fiance by dressing you like this? Could it be that noble lady you have been mentioning might come to find her princeling? I am sure she will be smitten by my little Theo."

"Quit it, big brother. It is embarrassing. Also, I doubt there will be someone interested in me while I wear those clothes."

Hehe, who knows. We will never know what the future holds for us, little Theo."



Soon, both Charles and Aendyr changed themselves in festival clothes, waiting in the main room with Mathias and Theo. Trying to boost their morale with some smooth talk, he mentioned to the two disliking their festival clothes.

"Little Aendyr, a Red Knight also has to get used to such events because you will be in the Saharan Elite. Nobles will have to bow their heads when greeting you. So get accustomed to those tight clothes."

"Arghh, I want to wear something like that black suit of your big brother. It seems comfortable and not so tight, unlike what mom has made."

"I totally agree with you, son. Mathias, how much do you think it will take me to convince Jasmine to tailor me such a suit? Without the expensive materials of course."

"Hmm, good question. Maybe if you quit smoking? So you know, between us, she knows about your secret, but she can't just bring herself to stop you."

"But I thought I've hidden my pipe and tobacco well enough to evade her gaze." mentioned Charles, shocked by what Mathias remarked.

"Tsk, father, so you know even if you eat mint, the smell of tobacco will not leave all of a sudden. Also, this comes from me, please stop smoking, it will be good for your health and also your pockets."

"I will think about it."


Minutes passed, and the boys were waiting in the main room, and they kept waiting, until it got annoying, to the point Mathias had to remark.

"Fayrene took after her mother, nonetheless."

"I don't know, Mathias, usually for the festivals in the village, I would be by now at the tavern drinking with the boys." mentioned Charles, before he heard Jasmine's voice who remarked.

"While Fayrene and I would have to take care of preparations. Anyway, I am ready to go to the festival."

Mathias turned his head in the direction of the salon where he could see Jasmine who had her hair arranged in a delicate fashion, with some light make-up along with a gorgeous long light crimson dress, adorned by a necklace, and her wedding ring.

"You look good, mother, just like the noble ladies of Titan."

"Thanks, dear. At least someone knows to recognize good clothes around here."

"Ahem, you know I love each of your clothes, honey." remarked Charles, walking toward his wife and taking her hands in his own, to which Mathias just smiled warmly.


Before the family could exit, the door was knocked two times by someone, and when answered Jasmine said with slight surprise.

"Little Hu, what brings you here?"

"Aunty Jasmine, grandfather sent me to guide you to the square, for big brother's celebration."

"Ahh, there was no need for Elder Aridai to send you. Let's go, everyone. Knowing the Elder, he most likely is waiting with everyone."


Walking toward the square he got familiarized together with the Arundell family, he could see the entire square being organized for a banquet, with tables assorted in raws. All of the tables seemed to be attended by the people, where food was on the tables.

'That old man made all the Cidarian players arrange this banquet, is he crazy? Those poor guys.'

Thinking that he could see the villager's eyes gaze at him with his family, with some recognizing him, while others seeing him for the first time. What was for certain, was that the number of villagers present was of about 4000 people from young to old, everyone was on their seat.

"Who is that guy dressed in that nice black suit? His name seems to be covered by his hat." asked some players who didn't have a seat, watching from close by the banquet and listening to the music played by the minstrel of the tavern.

"No idea. He must be some important NPC, just take a look at the Elder of the Village, he got on his feet and is walking in his direction." commented another player, pointing at Elder Aridai.

"Anyway, I got some nice EXP for helping out with the banquet building. There was a need for meat, cooks, builders, and so on. This little village sure has a nice start compared to the other places I've read on forum." said another player discussing the rewards and the smooth process of playing in Cidarian.

"Man, you are spot on. I got about two levels just doing that chain of quests for helping the banquet. One friend of mine who took on becoming a cook in the game even leveled up his profession while cooking for the banquet, being able to learn from the innkeeper's wife."

"Haha, there's even a nice atmosphere now with that singing minstrel."


The minstrel on a raised platform who was singing accompanied by his instruments was performing a song inspired by Mathias's fight against the bandits, where to Mathias's surprise there was a mention about the great evil. It was still good that the minstrel had the decency of hiding his identity, only with the villagers being aware of who the song was referring to.


"Young adventurer, come walk in. Courage brave youngster, your friends have already arrived and taken their honorific seat."

@Orpheus: We are also here. The food and wine is really good.

@Mathias: I see, glad to hear you are enjoying yourself.

Transmitted Mathias to Orpheus who was besides a young lady, from what he remembered, the innkeeper's daughter. He could only smile while walking toward Elder Aridai, and with an extended hand, the old man also went to grab his hand, into a handshake, which later turned into a manly hug.

"I am glad you are here, lad. Otherwise, I would have been saddened for you missing this celebration. There's also another participant that is about to arrive at the event, so if you are a little bit more patient you will see who I am referring to."

"Also, Jasmine, Charles, little Theo, and Aendyr, grandpa is glad you have dressed nicely for this occasion."

Aendyr who had his head patted by the Elder, gave him a bright smile, meanwhile Theo was a bit shyer, being watched by all the villagers on this occasion and even hearing some of their talk.

"Elder, I am glad to see you in good health." greeted Jasmine, giving the Elder a lady bow, while Charles went for a respectful handshake.

"Sir Aridai, I hope you are not troubled by having to do such festivities."

"What bothers, lad? No more trouble for this old man with those snakes that tried to extort me of money and food, to not have them attack the village, and even after all my goodwill they attacked the village.



As the Arundell family is placed on the main table for the banquet, with Mathias still holding his hat, fully knowing that it blocked the view of the players who wanted to peer into his identity. Slowly they went with some casual talk, with the Elder asking about the kids, the family estate, work, and so on.



Yet outside of the village from the main road of stone, there was a carriage moving for the village, where around the carriage there were four horsemen following behind.

Inside the carriage, there was a young lady with blonde hair reading a book while around her were some medicinal herbs that filled the interior of the carriage with aromatic flavor.

When the carriage arrived at the village and had the carriage move forward toward the elder's mansion, the horsemen knocked on the door of the carriage, where the lady lowered the glass protection, asking in a calm manner.

"There's music in the village. Is there a festival that I didn't know about? From the letter the Elder has sent me, he didn't specify about such a thing?"

"I have no idea, my lady. We can only see for ourselves." replied one middle-aged man, the lead horsemen.

The young lady inside the carriage told something to the carriage man who reacted by advancing the carriage a bit closer to the square from where the signs of activity were revealed, and when the carriage stopped, the players from the distance noticed the arrival of the newcomers.

"Ohh, could it be this banquet is for whoever is in that carriage? It looks expensive. Also, look at those Cavalrymen."

"It must be someone important."


There were a decent number of players curious to find who the newcomer was, and once they saw the door of the carriage being opened by a white milky hand with a clean manicure, they went on an uproar.

"It must be a beauty!"

"Shhh, don't make a scene. Can't you see the murderous stares of the cavalrymen? We can't even see their level."

"My lady, do you wish I deal with those outlander vermins?"

"Leave them alone Ulmo, they are also human." replied the young lady, who exited the carriage, revealing a young woman with long, blonde, silvery hair, a sweet smile amplified by her blue eyes.

She had a delicate figure reminiscent of a fairy, wearing simple clothes, but even those simple clothes couldn't be compared with the ones the commoners would wear.

This young lady started walking toward the square, where the villagers who took notice of the newcomer instantly reacted by greeting the girl the most respectful way.

"Young miss, what brings you here today? Did you by chance miss the view of the mountain? Or did you miss us?"

*Giggling" "Such troublesome question. Why not both?" replied the young lady to the old villagers after giggling for a tiny bit.

Meanwhile, Orpheus, who was beside the innkeeper's daughter, testing his theories, asked in a normal way the girl about who the newcomer was.

"Ahh, adventurer, you don't know her? She is Lady Eirene, the young Duchess of Grenhaler."

[You have learned about an important figure of the Saharan Empire.]

[Your Intelligence has increased by 1.]

"Understood, thank you a lot Jolie."

"For nothing."


'Damn, don't tell me that old man plans to link Mathias to Grenhal House? Wait, isn't the old man a genius? Mathias can take advantage of this situation and dry the Grenhaler's of their quests, and turn to become the strongest player of Satisfy.'

'Argh, from what I've seen I doubt he would even consider such a path. Let me tell him who that girl is in advance.'

Giving the message fast, he also got his message back with a casual and simple message. "I know."


The blonde young lady was then welcomed by the Elder who bowed respectfully to her, making the girl wave her hands and stop the old man. After excusing himself for not telling her more details about the banquet, he guides her to the main table where he, his grandson, Mathias and Arundell Family was seated.

"Lady Eirene, let me introduce you to the brave adventurer, Mathias, who has put an end to Evander's and his acolytes. This banquet is for him."

"Greetings to you, brave adventurer, I am Eirene von Grenhal. I am sorry for keeping you waiting. Ahh, madam Jasmine, I didn't expect you to be here too."

"Good to see you little Eirene. What can I say, I am here for my son, so he doesn't feel awkward being surrounded by so many strangers."

Eirene when hearing from Jasmine about Mathias being her son, had her curiosity picked, and quickly she remembered about the girl who she liked to talk to when visiting Cidarian, the raven-haired girl with violet eyes who would seclude herself behind an ancient tree to read books, Fayrene.

'It must be her. Interesting.'


Mathias looked at Eirene with a calm smile, and getting his hat off his head revealing his tied long hair, he bowed toward the young lady, greeting her.

"Greetings to you too, my lady. We didn't wait long for you, so don't worry. Please, heave a seat."

The Elder too reacted looking at Eirene and Mathias and guiding Eirene next to Mathias where he intentionally left an available chair, just for this occasion.

'Lad, do your best to impress the lady. This old man did everything in his power to help you carve a better future.' thought the old man, while walking back to his seat.

On another hand, Mathias was stuck next to Eirene, having to observe this young girl who from his opinion was about 16 years old, and soon enough the Elder started his speech, introducing Mathias and also explaining to them what his achievements implied.

After his speech, the Elder let Mathias give his words to the public.

Raising on his feet, and looking at the villagers whose eyes seemed to contain interest in himself, making him a tiny bit nervous addressing such a large audience, he opened his mouth starting off his speech as if he was a natural.

"Well, dear citizens of Cidarian, you've heard plenty from the Elder. I will not go into detail to over glorify my achievements for some fake honor. I will be sincere with you, while taking that hard task of defeating the mountain bandits, my intent was only to protect my family. My family is next besides me, but by extension, you too become my family that had to be protected from the murderous hands of some tyrants."

"It is normal what I did, and I would like to believe anyone who is willing to protect his family and be in my shoes would do the same. We also have here, right in this moment, some heroes that we usually like to believe don't deserve so much praise, but with this chance, I extend this appreciation I receive to my two friends who fought alongside me to defeat those bandits. Please, raise up and stay upright."

Orpheus could only chuckle in that moment, taking the young lady beside him by surprise, as he got on his feet, and later with his younger brother from a secluded part of the banquet. His annoyed face for being dragged into this unnecessary and useless event immediately changed when he heard the claps of the entire village.

"That's right my friends, you too deserve this round of applause because otherwise, I would have failed my family. Lastly, I would like to tell you about other heroes that are obscure in anonymity, the Village Guards. Those brave men have protected you from those hard times, and still protecting you from the future events that might follow suit. Please, all the guards attending the banquet, could you raise up?"

Soon, the guards also got up one by one, and saw Mathias bow to them, and offer his round of applause, followed by the villagers who started to whistle and give the fair share of praises to the guards, who looked shocked, with some even tearing up after this moment.

Some whose names were green flickering with silver lights morphed to a light silver color, a signifying change triggered by being encouraged and also showering them with goodwill and respect for what they have done, brimming them with desire to best themselves and become stronger in order to protect their family.


The Elder could only smile, and after things calmed down, giving the start to the banquet, flooding the players with notifications.

['Banquet for the Adventurer' had commenced. For the duration of one week, users will receive an additional 5% EXP from their hunt and quests while in the proximity of Cidarian Village along with a 10% discount from the items bought in Cidarian Village.]


Such an event made all the players cheer up happy about the new event which was like a blessing dropped from the sky.

"Cidarian is the best location for starting players! No doubt! Whoever did whatever quest which led to this event, may your day be brighter than yesterdays."


The Banquet progressed, where Mathias was talking with Eirene about diverse subjects, from sword fighting to magic, and later down the path to medicine.

Mathias might not be the brightest mind on such subjects, but a fool he wasn't, his brain accumulated a lot of information from diverse branches of studies, wanting to know more from everything. What he could tell from his talks with this young lady was that she was indeed bright.

"Sir Mathias, you said you also study magic. If I may, which branch are you studying? Fire, Water, Wind or Earth?"


"What's that? I have never heard of it before."

"Well, you can think of it as an old-style of magic compared to the conventional ones. More than that it will be hard for me to discuss because I am still only an apprentice to this craft.

"I see, don't worry, sir Mathias. I was curious since I never heard about it. It is fine if you don't wish to get into details."


He could only smile awkwardly at her, not wishing to go into details at all about the arcane, something he didn't detail to Jasmine who too was curious about his magic. Nevertheless, the discussion moved away from the magic, and slowly passed subjects of interest for Mathias.

Even the way he looked at Eirene was that of a kind older brother since he was still being fully preoccupied with his reunion with Fayrene and Jeanne, but not missing this chance to promote a bright talent, he mentions little Theo and his admiration for her craft.

"I got this little brother, Theo, that shy boy who had been staring at the two of us, well mostly at you. He dreams of becoming a doctor, and from what I understand you practice something akin to what this little boy wishes to become."

"Ahhh, him? I've seen him all the time on the circles I would talk about plants and their medicinal effects. So he is sir's younger brother."

"Indeed. Can you take him as your disciple or something?"

The Elder who was keen on their talks, noticed that Mathias wasn't interested on Eirene, however a new name was brought up, Theo Arundell. He knew about Theo quite a lot. Him being a good lad, and always respectful with everyone, not causing any events or drawing the eyes of people, he also would see him around Eirene listening to her monthly talks, showing signs of a bright future from his behavior.

"Your Grace, little Theo is a bright youngster of my village. If his dream is to become a doctor, why not give him this chance?"

'Good one, old man. You adapted fast. Seeing as how I am not interested in going to Grenhaler you changed your tactics. Shrewd old fox.'

Eirene turned at the elder, and with slight embarrassment, told him.

"Grandpa Aridai, I am only 15, how can I teach anyone when I didn't even master the craft?"

"Sir Mathias, I still don't know what to say."

Mathias smiled at the young lady, remarking to her with something which made her mind click.

"You know, young miss, when someone with knowledge teaches someone with less, even if that information isn't detailed enough, it will reinforce certain elements of what you know, and so also help you learn, by teaching others. Why don't you give it a try? Maybe you will have some success since Theo is smart and will for sure prove to be a good student."

"Sigh, I understand. But before that, I have to talk with Theo and settle down certain boundaries." agreed Eirene to Mathias and Aridai's insistence, more like being captured by Mathias's proposal and advice of enhancing her learning speed by teaching someone else.

Hearing her agreement, Mathias kept his smile for himself, but slowly turning his head at Theo who was shocked and embarrassed at the same time, he noticed Mathias gazing at him, later giving him a wink, making him even more embarrassed.

"Theo, did you eat something rotten? You need to pee or poop?" asked Aendyr, feeling worried about Theo next to him who behaved weirdly.

"Big brother did some unnecessary thing." commented Theo with his face, red as a tomato.