The Necromancer’s End

Vol. 2 - Chapter 26 - The Necromancer's End




Paula noticed that she was the one to draw the aggro from Mathias, which shocked her, being the first in all the time she played Satisfy, and immediately a thought run her mind, followed by Mathias whispering in her chatbox.

'This is Satisfy, it should simulate reality. It is obvious this necromancer would attack the weakest target and also the one keeping everyone alive.'

@Mathias: Use your defensive cooldowns immediately! I am still feared for 3 seconds before being able to attack him and take on the fight on the right track.

Getting Mathias whisper, as Mallus atmosphere changed extending his staff toward her, starting to shine with a dark light, she casted her defensive spells on herself, even though she wished to use them for her teammates, not wishing to see them die, but because of how alerting Mathias's whisper was, she accepted as if she followed the instructions of a teacher.

'Nature Wall' 'Nature Blessing'

"Hmph, even if you cast those spells, it is still not enough to stop this attack of mine! Suffer and die, you little whore!"

"Burning Madness"


A jet of burning dark fire was released from Mallus staff, moving directly for Paula who was protected by a green layer of armor, but when the fire made contact with the 'Nature Magician' defensive spell it immediately reacted by first burning on the protective spell, where cracks began appearing making Paula cry in pain from the fire that began to enter the cracks.



Paula, whose protective spell shattered and was soon about to be hit head-on by the jet of burning fire, could only scream in pain as if she was a banshee. It seems that the end would be soon to happen for the Nature Magician, the key player of the party, was about to be ended first.

"NO, I will not allow this!"

Anjo who escaped from the range of the 'Howl of Terror', being unbound from the nasty "Fear" debuff, charged and slashed at Mallus. Still, the defensive spells of the necromancer were far beyond what damage the warrior could do for the moment, and it seemed to be in vain.

Instead of breaking the activation of the necromancer spell, it made it look as if the warrior's effort only triggered Mallus to cast his spell faster. Seeing this and also hearing Paula's cries of pain from being burned, he immediately moved at top speed to intercept the jet of fire that was about to hit Paula again who reached 15% HP.

Paula who was feeling the realistic pain of being burned, still downscaled by the system pain transmitters, couldn't get enough space to dodge the jet of burning fire, and closing her eyes while trembling, she made her mind to welcome death, unable to change her situation.

"I am sorry everyone, I am too weak."

Saying that in a murmuring voice while her whole body was covered in dark flames, she waited for the second the fire would hit her, but then from not to far, the movement and the presence of someone could be felt, standing in front of her, while saying in a horse voice.

"You are not weak Paula, it is me who is weak for not being able to stop this monster and for being a weak party leader. I've let you guys down again."

Paula opened her eyes to see Anjo's body burning, and losing HP at an accelerated rate, from his initial 75% HP gauge, swiftly in just one second turning to mush reaching 40%, and with another second getting to 10% HP.

"NOO ANJO! Why have you done this? YOU ARE BURNED ALIVE YOU FOOL!" shouted Paula who channeled her mana to cast her healing spells on the valiant warrior who didn't wish to abandon his teammates to the demise of the instance.

"This isn't what getting burned feels. It's just a stinging pain and nothing more."


Mathias, whose bench time ended, with the [Fear] debuff being canceled, swiftly looked around himself to process all the information, later on focusing his ruby, crimson eyes at the Necromancer, who was still being busy casting his fire spell at Anjo and Paula.

"So what if you saved her? Your death is near, I can feel it." Remarked Mallus in a sinister voice, with his hands also being burned by the dark flames that enveloped the staff he was using.

His expression didn't gesticulate any signs of discomfort or pain, as the black fire was spewing toward the two players, and later on also extending to his hand.

"BURN TO ASHES!" shouted Mallus before releasing a maniacal laugh, like some cliche villain for no reason, as if he enjoyed seeing the blonde warrior flesh being melted.

Meanwhile, Mathias, who comprehended the entire situation since he got "Feared" reacted swiftly, and taking out a mana potion from Lady Olga's stash, he, later on, dashed using 'Raven's Movements' that boosted his agility and sending out 'Treachery' in the Necromancer's direction.

The first attacks got blocked by the 'Bone Shield' of the Necromancer, but the later attacks cracked the defensive spell, opening Mallus's body, with Mathias spinning attacks arriving, blasting completely the bone shield and blasting the frail man backward.

"How have you managed to get away from my 'Howl of Terror' so fast?" asked Mallus who recovered rather fast from the attack he suffered.

Glancing at Mallus as he dashed at him, he remarked in a sarcastic way, preparing his finishing sequence.

"Who should I ask instead, you dead man? Go ask that Yatan of yours when you get in hell."

When Mathias said that, with his arcane energy being channeled since he was doing [Treachery] he casted an 'Arcane Missile' in the direction of the necromancer who was too slow to evade the dark-purple projectile.

[You have dealt 987 damage to Mallus]

Then, getting in melee range with the Necromancer, it looked as if he took the control of the fight again, soloing him, while Vivian and MikeIron still under the 'Fear' debuff, getting an initial of 20 seconds of fear from the necromancer showed signs of recovering.

Anjo, who was no longer getting roasted by Mallus, dropped on the murky floor while gritting his teeth that got bloody from the strength he put in not gesturing any pain, later receiving assistance from Paula who took one mana potion which immediately refiled most of her mana, thus starting casting her healing spells.



Then she felt the room the fight commenced start shaking around, with Mathias releasing a bright Red Aura around his body making his long crimson hair also release that energy, while two small phoenixes were harassing the necromancer, later hearing the necromancer say something surprising.

"Blasted red mana. No this isn't mana, it is similar to those arrogant bastards looking down on the divisive races. Yes, it is a correct assumption, this is the power of the Imperial House of Saharan."

After Mallus who said his assumption noticed Mathias's surprised face, he shouted at him, later on releasing one of his warlock spells attempting to CC, Mathias.


Still fighting undisturbed by this statement, Mathias remarked in a cold tone.

"I am not one of them so don't think it was one of the Imperials who defeated you. My name is Mathias and just that. A spearman and mage. Nothing more."

Countering his attacks with the burning black staff that burned Mathias's hands along the way after colliding Ragnius with his weapon, heard the Necromancer scoff, with his eyes turning black.

"Don't try to dissuade me, YOU ARE ONE OF THEM, A SAHARAN! What you are using is exactly that cursed power that destroyed my people."

"Ohh, so it wasn't just the Duke that you have problems with, but also those fools called Saharan. Still, you are quite slow to figure out half of the story. To me, you are still the same insignificant person who can't escape from a somber fate after stepping into an abyss you can't swim out."


Vivian who could hear thanks to her Ranger senses the conversation between Mathias and Mallus while in the feared state, she takes note of all the information brought to light by the Necromancer, which might have solved the mystery of why Mathias didn't disclose his class.

Yet playing along with the appearances of a player, once she was freed beginning her own assault, remarking in boldly.

"Necromancer, you are just too unlucky to have met us! Not even that Yatan you serve will be able to save you from your death."

"Stop shrieking swine, I am not talking to you." shouted Mallus dodging Mathias's spear strike, and later on casting a 'Dark Bolt' that had the intent to blast Vivian to smithers.

"Bastard! What did you just call me?" raged the woman, who immediately jumped like a lioness on a her pray, out of the spell range, before unleashing a storm of arrows that once again put the necromancer on multitasking.

Yet, seconds later, even another person came to the fight, roaring like a black ox, full of muscles and imposing status, MikeIron who attacked Mallus with an attack that had Mathias take note.

"[Death Ram]!"

[Party member 'MikeIron' has dealt 1587 damage to Mallus.]

The ending assault was initiated with Vivian keeping to her words, when the necromancer reached 10% of his HP, starting her burning phase, while IronMike once again took over the job of tanking the necromancer.

The ranger started leaping around the room and unleashing all her skill arsenal, while Mathias too, as Mallus seemed to prepare for a last stand, channeled his mana for an 'Arcane Missile' readying to disturb his schemes while Vivian kept on firing arrows after arrows.

"Haha, I can feel my death! It isn't such a bad feeling." remarked Mallus who took a vial similar to something Mathias had in his possession from the Fortress Ruins Hidden Laboratory which made him react and tell all the party.


@Vivian: Don't worry, cutie, no one can escape the Huntress Mark!

@MikeIron: I will also do my Ultimate Attack just to be sure this monster dies for good.

@Anjo: I will also contribute with the last hit after all this fight, I have to get revenge on that burning spell he subjected me.

@Paula: My spells will be your support guys!


Getting his message, the party began their burning phase, starting with Vivian who drew her bowstring to the limit that even her hands began bleeding.

"[Wailing Arrow]"





When it was Mathias turn, he casted the 'Arcane Missile' in an instant, hitting the necromancer heart, before from his back a dark-purple portal opened up, sending out a guillotine that reaped the head of the necromancer.

[You have dealt 1698 damage to Mallus.]

[☆ Chaos Blessed has been triggered. Spell: 'Chaos Reaper' has been casted, dealing 4120 damage to Mallus.]


"You won this time, but my creation will take revenge. I have unsealed all the restrictions placed upon him. This world will suffer from my anguish."

"That will remain to be seen." commented Mathias who watched the necromancer turn into gray light fragments, along with the notification about his and the team's victory.


[Ding!] [World Achievement! Congratulations, your party has defeated the . As a participant in the instance, you will gain the following rewards:]

[You have received 125.000 EXP.]

[You have acquired 100 Gold Coins.]

['Vial of Darkness' has been acquired.]

['Staff of Dark Mending' has been acquired.]

[Blessed Weapon Enhancement Stone (5) has been acquired.]

[Blessed Armor Enhancement Stone (4) has been acquired.]




[Staff of Dark Mending]

Rating: Epic

Durability: 299/299 / Magic Attack Power: 295

* Intelligence will be decreased by 50 points.

* Magic casting speed will increase by 10%.

* Every time a spell is cast, there is a 5% chance of releasing the passive "Flame of Darkness"

*When casting a spell there is a 5% chance of the passive spell "Bone Shield" to be activated.

* Magic critical chance is increased by 5%.

* Magic critical damage is increased by 30%.


☆ [Bone Shield] – Absorbs 3500 damage while lasting until the shield is cancelled by the user or broken.

☆ [Flames of Darkness] – Passive: For the duration of 15 seconds you will burn the target the spell you casted targeted for a fixed hit of 500 DMG.


User restriction: Level 100 / More than 750 INT points.





[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]



[Do you wish to announce to the world your achievement?]


After taking note of all the notifications the system had to throw in his direction, he was once again asked if he wanted to spread out his name for everyone to see. Turning toward his teammates, he saw them also level up three or two times, before he heard Anjo and MikeIron say with an excited voice.

"At least, those idiots from the forum will know who I am, and there will no longer be people to say I am a noob. Obviously, I will accept."


'Noo, wait what are you guys thinking?' thought Mathias before he saw a World Message from the system announcing in a loud voice.

[The team formed by the players 'Anjo' 'Vivian' 'Paula' 'MikeIron' and 'Mathias' have defeated the unique boss ]


While his mind was screaming in frustration for what Anjo did, another notification came to him as a consequence of the .

[Your name has been marked down inside the minds of your brethren. You have defeated a person with great potential who has been deemed a dangerous adversary to the Saharan Successor, in doing so gaining 5% Progression Experience to your growth.]

[You gained 1000 reputation points inside the Saharan Empire.]


"WOOHOO! We will be a superstar soon baby!" shouted Anjo and MikeIron laughing like some fools, while Vivian facepalmed herself, Paula chuckled a bit, and Mathias, well Mathias was deep inside his brain contemplating on what the last part of the system implied.